Apache Bloodhound

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Tracks defects
Manages software projects

2012-09-14 - Version 0.1 has been released. Download now
2012-02-01 - Bloodhound is currently being incubated by Apache.

Standing on the shoulders of Trac, Apache Bloodhound is a project hosted by the Apache Software Foundation's Incubator project. Currently, it has three key aims:

  • Multiple Projects

    Bloodhound will manage anything from your one pet project to dozens of commercial or open source projects, and scale seamlessly in-between. The built-in Wiki allows you to create proposals and store other information.
  • Easy to install

    Bloodhound will provide an installation process for Windows, Linux and Mac OS X. Everything you need to run Bloodhound with your favourite web server and database will be provided.
  • User-friendly design

    Bloodhound provides a consistent experience throughout. It will be obvious even to beginners how to carry out common tasks. A dashboard will provide an overview of work assigned to you, or watched by you.

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Wiki + Issue tracker Incubation status