Restlichen Pendenzen bis zur Inbetriebnahme 1.0 am 15.12. 2006 tiny-mce Simon: - Webserver Authentication auf Server benötigt - 3 Nutzergruppen: Administrator, Power User, Easylook Flavio: - Titel von Grafiken, view name - In Bar Graphs Achsen beschriften - Bei Generierung von Grafiken aus der Tabelle die Wahl von "ORDER BY" beibehalten 2 in Kuchendiagrammen absolute Zahlen zusätzlich zu Prozentzahlen darstellen - in allen Grafiken Totalzahlen (Anz. Records) darstellen - Farbverteilung in Grafiken? - restliche CISCO-Meldungen analysieren / Parsen - Firewall view, direkte Links auf "Sourcen der Kopo-Zugriffe" - Präsentation beim Einstieg: Möglichkeit der Wahl der Homepage zwischen drei Varianten "Sign" Ampel zeigt rot, gelb, grün (in opencliparts Ampel-Darstellungen suchen), momentan fake, d.h. immer grün "ISM": Zusammenfassung der wichtigsten Events und statistischen Werte des Systems "Servers": bestehender View - Implemetation der Ampel-Zustandserierung Später: - Tabellen entfernen bei Easylook - Datenbankoptimierung bzgl. Cache - "sicherstelllen dass syslog die richtige source in tabellen einträgt" (formulierung von flavio: syslog-ng konfigurieren) == REPORTER == >* Status page with actual troughput >* Create frontpage with statistics >* Test frontend >* Table invalid reload display when filter added/deleted. >* display conditions in graphic >* colors in pie/chart and munin ==== Sentinel ==== >* alarming over sms == SINK == * alois-mysqlpipe init.d reload * Test how many logs per second can be processed. == REPORTER == >* Status page with actual troughput * Munin page does not work in konqueror >* Create frontpage with statistics * Create statistic with counts from views * Interface for importing archive files * copy archive files with crontjob to share from dobby >* Test frontend >* Table invalid reload display when filter added/deleted. * do not join message or with ajax >* display conditions in graphic * function do determin where the children (of e.g. log_meta) are >* colors in pie/chart and munin * check rico (prototype) for big tables * Permissions. At the moment set $_SESSION['_user'] = 'admin'; in /usr/share/ossim/include/classes/ == PRISMA == * ?Make different log files for different raw sources * Use Parallel prismas for better troughput * Enable basic output in prisma-admindb by default * For rotating log. Reopen logfile at reload (now prisma is restarted on logrotate) * maybe use myisam tables for insink (fast count) * overwork shorewall logs ==== Sentinel ==== * fehler bei sentinel flicken (+ nil fehler) wahrscheinlich id fehlt in query check that every query used in a sentinal contains an id >* alarming over sms == Testing == === Prisma === * Test if prisma starts and stops properly * Test if each log type is processed correctly * Test if sentinel executes alarm (how?) * Test if archive file is written * Test if archive file is compressed * Test if logfile is written * Test if logfile is rotated * Test if old logs are deleted === Sink === * Test if log is written into queue = BIG TASKS = * Access control * Self logging # UNTIL 2006-11-14 * make select over date in source * test and finish implementation of charts * implement transactions (against crashes) ------------------------ * disable snort mails * integreate gems installation into the alois-util installation * integrate the command :"gem install -v=1.1.2 rails" into the alois-reporter install * anzahl wird falsch angezeigt bei keiner rule