<%= title @controller.controller_name.pluralize.humanize %>
<%= error_messages %> <% make_groups(@views).each{|name,views| %> <% if name != "" %><% end %> <% for view in views %> <% end }%>
ID Name Description
 <%=h name %>
<%=h view.id %> <%= link_to(h(view.name), :controller => 'survey', :table => view.table.table_name) %> <%=h view.description %> <%= link_to image_tag( 'bar-chart.png', :title => 'Analyze data from view' ), :controller => 'survey', :table => view.table.table_name %><%= short_help "Survey Button","With this button you get to the #{help_link "survey"} page."%><%= link_to image_tag( 'show.png', :title => 'Show view details'), :action => 'show', :id => view %><%= link_to image_tag( 'edit.png', :title => 'Edit view' ), :action => 'edit', :id => view %><%= link_to image_tag('delete.png', :title => 'Delete view'), { :action => 'destroy', :id => view }, :confirm => 'Are you sure?', :method => :post %>
<%= button_to "New #{@controller.controller_name.singularize}", :action => 'new' %>