#!/usr/bin/ruby require 'optparse' require 'rubygems' require 'active_record' require 'alois/config' require 'socket' require "pathname" require "fileutils" require 'termios' class OssimConfig < ActiveRecord::Base set_table_name "config" set_primary_key "conf" def OssimConfig::set_value(conf, value) c = OssimConfig.find_by_conf(conf) if c == nil then p "SETTING #{conf} NOT FOUND!!!" else c.value = value c.save end end end update_etc = false update_db = false update_ossim = false print_sql = false templateroot = "/etc/alois/templates" configfile = "TO REIMPLEMENT WITHOUT alois.conf" myname = TCPSocket.gethostbyname('')[0] opts = OptionParser.new do |o| o.banner = "Usage: alois-updatepasswords OPTIONS" o.on( "-e", "--etc", "Updates passwords in the etc directory." ) do |arg| update_etc = true end o.on( "-d", "--db", "Updates passwords in the databases." ) do |d| update_db = true end o.on( "-o", "--ossim", "Updates ossimdatabase configuration." ) do |d| update_ossim = true end o.on( "-c", "--config CONFIGFILE", "The configuration file to use (default:#{configfile})." ) do |cf| configfile = cf end o.on( "--host HOSTNAME", "The name of the host to configure (this:#{myname})." ) do |hn| myname = hn end o.on( "-t", "--templates TEMPLATEROOT", "Template root (default:#{templateroot})." ) do |t| templateroot = t end o.on( "-s","--printsql","Print sql queries instead of execute." ) do |s| print_sql = true end o.on("-h", "--help", "This help." ) do puts o exit end end begin opts.parse!( ARGV ) raise "No action selected." if not (update_etc || update_db || update_ossim) rescue => exc STDERR.puts "E: #{exc.message}" STDERR.puts opts.to_s exit 1 end # from ruby/password def echo(on=true, masked=false) term = Termios::getattr( $stdin ) if on term.c_lflag |= ( Termios::ECHO | Termios::ICANON ) else # off term.c_lflag &= ~Termios::ECHO term.c_lflag &= ~Termios::ICANON if masked end Termios::setattr( $stdin, Termios::TCSANOW, term ) end if update_etc then raise "To reimplement without alois.conf" configs = read_config(configfile) replacements = get_replacements(configfile) root = Pathname.new(templateroot) etc = Pathname.new("/etc") files = Dir.glob(root.join("**/*")) for file in files if File.file?(file) relfile = Pathname.new(file).relative_path_from(root).to_s # root.join(relfile) if etc.join(relfile).file?() then # configfile exists on computer so # replace the markers and copy file print "Replacing file #{etc.join(relfile).to_s}.\n" if not File.file?(etc.join(relfile).to_s + ".alois.bak") then FileUtils.copy(etc.join(relfile).to_s, etc.join(relfile).to_s + ".alois.bak") end oFile = File.new(etc.join(relfile),"w") aFile = File.new(root.join(relfile)) aFile.each_line {|line| str = line for (reg,val) in replacements str = str.gsub(reg.to_s,val.to_s) end print "WARNING: Not replaced:#{str}" if str =~ /\{\{/ or str =~ /\}\}/ oFile.print(str) } oFile.close() end end end end if update_db then if not print_sql then print "#Please enter root password for db on #{myname}:" echo(false) begin password = gets.strip() ensure echo(true) print "\n" end end # find all databasekonfigurations for this host raise "To reimplement without alois.conf" configs = read_config(configfile) for (name,config) in configs break if config == nil break if config["adapter"] == nil raise "unsupported adapter #{config['adapter']}" if not config["adapter"] == "mysql" ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection({ :adapter => "mysql", :database => "mysql", #config["mysql"], :host => "localhost", #config["database"], :username => "root", :password => password, :port => config["port"] }) if not print_sql # delete permissions and redefine it. print "#Delete all permissions for #{config['username']} in database #{config['database']}.\n" raise "DO NOT USE root TO CONNECT!!" if config["username"]=="root" cmd = "REVOKE ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* FROM #{config['username']};" print cmd + "\n" #if print_sql begin ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute(cmd) if not print_sql rescue raise if not $!.to_s =~ /There is no such grant/ end end done_one = false users = {} for (name,config) in configs print "#WARNING: Configuraiton #{name} not found.\n" if config == nil if not config == nil and config["host"] == myname then done_one = true # if the configurationdatabase is on this host print "#Processing configuration #{name}.\n" raise "password may not contain '" if (config["password"] =~ /\'/) # connect raise "unsupported adapter #{config['adapter']}" if not config["adapter"] == "mysql" ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection({ :adapter => "mysql", :database => "mysql", #config["mysql"], :host => "localhost", #config["database"], :username => "root", :password => password, :port => config["port"] }) if not print_sql for host in config['hosts'] print "#Setting new permissions (#{config['rights']}) for host: #{host}.\n" if not users["#{config['username']}@#{host}"] == nil and not users["#{config['username']}@#{host}"] = config['password'] then print "#\n" if not done_one print "##############################################\n" print "# TWO DIFFERENT PASSWORDS FOR USER #\n" print "# #{config['username']}@#{host} #{myname}.\n" print "# ONLY SECOND WILL TAKE AFFECT!!! #\n" print "##############################################\n" print "#\n" if not done_one end users["#{config['username']}@#{host}"] = config['password'] for table in config['tables'] cmd = "GRANT #{config['rights']} ON #{config['database']}.#{table} TO " cmd += "'#{config['username']}'@'#{host}' IDENTIFIED BY '#{config['password']}'" print cmd + "\n" #if print_sql begin ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute(cmd) if not print_sql rescue print $!.to_s end end end end end print "#\n" if not done_one print "##############################################\n" if not done_one print "#NO DB DEFINED FOR HOST #{myname}.\n" if not done_one print "##############################################\n" if not done_one end if update_ossim then raise "To reimplement without alois.conf" configs = read_config(configfile) ossim_config = configs["ossim"] raise "ossim connection not found in #{configfile}." if ossim_config == nil ossim_db_config = configs["ossim_database_configuration"] raise "ossim_database_configuration not found in #{configfile}." if ossim_db_config == nil ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection({ :adapter => ossim_config["adapter"], :database => ossim_config["database"], :host => ossim_config["host"], :username => ossim_config["username"], :password => ossim_config["password"], :port => ossim_config["port"], }) for (config, value) in ossim_db_config OssimConfig::set_value(config, value) end end