1 Components introduction Bluksky project is mainly composed of Real Class System. The Real Class System consists of four modules which are the Real Class Center, the Data Transmit Unit, the Teacher Client and the Student Client. Through the combined use of the four modules, it achieves the distance learning function. The four modules' introductions are: * Tserver(Real Class Center) : It is the total control center in the Real Class System. * Data Transmit Unit: DTU (Data Transmit Unit) is transparent to teacher and student clients * Teacher Client: It is the teacher's console, and provides real-time video, audio, text and electronic lesson plans what the teacher is teaching on the screen to students. * Student Client: Student client can join a class and take part in real time communication with the teacher in different network or different place. 2 Requirements **The Real Class System is successfully built on following operating system: Red Flag 5.0 Ubuntu 7.10** 2.1 Fundamental conditions 1) build-essential: include gcc 4.1.3 compiler 2) libtool: gnu libtool 3) libgtk2.0-dev: gtk2.0 develop kit 4) libgtk1.2-dev 5) libxv-dev 6) jthread-1.1.2 library 7) jrtplib-3.4.0 library 8) gnome-core-devel :gnome desktop components 9) libxt-dev :X11 toolkit intrinsics library 10) liblame-dev :lame mp3 library 11) libdv4-dev :dv video device components 3 Installation of Components 3.1 Installation of Net Class Libarary Net Class Library contains FFmpeg 1394 jthread jrtplib, since FFmpeg voilates ASL and was deleted from Bluesky project, we just show "howto install" here. This part would be replaced with another en/decode library. 1) Login your Linux as root user. 2) Download "netclass_lib.tar.bz2" to /root directory for example. 3) Open a terminal program and execute the commands below. cd /root tar -xjvf netclass_lib.tar.bz2 cd netclass_lib These commands release the netclass_lib.tar.bz2 into /root/netclass_lib and enter the directory. 4) Execute the commands below. chmod 755 install.sh ./install.sh These commands install the library in your Linux system. 3.2 Installation of Tserver Install the TServer: 1) Login Linux system with your account. 2) Download TServer-2.0.tar.bz2 to /root directory for example. 3) Open a terminal program and execute the commands below. cd /root tar -xjvf TServer-2.0.tar.bz2 cd TServer-2.0 These commands release the TServer-2.0.tar.bz2 into /root/TServer-2.0/ and enter the directory. 4) Execute the commands below. ./configure cd src make ./tserver These commands will let system compile the source code of the TServer system and launch TServer system. If all the commands have been executed successfully, TServer system will startup and then user will see the interface of TServer system. If not, please consult the system administrator for detail. 3.3 Installation of Dtu Install the DTU system: 1) Login Linux system with your account. 2) Download DTU-2.0.tar.bz2 to /root directory for example. 3) Open a terminal program and execute the commands below. cd /root tar -xjvf DTU-2.0.tar.bz2 cd DTU-2.0 These commands release the DTU-2.0.tar.bz2 into /root/DTU-2.0 and enter the directory. 4) Execute the commands below. ./configure cd src make ./dtu These commands will let system compile the source code of DTU system and launch DTU system. If all the commands have been executed successfully, DTU system will startup and then user will see the interface of DTU system. If not, please consult the system administrator for detail. 3.4 Installation of Teacher Client Install the Teacher Client: 1) Login Linux system with your account. 2) Download NCteacher-2.0.tar.bz2 to /root directory for example. 3) Open a terminal program and execute the commands below. cd /root tar -xjvf NCteacher-2.0.tar.bz2 cd NCteacher-2.0 These commands release the NCteacher-2.0.tar.bz2 into /root/NCteacher-2.0 and enter the directory. 4) Execute the commands below. ./configure cd src make ./ncteacher These commands will let system compile the source code of the Teacher system and launch Teacher system. 3.5 Installation of Student Client Install the student client 1) Download NCstu-2.0.tar.bz2 to /root directory for example. 2) Open a terminal program and execute the commands below. cd /root tar -xjvf NCstu-2.0.tar.bz2 cd NCstu-2.0 These commands release the NCstu-2.0.tar.bz2 into /root/NCstu-2.0 and enter the directory. 3) Execute the commands below. ./configure cd src make ./nc_stu These commands will let system compile the source code of the student client and launch student client. 4 Annotations If there's any trouble accurred when you install the system or if you have better suggestion or complain about our system, please post your problem clearly to mailinglist: bluesky-user@incubator.apache.org .