# run after editing this file # on database server: alois-updatepasswords -d # on other servers: alois-updatepasswords -e ### The list of connections to configure. It's ### always "connection: configuration" configs: reporter: alois_standard alois: alois_standard pumpy: sink-host # test und development takes the # same properties as the default connection # (either pumpy or alois) and the database # name will be replaced by one of the following: # pumpy_development # pumpy_test # alois_development # alois_test test: alois_standard development: alois_standard alois_writelog: alois_writelog ### A list of connections and their ### permissions sink-host: host: localhost adapter: sqlite3 database: pumpy.sqlite3 pool: 5 timeout: 5000 # adapter: mysql # username: root # host: localhost # database: pumpy # password: test # port: 3306 tables: [*] rights: ALL hosts: [localhost] # the standard alois connection with # all rights to the alois databse alois_standard: host: localhost adapter: sqlite3 database: alois.sqlite3 pool: 5 timeout: 5000 # adapter: mysql # username: root # host: localhost # database: alois # password: test # port: 3306 tables: [*] rights: ALL hosts: [localhost] # the connection from insink to # write log data direct into the # database alois_writelog: adapter: mysql username: alois host: localhost database: pumpy password: abcd port: 3306 tables: [syslogd_raws] rights: INSERT hosts: [localhost]