<% if current_table %> <% else %> <% end %> <% ["1st","2nd","3rd"].each {|num| %> <% Chart::ORDER_NAMES.each_with_index {|order_name,index| %> <% } %> <% if current_table %> <% } %>
X-Axis <%= short_help "Chart X-Axis","The column to use for the X-Axis of the chart." %> Y-Axis <%= short_help "Chart Y-Axis, Aggregation Function", "This function and column is used to compute the data values for the chart. The value used is then AGG_FUNC(AGG_COL) (e.g. COUNT(*) or SUM(bytes)...)." %> Z-Axis <%= short_help "Chart Z-Axis","The column to use for the Y-Axis of the chart (select a column to get a stacket chart)." %> Multi Chart <%= short_help "Mutli Chart","Select a column to define for which values a sepearate chart should be rendered." %>
Data<%= select("chart", "column1", current_table.columns.map {|c| c.name }.sort) %> <%= select("chart", "aggregation_function", Chart::AGGREGATION_FUNCTIONS) -%><%= select("chart", "aggregation_column", ["*"] + current_table.columns.map {|c| c.name} ) %> <%= select("chart", "column2", current_table.columns.map {|c| c.name }.sort, { :include_blank => true }) %> <%= select("chart", "column3", current_table.columns.map {|c| c.name }.sort, { :include_blank => true }) %><%= text_field("chart", "column1",:size => 10) %> <%= select("chart", "aggregation_function", Chart::AGGREGATION_FUNCTIONS) -%><%= text_field("chart", "aggregation_column", {:default => "*",:size => 10}) %> <%= text_field("chart", "column2",:size => 10) %> <%= text_field("chart", "column3",:size => 10) %>
<%= num %>-Order <%= short_help "How the data should be orderd in the chart", "Select an order an the chart will be ordered like this. SQL syntax is used here. For example COUNT(*) DESC means it will be orderd by COUNT(*) descending." %><%= image_tag("up.png") %><%= radio_button "chart", "order_#{num}", "#{order_name}" %> <%= image_tag("down.png") %><%= radio_button "chart", "order_#{num}", "#{order_name}_desc" %><%= radio_button "chart", "order_#{num}", "none" %><%= select("chart", "order_field_#{num}", @chart.possible_orders, { :include_blank => true } ) %> <% else %> <%= text_field("chart", "order_by",:size => 10) %> <% end %>
Type <% Chart::CHART_TYPES.each {|chart_type| %> <% } %> <% Chart::CHART_OPTIONS.each {|option| %> <% } %> <% Chart::CHART_TYPES.each {|chart_type| %> <% } %> <% Chart::CHART_OPTIONS.each {|option| %> <% } %>
<%= image_tag("#{chart_type}-chart.png") %> <%= short_help "#{chart_type.to_s.camelize} Chart",Chart::CHART_TEXTS[chart_type][1] %> <%= option.to_s.camelize %>
<%= radio_button "chart", "chart_type", chart_type %><%= check_box "chart", option %>