Ignite Native Persistence

Ignite Native Persistence is a distributed ACID and SQL-compliant disk store that transparently integrates with Ignite's Durable Memory as an optional disk layer storing data and indexes on SSD, Flash, 3D XPoint, and other types of non-volatile storages.

With the Ignite Persistence enabled, you no longer need to keep all the data and indexes in memory or warm it up after a node or cluster restart because the Durable Memory is tightly coupled with the persistence and treats it as a secondary memory tier. This implies that if a subset of data or an index is missing in RAM, the Durable Memory will take it from disk.

Apache Ignite Native Persistence has the following advantages over 3rd party persistent stores (RDBMS, NoSQL, Hadoop) that can be used as an alternative persistence layer for an Apache Ignite cluster:

  • Ability to execute SQL queries over the data that is both in memory and on disk which means that Apache Ignite can be used as a memory-centric distributed SQL database.
  • No need to have all the data and indexes in memory. The Ignite Persistence allows storing a superset of data on disk and only most frequently used subsets in memory.
  • Instantaneous cluster restarts. If the whole cluster goes down there is no need to warm up the memory by preloading data from the Ignite Persistence. The cluster becomes fully operational once all the cluster nodes are interconnected with each other.
  • Data and indexes are stored in a similar format both in memory and on disk that helps to avoid expensive transformations while the data sets are being moved between memory and disk.
  • An ability to create full and incremental cluster snapshots by plugging-in 3rd party solutions.
Write-Ahead Log

Every time the data is updated in memory, the update will be appended to the tail of an Apache Ignite node's write-ahead log (WAL). The purpose of the WAL is to propagate updates to disk in the fastest way possible and provide a recovery mechanism for scenarios where a single node or the whole cluster goes down.

The whole WAL is split into several files, called segments, that are filled out sequentially. Once a segment is full, its content will be copied to the WAL archive and kept there for the time defined by several configuration parameters. While the segment is being copied, another segment will be treated as an active WAL file and will accept all the updates coming from the application side.

It is worth mentioning, that a cluster can always be recovered to the latest successfully committed transaction in case of a crash or restart relying on the content of the WAL.


Due to the nature of the WAL, it constantly grows and it would take significant time to recover the cluster by going over the WAL from its head to tail. To mitigate this, the Durable Memory and Ignite Native Persistence support a checkpointing process.

The checkpointing is the process of copying dirty pages from memory to partition files on disk. A dirty page is a page that was updated in memory but was not written to the respective partition file on disk (an update was just appended to the WAL).

This process helps to utilize disk space frugally by keeping pages in the most up-to-date state on disk and allowing to remove outdated WAL segments from the WAL archive.


Ignite's Durable Memory together with the Native Persistence fully complies with the ACID's durability property guaranteeing that:

  • Transactions that have committed will survive permanently.
  • The cluster can always be recovered to the latest successfully committed transaction in the event of a crash or restart.
  • The cluster becomes fully operational once all the cluster nodes are interconnected with each other. There is no need to warm up the memory by preloading data from the disk (instantaneous restarts).


To enable the Ignite Native Persistence, add the following configuration parameter to the cluster's node configuration:




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