/* * PhoneGap is available under *either* the terms of the modified BSD license *or* the * MIT License (2008). See http://opensource.org/licenses/alphabetical for full text. * * Copyright (c) 2005-2010, Nitobi Software Inc. */ #import "Location.h" @implementation Location @synthesize locationManager; -(PhoneGapCommand*) initWithWebView:(UIWebView*)theWebView { self = (Location*)[super initWithWebView:(UIWebView*)theWebView]; if (self) { self.locationManager = [[[CLLocationManager alloc] init] autorelease]; self.locationManager.delegate = self; // Tells the location manager to send updates to this object } return self; } - (BOOL) hasHeadingSupport { BOOL headingInstancePropertyAvailable = [self.locationManager respondsToSelector:@selector(headingAvailable)]; // iOS 3.x BOOL headingClassPropertyAvailable = [[self.locationManager class] respondsToSelector:@selector(headingAvailable)]; // iOS 4.x if (headingInstancePropertyAvailable) { // iOS 3.x return [(id)self.locationManager headingAvailable]; } else if (headingClassPropertyAvailable) { // iOS 4.x return [[self.locationManager class] headingAvailable]; } else { // iOS 2.x return NO; } } - (BOOL) isLocationServicesEnabled { BOOL locationServicesEnabledInstancePropertyAvailable = [self.locationManager respondsToSelector:@selector(locationServicesEnabled)]; // iOS 3.x BOOL locationServicesEnabledClassPropertyAvailable = [[self.locationManager class] respondsToSelector:@selector(locationServicesEnabled)]; // iOS 4.x if (locationServicesEnabledInstancePropertyAvailable) { // iOS 2.x, iOS 3.x return [(id)self.locationManager locationServicesEnabled]; } else if (locationServicesEnabledClassPropertyAvailable) { // iOS 4.x return [[self.locationManager class] locationServicesEnabled]; } else { return NO; } } - (void)startLocation:(NSMutableArray*)arguments withDict:(NSMutableDictionary*)options { if ([self isLocationServicesEnabled] != YES) { BOOL forcePrompt = NO; // if forcePrompt is true iPhone will still show the "Location Services not active." Settings | Cancel prompt. if ([options objectForKey:@"forcePrompt"]) { forcePrompt = [[options objectForKey:@"forcePrompt"] boolValue]; } if(!forcePrompt) { NSString* jsErrorCallBack = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"navigator.geolocation.setError({ 'code': %d, 'message': '%@' });", 1, // 1 is PERMISSION_DENIED @"Location Services Not Enabled"]; NSLog(@"%@", jsErrorCallBack); [webView stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString:jsErrorCallBack]; return; } } // Tell the location manager to start notifying us of location updates [self.locationManager startUpdatingLocation]; __locationStarted = YES; if ([options objectForKey:@"distanceFilter"]) { CLLocationDistance distanceFilter = [(NSString *)[options objectForKey:@"distanceFilter"] doubleValue]; self.locationManager.distanceFilter = distanceFilter; } if ([options objectForKey:@"desiredAccuracy"]) { int desiredAccuracy_num = [(NSString *)[options objectForKey:@"desiredAccuracy"] integerValue]; CLLocationAccuracy desiredAccuracy = kCLLocationAccuracyBest; if (desiredAccuracy_num < 10) desiredAccuracy = kCLLocationAccuracyBest; else if (desiredAccuracy_num < 100) desiredAccuracy = kCLLocationAccuracyNearestTenMeters; else if (desiredAccuracy_num < 1000) desiredAccuracy = kCLLocationAccuracyHundredMeters; else if (desiredAccuracy_num < 3000) desiredAccuracy = kCLLocationAccuracyKilometer; else desiredAccuracy = kCLLocationAccuracyThreeKilometers; self.locationManager.desiredAccuracy = desiredAccuracy; } } - (void)stopLocation:(NSMutableArray*)arguments withDict:(NSMutableDictionary*)options { if (__locationStarted == NO) return; if ([self isLocationServicesEnabled] != YES) return; [self.locationManager stopUpdatingLocation]; __locationStarted = NO; } - (void)locationManager:(CLLocationManager *)manager didUpdateToLocation:(CLLocation *)newLocation fromLocation:(CLLocation *)oldLocation { int epoch = [newLocation.timestamp timeIntervalSince1970]; float course = -1.0f; float speed = -1.0f; #ifdef __IPHONE_2_2 course = newLocation.course; speed = newLocation.speed; #endif NSString* coords = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"coords: { latitude: %f, longitude: %f, altitude: %f, heading: %f, speed: %f, accuracy: %f, altitudeAccuracy: %f }", newLocation.coordinate.latitude, newLocation.coordinate.longitude, newLocation.altitude, course, speed, newLocation.horizontalAccuracy, newLocation.verticalAccuracy ]; NSString * jsCallBack = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"navigator.geolocation.setLocation({ timestamp: %d, %@ });", epoch, coords]; //NSLog(@"%@", jsCallBack); [webView stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString:jsCallBack]; } - (void)startHeading:(NSMutableArray*)arguments withDict:(NSMutableDictionary*)options { #ifdef __IPHONE_3_0 if (__headingStarted == YES) return; if ([self hasHeadingSupport] == NO) return; // Tell the location manager to start notifying us of heading updates [self.locationManager startUpdatingHeading]; __headingStarted = YES; #endif } - (void)stopHeading:(NSMutableArray*)arguments withDict:(NSMutableDictionary*)options { #ifdef __IPHONE_3_0 if (__headingStarted == NO) return; if ([self hasHeadingSupport] == NO) return; [self.locationManager stopUpdatingHeading]; __headingStarted = NO; #endif } #ifdef __IPHONE_3_0 - (BOOL)locationManagerShouldDisplayHeadingCalibration:(CLLocationManager *)manager { return YES; } - (void)locationManager:(CLLocationManager *)manager didUpdateHeading:(CLHeading *)heading { int epoch = [heading.timestamp timeIntervalSince1970]; NSString * jsCallBack = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"navigator.compass.setHeading({ timestamp: %d, magneticHeading: %f, trueHeading: %f, headingAccuracy: %f });", epoch, heading.magneticHeading, heading.trueHeading, heading.headingAccuracy]; // NSLog(@"%@", jsCallBack); [webView stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString:jsCallBack]; } #endif - (void)locationManager:(CLLocationManager *)manager didFailWithError:(NSError *)error { NSString* jsCallBack = @""; #ifdef __IPHONE_3_0 if ([error code] == kCLErrorHeadingFailure) { jsCallBack = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"navigator.compass.setError(\"%@\");", [error localizedDescription] ]; } else #endif { NSString* pErrorDesc = [error localizedFailureReason]; #pragma unused(pErrorDesc) jsCallBack = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"navigator.geolocation.setError({ 'code': %d, 'message': '%@' });", 1, // 1 is PERMISSION_DENIED [error localizedDescription]]; } NSLog(@"%@", jsCallBack); [webView stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString:jsCallBack]; [self.locationManager stopUpdatingLocation]; __locationStarted = NO; } - (void)dealloc { [self.locationManager release]; [super dealloc]; } @end