Hadoop Management System HMS is open-sourced under the Apache Software Foundation License v2.0. Quick Start 1. Setup Zookeeper 2. Compile HMS mvn clean package 3. Setup HMS beacon on zookeeper nodes $PREFIX/bin/hms beacon 4. Setup HMS controller $PREFIX/bin/hms controller 5. Deploy HMS agent on all managed servers cd hms/agent mvn clean package -P rpm sudo rpm -i hms-agent-[version].[arch].rpm sudo hms-agent 6. Create a torrent file for the stack of software you want to install and seed the torrent. 7. Create a software manifest file to describe the software stack. See: http://[hms-controller-host]:4080/v1/software/manifest/sample 8. Create a nodes manifest file to describe the list of servers. See: http://[hms-controller-host]:4080/v1/nodes/manifest/sample 9. Create a config manifest file to describe how to configure the cluster. See: http://[hms-controller-host]:4080/v1/config/manifest/create-hadoop-cluster 10. Launch browser and visit: http://[hms-controller-host]:4080/ Start deploying clusters, and have fun. Note HMS agent depends on the following software: BitTorrent-bencode- libevent-2.0.10-1geekery.i386.rpm mimeparse-0.1.3-1.noarch.rpm mimerender-0.2.2-1.noarch.rpm python-setuptools-0.6c5-2.el5.noarch.rpm simplejson-2.1.3-1.x86_64.rpm transmission-2.22-1geekery.i386.rpm transmission-cli-2.22-1geekery.i386.rpm transmission-common-2.22-1geekery.i386.rpm transmission-daemon-2.22-1geekery.i386.rpm web.py-0.34-1.noarch.rpm zkpython-3.4.0-1.x86_64.rpm zookeeper-lib-3.4.0-1.x86_64.rpm FAQ 1. How to use HMS Controller without Zeroconf? Edit hms-controller-[version]/conf/hms.ini, and put: [zookeeper] quorum=host1:2181,host2:2181,host3:2181 Then start HMS controller. 2. How to use HMS Agent without Zeroconf? Edit /etc/hms/hms.ini, and put: [zookeeper] quorum=host1:2181,host2:2181,host3:2181 Then start HMS agent.