<%= javascript_tag("function update_table() {" + remote_function(:update => 'survey_chart', :url => { :controller=> 'survey', :action => 'chart_inline', :state_id => @state_id }) + "}") %> <%= javascript_tag("function table_invalid(){Element.setStyle('graphic', {backgroundColor : '#FFBBBB'})}") %> <%= javascript_tag("function table_reload(){Element.setStyle('graphic', {backgroundColor : '#FFFF66'})}") %> <%= javascript_tag("function table_valid(){Element.setStyle('graphic', {backgroundColor : 'transparent'})}") %> <% if @chart %> <% unless @chart.valid? %> <%= error_messages_for 'chart', :header_message => nil %> <% else %> <% end %> <% else %>
No chart defined.
<% end %>
<%= button_to 'Data', {:action => 'list',:state_id => @state_id }%> <%= button_to_function('Hide query', "Element.toggle('action_hide_query','action_show_query', 'query')", :id => 'action_hide_query', :style => 'display: none' ) %> Download data as: <%= button_to 'CSV', {:action => 'csv',:type=>"chart",:state_id => @state_id }%> <%= button_to 'Text', {:action => 'text',:type=>"chart",:state_id => @state_id }%> <%= button_to 'PDF', {:action => 'pdf',:type=>"chart",:state_id => @state_id }%>
Zoom <%= render :partial => 'zoom_form' %>
Query <%= short_help("Query","This query describes the current datasource containing all selected conditions and filters.") %> <%= create_links_in_query(@query_string) %>
Count <%= short_help("Count","For big datasources the first counting is done approximately and cannot be taken as a matter of fact") %> <%= render :partial => 'count_text' %>
Bild wird geladen...
<%= javascript_tag remote_function(:update => 'graphic', :url => url_for(:action => "chart_map", :state_id => @state_id)) %>
Chart <% form_tag :action => 'chart', :state_id => @state_id do %><%= render :partial => '/charts/column_fields' %>
<%= submit_tag "Update" %> <% end %> <%= button_to "Reset Chart", :reset_chart => true, :state_id => @state_id %> <%= button_to "Save Chart", :controller => "charts", :action => "new", :state_id => @state_id, "chart[name]" => "New chart" %> <% form_tag :action => :chart, :state_id => @state_id do %> <%= submit_tag "Load chart:"%> <%= select_tag('chart_id', options_for_select(Chart.charts_for_datasource(current_datasource).map {|c| [c.name,c.id]}.sort {|x,y| (x[0] or "") <=> (y[0] or "")})) %> <% end %>