News Archive

Ibator Version 1.2.1 Released

Posted by Jeff Butler on Dec 22, 2008

Ibator version 1.2.1 is released. This version fixes a couple of bugs that manifested in the Eclipse plugin, enhances the Plugin API, and adds a couple of features to the Eclipse plugin. Even though this is a relatively minor release, we recommend that everyone upgrade. See the What's New? section of the online documentation for full details.

Get Ibator Here …

iBATIS.NET DataMapper 1.6.2 and DataAccess 1.9.2 BETA

Posted by Gilles Bayon on Nov 1, 2008

The iBATIS.NET team is proud to announce that the BETA release of DataAccess V1.9.2 and DataMapper V1.6.2 are now available.

This release includes bug fixes and enhancements.

Vote to General Availability status is expecting in two weeks. Thanks once again for your feedback. Enjoy!

Download iBATIS.NET DataMapper …

iBATIS 2.3.4 GA Released.

Posted by Clinton Begin Sep 19, 2008

After releasing 2.3.3 some bugs were discovered. We quickly released a 2.3.4 fix release. After a couple weeks of no negative reports we are promoting the release to GA.

Get the 2.3.4 GA from the Java downloads page now! …

Call for Official QA/Testing Team Members

(Jul 16, 2008) It seems that we have two very distinct types of teams using iBATIS:

It's hard to cater to both groups, so we've come up with a way that these groups can help each other. We've now provided access to a Parabuild continuous build server. The software and hosting is graciously provided by Viewtier Systems. This will allow the bleeding edge types to simply download the latest and greatest software, without waiting for a formal release by us.

In addition, we'd like to invite some of these teams or individuals to become a formal QA/Testing group for iBATIS.

This doesn't have to mean a lot of work! The best candidates are teams with excellent test suites for their applications and those who use a lot of the different features of iBATIS in different or even odd ways. We especially want to target groups who are using Spring or other 3rd party software that integrates or works closely with iBATIS. Alone we cannot test every single deployment, but together we can. This will allow us to learn about potential integration problems sooner and allow us to get to General Availability status faster.

The continuous integration link and instructions can be found on the Java Downloads page.

If you'd like to register yourself or your team as a formal tester, please send an email to the mailing list. Or to Clinton Begin if you'd like to remain anonymous (you should know my email if you're on the list). Of course I recommend you keep it wide open and identify yourselves both for credit and so that you can share knowledge with other testers or teams

Thanks to all!

iBATIS 2.3.3 BETA Released. And it will remain beta until...

(Jul 16, 2008) Practically moments after promoting iBATIS 2.3.2 to GA, a number of nasty bugs were discovered, particularly with the Spring integration. We refactored a lot of "internal" (i.e. non-client) code in these latest versions, and so as an end-user, you really need to test the betas! So from now on, we're going to wait until we get enough confirmation from actual production implementations (either through test suites or staging environments) that things are working well. I'm thinking at least 20 responses before moving to GA. Maybe in the long run we'll identify dedicated testers who are willing to update to the latest beta and run a comprehensive application test suite against it.

Get the 2.3.3 Beta from the Java downloads page now!

iBATIS 2.3.2 Promoted to General Availability

(Jun 30, 2008) The latest version of iBATIS has been promoted to GA. This latest version requires Java 5. While it wasn't planned that way originally, we decided to take the plunge and start to "encourage" our users to upgrade their platforms (or at least become one more reason to do so). Sun will be discontinuing support for JDK 1.4 in about four months and most of the world has already moved to Java 5. This also allows us to include built-in support for enumerations and will better prepare you for iBATIS 3 when the time comes.

Get the 2.3.2 GA from the Java downloads page now!

iBATIS 2.3.2 Beta and German Docs

(Apr 22, 2008) I've released a small update which corrects a few logistical issues with the 2.3.1 deploy. It's a very minor release, but this will be the next GA version if all goes well. Thus 2.3.1 will never be GA, so get this one. In addition to that, Axel Leucht has contributed documentation in German. So now all of my co-workers at Arvato can read about iBATIS too! ;-) Thanks Axel.

Abator Renamed to iBATOR

(April 14, 2008) Due to a trade registration dispute, Abator is renamed to iBATOR. iBATOR is currently a work in progress, but an initial code drop has been added to SVN. See the new iBATOR page for more information.

iBATIS 2.3.1 Beta Available

(March 25, 2008) This is a long overdue maintenance release. Fixes about 20 issues and includes two significant improvements. The first is the elimination of the Throttle. Originally included to artificially constrain threads, requests, and transactions to improve performance on certain infrastructure. It's not as much of an issue anymore and today the Throttle caused more problems than it solved. So bye-bye. :-) The only real impact you'll see is that the maxSessions/maxTransactions/maxRequests no longer have any effect whatsoever. The other new change is built-in support for enums out of the box! It's currently a Beta release as per our process. But if all goes well over the next week or two, we'll vote to promote it to GA. The best thing you can do is test it out for us!

Abator 1.1 Available

(March 20, 2008) Abator version 1.1 is available. This version has quite a few minor enhancements, two major enhancements (two new methods can be generated), and a few bug fixes. Check it out here.

It's quiet, too quiet!

(March 10, 2008) Yes, we're alive. I felt the need to update the homepage since it's been a while(!). All of the activity is on the mailing list these days, and we haven't had a major release in a while. That's all about to change. The iBATIS 3.0 whiteboard has been up for a while and I think the ideas are sound. We've had a lot of great feedback and it's time to get to work. iBATIS will have it's sixth birthday on July 1st, 2008. I'd like to suggest that we have a Beta version of iBATIS 3.0 out by that day. Don't get too excited! If you're currently using 2.0, you likely will be for a long time (heck, Larry still uses 1.x). So, we'll continue to support it for a long time as well. iBATIS 3.0 will be the biggest change to the framework since the original concept. While we're hoping to hold true to some of the philosophies that have made iBATIS popular, it will look very different. Check out the iBATIS 3.0 whiteboard for more.

Check out the iBATIS 3.0 Whiteboard and tell us what you think!

iBATIS 3.0 Design Whiteboard

(June 12, 2007) Next month, on July 1st iBATIS will officially be 5 years old, and 2.0 alone will be 3 years long in the tooth. It's time, or perhaps overdue that we start designing and implementing the third version. A lot has changed in 5 years, many best practices are now simply "old practices". It's time to start from scratch. Clinton's thoughts are up. This is your chance to influence the future direction of iBATIS.

Check out the iBATIS 3.0 Whiteboard and have your say!

Java Documentation in 7 languages including Japanese

(June 12, 2007) Thanks to the contributions from our iBATIS community, we now have documentation in 7 languages! The most recent addition is Japanese, which joins Chinese, Korean, Italian, Spanish, French and English.

Download documentation from the Java downloads page

iBATIS.NET DataMapper 1.6.1 and DataAccess 1.9.1 General Availability!

(April 6, 2007) The votes are in and both distributions are now tagged as GA!

This release includes primarily several bug fixes and enhancements, documentation have been updated.

iBATIS now supports support to groupBy attribute on resultMap to resolve N+1 select issue.

Download iBATIS.NET DataMapper 1.6.1 and DataAccess 1.9.1 (GA)!

iBATIS.NET DataMapper 1.6.1 and DataAccess 1.9.1 Released [Status: Beta]

(March 1, 2007) The iBATIS.NET team is proud to announce that the BETA release of DataAccess V1.9.1 and DataMapper V1.6.1 are now available.

This release includes bug fixes and enhancements.

Vote to General Availability status is expecting in two weeks. Thanks once again for your feedback. Enjoy!

Show/Hide Release Notes - Version DataMapper 1.6.1

Download iBATIS.NET DataMapper 1.6.1 and DataAccess 1.9.1 (BETA)!

iBATIS for Java 2.3.0 General Availability

(February 11, 2007) The votes are in an iBATIS for Java 2.3.0 is promoted to Apache general availability status. This release includes several bug fixes and enhancements. Additionally, this release offers new support for local caching of prepared statements. Caching prepared statements can lead to significant performance improvements in many environments.

The Java DAO framework has been removed from iBATIS as of release 2.3.0. We heartily recommend that you consider using the Spring Framework for all your DAO needs! Spring offers great support for iBATIS.

The paginated list methods have been deprecated with this release. The methods were confusing to many users and often misused. We suggest using native database support for paging, or that you use the query methods with skip and max settings.

Download iBATIS 2.3.0!

iBATIS.NET DataMapper 1.6.0 and DataAccess 1.9.0 Released [Status: Beta]

(February 1, 2007) The iBATIS.NET team is proud to announce that the BETA release of DataAccess V1.9.0 and DataMapper V1.6.0 are now available.

This release includes several bug fixes and enhancements.
The main new addition is the support to groupBy attribute on resultMap to resolve N+1 select issue.

We expect that there will be a vote to promote to General Availability status in two weeks. Thanks once again for your comments and suggestions. Enjoy!

Show/Hide Release Notes - Version DataMapper 1.6

Download iBATIS.NET DataMapper 1.6.0 and DataAccess 1.9.0 (BETA)!

iBATIS in Action Released

(January 26, 2007) A book for iBATIS? No way! Yes way. The book is here. This is the first edition, targeting primarily the Java platform. But it's definitely useful for .NET and even Ruby users, even if only to understand the concepts and and ideas behind iBATIS. Everything else is just syntax. Some people may wonder if we're just trying to make money by selling documentation (sounds familiar to some no doubt). But trust us, writing technical books is NO way to make money! We did this for you, so you'd have a definitive guide to read from instead of wading through various internet resources. I think we're more worried about the comments than the sales... ;-) I (Clinton) really want to say what a fantastic experience it was to work with Brandon and Larry on this project. You guys did a fantastic job.

You can get the print book or the PDF edition from Manning directly (the print version is more expensive than Amazon, but you get the PDF version, too):
Buy the book in print and/or PDF directly from Manning

If you only want the print edition, you can get it here:
Buy the print (only) book from Amazon

DAO Deprecated and Made Available Separately

(January 26, 2007) This is a little late notice, but iBATIS for Java 2.3 has enough votes to go GA now, so I figured it would be good to note here. The DAO framework has indeed been deprecated. Deprecated doesn't mean dead. Many people can and will continue to use it. In fact, it will be a bit cleaner because it's made available separately so you can feel more comfortable changing it if you need to. Feel free to take the code and make it your own. Or just use it as is until it gets too old (it's pretty easy to switch iBATIS DAOs to Spring DAOs if and when the time is right). We've made the Java DAO framework permanently available on the Java downloads page. Deprecated basically means we just won't be adding any features to it in the future, which is pretty much the same way it's been for a couple of years -- I guess it's perfect. ;-) Kidding.

The DAO framework will always be available here.

iBATIS for Java 2.2.0 General Availability

(December 5, 2006) The votes are in and iBATIS for Java 2.2.0 is promoted to general availabilty status. This release is the most significant release of iBATIS in at least a year. See the release notes on the download page for full details. This is the last release of iBATIS that will include the DAO framework.

Download iBATIS 2.2.0!

ARTICLE: InfoQ has posted an article on iBATIS.NET

Read it !

Thanks to the InfoQ team!

iBATIS.NET DataMapper 1.5.1 and DataAccess 1.8.1 General Availability!

(August 10, 2006) The votes are in and both distributions are now tagged as GA!

This release is primarily an enhancement release to support .NET 2.0 and also bug fix, documentation have been updated. iBATIS now supports all essential features of .NET 2.0 (generics, nullable types), see change log for more information.

Download iBATIS.NET DataMapper 1.5.1 and DataAccess 1.8.1!

RBatis - iBATIS for Ruby has been released!

(Jul 30, 2006) As promised almost exactly one year ago...iBATIS for Ruby is now here. Jon Tirsen has joined the team and RBatis is ready to roll with a plug-in for Rails of course. You can see the permanent link in the Path to iBATIS on the left, but don't waste time moving your mouse....

Check it out!

DTDs @ - The Deed has been done

(Jul 30, 2006) The DTDs hosted at have been permanently removed. The multiple warnings went starting with a broadcast announcement to the mailing lists and a permanent space on the homepage. With over 1.5 million hits to the DTD per month, it was time to move the burden over to the Apache servers. ;-) If you're a year behind on your email and using an old version of iBATIS, and you're wondering why your application won't start anymore...try changing the DOCTYPE of your XML files to the following.

<!DOCTYPE sqlMapConfig 
PUBLIC "-// SQL Map Config 2.0//EN"
<!DOCTYPE sqlMap 
PUBLIC "-// SQL Map 2.0//EN"
<!DOCTYPE daoConfig 
PUBLIC "-// DAO Configuration 2.0//EN"

Notice the change to

iBATIS for Java 2.3.0 Released [Status: Beta]

(December 1, 2006) This release includes several bug fixes and enhancements. Additionally, this release offers new support for local caching of prepared statements. Caching prepared statements can lead to significant performance improvements in many environments.

The Java DAO framework has been removed from iBATIS as of release 2.3.0. We heartily recommend that you consider using the Spring Framework for all your DAO needs! Spring offers great support for iBATIS.

The paginated list methods have been deprecated with this release. The methods were confusing to many users and often misused. We suggest using native database support for paging, or that you use the query methods with skip and max settings.

Download iBATIS 2.3.0!

iBATIS for Java 2.2.0 Released [Status: Beta]

(August 16, 2006) This is probably the most significant iBATIS 2.x release in at least a year. If you haven't upgraded in a while, this would be the one to go for. This update includes 25 new minor features 15 bug fixes and 3 new major features including support for Oracle cursors, multiple result sets and private bean properties. This is also the first release that requires JDK 1.4 (as voted nearly a year ago).

Fall is a great time for a conference!

(Jul 30, 2006) We've just added a new event to the calendar. Calgary in September: Clinton will be presenting on all things iBATIS, Ajax, Agile and ...erm, Ruby. Not that he's a buzzword chaser or anything.

See the Events Calendar for more.

iBATIS.NET DataMapper 1.5.1 and DataAccess 1.8.1 Beta!

(Jul 27, 2006) This release is primarily a bug fix for new constructor tag.

Thanks again for your comments and suggestions. Enjoy!

See the change log for more details. Downloads will be available from the iBATIS.NET downloads page.

iBATIS.NET DataMapper 1.5 and DataAccess 1.8 Beta!

(Jul 5, 2006) The iBATIS.NET team is pleased to announce that the BETA releases of the DataMapper 1.5 and DataAccess 1.8 frameworks are ready!

This release is primarily a bug fix and documentation enhancement release. However, the first public binaries for .NET 2.0 have also been included:

Thanks again for your comments and suggestions. Enjoy!

See the change log for more details. Downloads will be available from

iBATIS.NET DataMapper 1.3 and DataAccess 1.7 General Availability!

(Jun 12, 2006) The votes are in and both distributions are now tagged as GA!

Download iBATIS.NET DataMapper 1.3 and DataAccess 1.7!

iBATIS Java 2.1.7 - Maintenance Release - Last 1.3 Compatible Release!

(Jan 21, 2006) Well, as we said back in November, iBATIS will require JDK 1.4 as of the 2.2.0 release. We expect that this 2.1.7 release will be the last JDK 1.3 compatible release that we make, unless a serious stability or security flaw is found, in which case we'll deploy a fix from a branch of the source. This release contains a number of minor bug fixes, an enhanced entity resolver. 2.2.0 will be an interesting release with some new features that we've been looking forward to.

Get iBATIS 2.1.7 from the Downloads page.

iBATIS.NET DataMapper V1.3 Beta and DataAccess V1.7 Beta

(Dec 15, 2005) The iBATIS.NET team is pleased to announce that the Beta distributions of the DataMapper V1.3 and DataAccess V1.7 frameworks are ready! Although this is primarily for bug fixes and documentation updates, there are some important changes:

Please see the change log for more details. Thanks once again for your comments and suggestions. Enjoy!

Get the DataMapper V1.3 Beta and DataAccess V1.7 Beta from the Downloads page.

New Tools Section

(Dec 10, 2005) We have added a tools section to the site. The first tool is Abator - a code generator for iBATIS (Java only). Abator generates SqlMaps, Java domain classes, and Java DAO classes.

Check out the Tools Section.

Have a look at JPetStore 5.0

(Dec 8, 2005) JPetStore 5.0 is now available. This release focuses on cleaning up some of the mess created by JPetStore's heritage as a testbed for performance and comparisons to other implementations including LOC benchmarks, which are a horrible thing. Significant changes and additions include:

Get JPetStore 5.0 from the Downloads page.

As of 2.2.0 -- JDK 1.4 Required, iBATIS 1.x Compat Libs Removed, DTDs moved to Apache,

(Nov 8, 2005) All software systems that last any length of time tend to suffer from compatibility baggage. iBATIS is no different. iBATIS has remaind 99% backward compatible for 3.5 years now. Unfortunately the baggage necessary to continue that way is impeding our ability to move the framework forward. So it's time to pay the piper and upgrade. Here's the plan:

<!DOCTYPE sqlMapConfig
      PUBLIC "-// SQL Map Config 2.0//EN"
  <!DOCTYPE sqlMap
      PUBLIC "-// SQL Map 2.0//EN"
  <!DOCTYPE daoConfig
      PUBLIC "-// DAO Configuration 2.0//EN"

iBATIS Java 2.1.6 - Maintenance Release

(Nov 5, 2005) Just released a maintenance release to take care of the summer bug list. This puts us in a good spot to start planning for 2.2.0, where we're currently discussing some changes to the current version support levels, which will enable us to add a bunch of new features. If you aren't on the dev or Java mailing list, then join up to discuss! For now, enjoy the cleanliness of version 2.1.6.

Get iBATIS 2.1.6 from the Downloads page.

iBATIS for Ruby

(August 25, 2005) It's official. iBATIS is no longer a simple tool or framework. It is a genuine approach to integrating object oriented applications and relational databases. We could have said that when the .NET version was released, but now we MUST say it. We're very excited to be merging with a project headed up by Jon Tirsen, a friend of mine and a fellow ThoughtWorker. He's ported and innovated iBATIS for the Ruby language, which we're all very excited about. In the next few weeks we'll be integrating iBATIS for Ruby into our infrastructure, and of course, Jon will become one of our valuable team members.

Developers, Developers, Developers...

(August 24, 2005) What a crazy month. Everyone has been so busy over the summer! But despite our schedules, we've made some amazing progress. First and foremost, let's introduce our new committers. The following people have been voted in as committers and are currently in the process of getting access to the iBATIS resources.

iBATIS for Java 2.1.5 Released

(July 17, 2005) We've released a maintenance release, with a few bonuses as well. The most notable changes are: 1) iBATIS no longer depends on commons logging, and 2) the entity resolvers are now smarter so that they should resolve DTDs without the network as long as you have a correct XML DOCTYPE header. In addition to that, we've fixed a bunch of bugs including:

Get iBATIS 2.1.5 from the Downloads page.
Note: This will be the last build deployed by SourceForge. Future builds will be deployed using Apache infrastructure.

.NET DataMapper 1.2.1 and DataAccess 1.6.1 General Availability!

(June 29, 2005) The votes are in and both distributions are now tagged as GA!

Download iBATIS.NET DataMapper 1.2.1 and DataAccess 1.6.1!

.NET DataMapper 1.2.1 and DataAccess 1.6.1 Beta!

(June 10, 2005) Just a few updates for the binary distributions and documentation:

Download the iBATIS.NET DataMapper 1.2.1 and DataAccess 1.6.1 Betas now!

June 1: .NET DataMapper 1.2 and DataAccess 1.6 Alpha!

Yes, after 5 long and productive months, the new Alpha releases of the DataMapper and DataAccess frameworks are ready! We also have updated documentation and the latest source available for download.

Here's a list of just some of the changes for the DataMapper framework:

On the DataAccess side, the framework has seen these updates:

Download the iBATIS.NET DataMapper 1.2 and DataAccess 1.6 Alphas now!

May 22: .NET DataMapper 1.1 and DataAccess 1.5 General Availability!

Some of the new features for the DataMapper framework include:

Some of the new features for the DataAccess framework include:

These releases include updated documentation for both the DataMapper and DataAccess frameworks.
Download iBATIS.NET DataMapper 1.1 and DataAccess 1.5

May 16: iBATIS for Java 2.1.0 Released!

This release includes some cool new features like <discriminator> and <subMap> tags for better support of class inheritance. There's an example of how to use these new tags here. Normally 2.x minor releases are feature releases, but a number of bug fixes and improvements have made their way into 2.1.0 as well.
Download 2.1.0

May 9: New Website

Welcome to our new website. It's now more focused on the Apache iBATIS tools like Data Mapper and Data Access Objects, and the example Pet Store applications. If there's something missing that you found useful before, please let us know (see issue tracker to the left). The new site is free of tool dependencies and is based on Staticmesh from Pols Consulting. The idea is to maintain a single site, but we'll likely deploy it to both the site and, or perhaps we'll just forward to Either way, we'll have one site that is maintainable by the whole team. Enjoy.

May 1: Successfully Incubated

We've been successfully incubated and are ready to become an official Apache project. Our incubation checklist is complete, and now we have some new checklist items to get started on. Basically it involves moving the apache website and the mailing lists. This will be done with minimal impact to our community. Hopefully it will all be done within the next few weeks.

Apache Incubator Status - Complete!

  1. DONE >> Move Discussions to Apache Mailing Lists: The old SourceForge forums are now closed. We all use the Apache Mailing Lists now for support and development discussions. So far, I think we're happy with the results. See the support page for resource info.
  2. DONE >> Move Bug tracking to JIRA: The SourceForge bug tracker has been closed. We've moved to JIRA and so far the results are good. JIRA is a bit slower, but arguably does a much better job of organizing and tracking bugs and their lifecycle.
  3. DONE >> Apache Wiki: We've set up a Wiki to help us keep up with the fast pace of iBATIS, including new features and issues that would normally take months to get into the documentation. If you can't find it in the documentation, you'll hopefully find it on the Wiki (FAQs, undocumented items, environment specific solutions and 3rd party contributions and tools).
  4. DONE >> Move Feature Requests to JIRA: Turns out all of the RFEs were invalid, fixed or otherwise unecessary to move. If you disagree, please feel free to reopen one of them at Apache JIRA.
  5. DONE >> Move Source Control to Apache SVN: We've migrated our SourceForge CVS repository to Subversion (SVN). It's now migrated fully to the Apache infrastructure.
  6. DONE >> New Apache Website (Forrest): Well, for now we have two websites. The forrest one at Apache is being maintained regularly and is accessible to all of our developers now.
  7. will be around for a long time. All of the key resources will be migrated to Apache, but I'll maintain this as a gateway to those resources for as long as the community finds it useful and not redundant.

Old Site News

Feb 17: Maintenance Release 2.0.9b Now Available
I've released a maintenance release that takes care of nearly all of the confirmed bugs in JIRA. I'd also like to point out the generic documentation created by Ted Husted. It's a good read for both .NET and Java developers.
Download 2.0.9b Maintenance Release << updated Feb 20th to fix incomplete zip file (get build 550)
Generic Developer Guide (.NET and Java)

Feb 12: Fully Incubated!
Well, it took a little longer than expected, but we've successfully migrated the entire iBATIS project to Apache. Now that we have our SVN repository again, I've spent most of the day clearing out some overdue JIRA issues. I'll be doing a maintenance release (2.0.9b) within a day or two in order to keep you all up and running. As planned, 2.1 will be a feature release with some cool stuff. You can also browse our repository or even checkout the source yourself from the public SVN and build any time you like.
Browse the iBATIS Source Code

Feb 7: iBATIS Everywhere! (updated!)
iBATIS has been featured in an OnJava article by Sunil Patil. In addition to that, Fabrizio has prepared a presentation that details his experience with iBATIS on a real world Project. A new article has also been found at IBM developerWorks that deals with DB2 and WebSphere.

Jan 19 : CVS2SVN -- We've done it.
We've successfully migrated CVS to a Subversion repository. We want to say a big "Thank You!" to Michael Ching of for helping us migrate and refactor our repository in preparation for the move to Apache. If you're looking for professional hosting for source control and bug tracking systems, Michael will take good care of you at

Jan 1 , 2005 @ 1:05am -- iBATIS 2.0.9 Now Available -- Happy New Year!
Well, it's been a long time since we've released any major features. We've been working on stabilizing the platform, organizing the team and supporting the community. We like to consider this progress, but sometimes we want is features. So here we go! Check out the new feature list:

Nov 26, 2004: iBATIS version 2.0.8 Released
Under the new release plan, we'll be alternating between bug fix releases and feature releases. Version 2.0.8 is a bug fix release, and therefore the next release will be a feature release. This approach will keep the product stable while offering power users access to new features earlier and on a more consistent release schedule.
Download Bug Release 2.0.8

Nov 26, 2004: New version of sql2ibatis available
Alex Egorov has released a new version of his iBATIS configuration and SQL generation tool. It generates configuration files and SQL based on an input DDL file. Check it out.
Download sql2ibatis

Nov 16, 2004: Updated Chinese Documentation
Huge thanks to Liutao for completely translating the entire SQL Maps documenation and tutorial to Chinese!
Chinese SQL Maps Guide SQL Maps Tutorial

Oct 31, 2004: Happy Halloween from iBATIS and The Apache Software Foundation
iBATIS has been voted into the Apache Incubator, and a number of resources have been set up. Over the next few weeks, we'll be switching over our current SourceForge resources over to Apache. To begin with, this will include:

  1. SourceForge Forums and mailing list wil be ramped down. We may finish up with a few existing discussions there, but at some point new posts will cease to be accepted. I'm sure this comes as welcome news, as the SourceForge forums aren't that great.
  2. SourceForge CVS will be switched to Apache's Subversion repository. This is another great bonus, as SourceForge does not support SVN.
  3. SourceForge Bug Tracker will be moved to Apache Jira. Need we even explain how huge of an improvement this will be? Jira rocks.
  4. will be around for a long time. All of the key resources will be migrated to Apache, but I'll maintain this as a gateway to those resources for as long as the community finds it useful and not redundant.

Oct 4, 2004: iBATIS .NET 1.0.0 Released!  - The first and only cross platform, open source persistence solution.

Well, there's really only one news story worthy of the front page today, which is the release of iBATIS .NET 1.0.0.  This is an absolutely amazing achievement which brings the unique iBATIS solution to the world of .NET. Special thanks to Gilles Bayon and Ted Husted for making this possible.  Now C# programmers can benefit from the flexibility of SQL and the practicality of a time saving Data Mapper API.  In addition, Java developers can know that the skills they learn with iBATIS are transferable to another platform.  iBATIS truly is the best of both worlds, and is now available in both worlds as well!  What would an iBATIS product be without the sale of pets online?  The NPetShop 1.0 demo application is also available.  There is also a developer guide to help familiarize you with the iBATIS way.
More iBATIS.NET information and downloads here.

Oct 4, 2004: This just in!  iBATIS sells out to the DARK side known as .NET!  Or not...

Actually we didn't.  The iBATIS team is still committed to the Java platform, and in fact more than ever.  We're taking iBATIS to Apache to build upon their Open Source excellence and to ensure that there is a community with development and support infrastructure for iBATIS for years to come.  We're still the same, only we're dueling with both a red and a green lightsaber now...  ;-)
Just to prove it, here's iBATIS for Java 2.0.7

Sept 18, 2004: iBATIS 2.0.6 Released
This release is a summer bug fix release. That is, it fixes any bugs that were found during the summer vacation months. :-) Enjoy.
Download 2.0.6

Sept 12, 2004: Busy Summer - Update
The iBATIS team has had a busy summer. Mixed in with vacations, application to Apache, design discussions, day-to-day support, bug fixes...oh, and real jobs, we've been keeping rather busy. I'm currently working on a project in Palo Alto. I figured my evenings would be free to code iBATIS, but we've been taking upwards of 3 hours to have dinner, so.... Anyway, iBATIS has been voted into the Apache incubator and are currently awaiting some resources (mailing lists, svn, jira, web etc.). In addition to that, we're hoping to get to work on the current bug list and get a release out. Updating the documentation is also at the top of our list. Watch for these in the coming days, weeks and months.

August 11, 2004: iBATIS 2.0.5 Featuring Custom Type Handlers!
The first major feature since the 2.0 release is here. The new Custom Type Handlers will allow you to deal with odd data, unsupported JDBC types and translate or transform values. The implementation is simple, and I'll try to get an example up on the site soon. This release also features a number of DAO enhancements and bug fixes. See the change log for details.
Download 2.0.5

July 19, 2004: SPEAK UP! Do you mention iBATIS in a book, article or website?
Just by chance, I very often run into articles or chapters in books that discuss iBATIS. If you've written something about iBATIS or have included iBATIS as part of a discussion, why not let us know? We'll post a link to your site, the article or the book. We want to help you just like you help us. SO LET US KNOW! :-) The following link is an excellent article about SQL Maps by Michael Klaene that I found while Googling something about idea how that happened.
Using iBatis SQL Maps (1.3.1) for Java Data Access (By Michael Klaene)

July 18, 2004: J2EE Development without EJB
Rod Johnson and Juergen Hoeller have released their latest book entitled J2EE Development without EJB (Wrox; expert one-on-one series). I just picked up my copy and it looks like it will be a winner. It discusses everything you need to know about living without EJB and why you might be better off that way.
Check it out at

July 25, 2004: iBATIS 2.0.4
Another minor release with a number of bug fixes and new performance optimizations. The getUserConnection() method was deprectated and replaced by getCurrentConnection(). This helps facilitate a feature that has been heavily requested in the last couple of weeks. There is also an additional syntax for specifying user provided connections: openSession(Connection). We expect to get some updated documentation for the new features soon.
Download 2.0.4

July 18, 2004: iBATIS 2.0.3
We just released 2.0.3 with a number of bug fixes and new performance optimizations. We expect to get some updated documentation for the new features soon.
Download 2.0.3

July 15, 2004: Should iBATIS join Apache?
We've asked the question, now it's your turn to share your thoughts. A thread has been started in the development forum.
Tell us What YOU think.

July 15, 2004: Another release is coming...after Stampede
It's been a busy week. There are some new minor bug fixes and features on the way. It's just a matter of a build and release that will happen sometime this weekend. It's Stampede time here in Calgary, which is partially why I also haven't mowed the lawn in 2 weeks. :-)
Calgary Stampede

June 22, 2004: iBATIS 2.0.2, JPetStore 4.0.5, and iBATIS .Net 0.9!
A little house keeping, a couple of minor bug-fix releases and the very first iBATIS.Net release!! Check it out!
iBATIS 2.0.2 | JPetStore 4.0.5 | iBATIS.Net 0.9

June 21, 2004: iBATIS 2.0.1
Tiny little bug fix release I wanted to get out before this lightning storm blows up my new hard drives. ACK! ~KAPOW!~
iBATIS 2.0.1

June 17, 2004: iBATIS SQL Maps and Data Access Object 2.0 Final RELEASED!
Almost exactly two years after being introduced to the OSS community, iBATIS celebrates it's second birthday with the 2.0 Final release. This milestone release means that the 2.0 codebase has surpassed the functionality, reliability and performance of the 1.x codebase. It also means that there are many cool new features to look forward to in the releases to come! JPetStore 4.0.3 has also been released, and is a great example of both SQL Maps 2.0 and DAO 2.0.
iBATIS 2.0 Final
JPetStore 4.0.3

June 14, 2004: Back from Chicago
I don't think I mentioned that I had left, but I am now back from a short business trip to Chicago. I am happy to note that there are only two minor bugs in the tracker for the RC5 code base after 3 weeks of testing. Once these two minor issues are cleared up I'm hoping for a 2.0 release by the end of the week. All in favour, say "I" (say it, don't email it). ;-)
iBATIS 2.0

May 29, 2004: RC5 Doc Updates
The docs have been updated. Thanks to everyone who was involved with proofreading and writing in the corrections.
See the iBATIS 2.0 Homepage for doc downloads

May 25, 2004: iBATIS Release Candidate 5 (build 274) and JPetStore 4.0.2
The latest release of iBATIS 2.0 includes lots of fun bug fixes. You'll also notice the change to the site look and feel in preparation for iBATIS 2.0 final release that should be happening any time now. Remember the RowHandler API changed, so be sure to update your RowHandler related code. The latest JPetStore release includes a small typo bug fix and updated iBATIS RC5 jars.
Visit the iBATIS 2.0 homepage for more

May 12, 2004: JPetStore minor bug fix release (4.0.1)
A quick JP4 release to fix a minor typo.
Download JP4 here.

May 11, 2004: RC4 Released --RowHandler Refactored
Release Candidate 4 is available and contains a number of bug fixes and some new features like DAO context aliases, improved caching, more XML support (DOM) and a more flexible DTD for pluggable components. Most importanly though is the change to the RowHandler interface. If you use RowHandlers, please read this.
Download RC4 here. (Updated documentation to follow shortly.)

Apr 22, 2004: RC3 Documentation Updated
The docs have been updated with lots of fixed typos. Special thanks to Derek Scherger (a.k.a. Hawkeye), who submitted an unbelievable (i.e. embarassing for me) number of typos and some great suggestions! :-)
Download the RC3 Docs here.

Apr 19, 2004: Meet Team iBATIS!
Since day one iBATIS has belonged to the community, but it was I [Clinton] alone who supported it and developed it on your behalf. iBATIS has been so successful that it has grown beyond a one man show. Therefore, I've recruited some of the brightest minds and most committed iBATIS developers to assist with moving the project forward. They are:

Please welcome the new team in the Discussion Forums (Feature Requests, or Support Requests).

Apr 19, 2004: Introducing Nausicaa
Are you working with .Net and miss iBATIS? Well, that can stop right now. Gilles Bayon has a very good start on a .Net equivalent SQL Mapping framework called Nausicaa. In the months to come the iBATIS team will be supporting Nausicaa any way we can.
Nausicaa Home Page

Apr 19, 2004: SQL Maps and DAO 2.0 Release Candidate 3
This release completes the "to-do" list for final release. It adds a couple of small configuration features and a few minor bug fixes. Final release is expected shortly. I've also updated the site examples to 2.0.
Check out the status page for downloads.

Apr 11, 2004: SQL Maps and DAO 2.0 Release Candidate 2
This weekend I finished unpacking my house, except for my books. I can't unpack those until I replace the yucky flowery heart border in my new office. Anyway, iBATIS Database Layer components including SQL Maps 2.0 and Data Access Objects 2.0 have been released as Release Candidate 2. For all of those waiting, I have in fact exposed the flushDataCache() method for manually flushing the cache. I've also worked through the entire list of bugs and squashed (or denied) every one of them. ;-)
Check out the status page for downloads.

Apr 7, 2004: Back on Track!
Well I returned back from NYC to my new house, which is still not completely unpacked. After getting my other affairs in order, I had a look at my SourceForge forums and email and realized how far behind I was. To top it off, I had some difficulties with email that caused some of it to be lost. DOH! Now that things are settling down, I'm looking to get some long overdue work done on iBATIS. Look forward to it later this weekend.

Apr 5, 2004: Back from NYC
Wow, what a fabulous trip! In NYC I was able to hook up with some of the brightest minds in open source software including Ted Husted, Matt Raible, Rod Johnson, Steve Raeburn, Jason Carriera --and of course we have Vic Cekvenich to thank for it! It was a great time and the seminar was a great success with lots of positive feedback. Awesome!

Mar 31, 2004: Out of Town
Well, the house is moved and I my network is up and running --all just in time to take a little trip! I'll be on the road for a few days (until Monday) and will therefore be unresponsive to email requests and forum posts. Please help out by answering questions on the forums and posting bug patches for the outstanding bugs. For now, I leave you with these words of wisdom:

Laptops do not drink beer. Not even in Canada. I hope Dell understands. :-)

Mar 25, 2004: Moving to a new House
I'll be a little less responsive over the next few days, as I am moving to a new house. This means that my development computers/servers will be boxed and packed. Normally it wouldn't be so long, but the wiring in the new house was done by a weekend-warrior, and the polarity is backwards on a number of the electrical outlets (including my new office). I'm no electrician myself, so I'll have to get out my Zap the Safety Bird manual and fix them before I can plug my electronics in. I will have my laptop available for checking email, but I'm sure unpacking will keep me busy too.

Mar 20, 2004: iBATIS SQL Maps and DAO 2.0 - Release Candidate 1
The first release candidate has been released for SQL Maps and DAO 2.0.
SQL Maps and DAO 2.0 RC 1 Status Page

Mar 17, 2004: Bug Tracker Opened
I've opened the SourceForge bug tracker for the ibatisdb project to help manage the bug lifecycle.
Bug Tracker

Mar 15, 2004: JPetStore 4.0 Released
The official example for SQL Maps 2.0 and DAO 2.0 is now available. JPetStore 4.0 has retired from the platform comparison business and is now exclusively an example application for iBATIS and other frameworks. In addition to using the iBATIS persistence layer products, it also sports a new experimental presentation layer based on Struts.
JPetStore 4.0

Mar 8, 2004: SQL Maps and DAO 2.0 Beta 5
Both SQL Maps and DAO 2.0 Beta 5 are now available! This is a pretty big release, as it resolves all known "functional bugs" and includes a couple of non-trivial refactorings. Particularly the SqlMapClient interfaces have been reshuffled (no major impacts) and the getSession() method has been deprecated and renamed to openSession(). This release also contains DAO 2.0, which has now passed all concurrency and performance tests. Developer guides are also available for both frameworks!
SQL Maps and DAO 2.0 Beta 5 Status Page

Feb 18, 2004: SQL Maps Beta 3 includes Documentation
SQL Maps Beta 3 is released and includes the first draft of the 2.0 Developer guide. Have a look at it and let me know what you think. I kept the same basic format. Beta 3 also has some important changes including renaming the queryWithRowHandler() method. It is now an overload of the queryForList() method, which is more clear and concise. The <procedure> output="true|false" attribute has also been renamed to mode="IN|OUT|INOUT", so that pure OUT parameters are now supported. In addition to that, there are some bug fixes (of course) and a new build.xml.
SQL Maps Beta Status Page

Feb 13, 2004: Valentine's Day (Tomorrow) and a Happy XML Editor
Only 2 days 'till Valentine's Day...have you done your shopping yet? Be sure to go out and get your special someone a gift. Personally I prefer the free ones that edit XML. If you don't have a good IDE that supports XML editing and validation, or if you want something that starts up in less than 12 minutes, try this one from BEA. It's small, simple, free and works well. It makes a great gift too...I'm sure my wife will love it. :-) Speaking of family issues, we just completed a house deal (sale and purchase), which is what has been occupying my free time for the last couple weeks. I'll be focusing on the next build of SQL Maps 2.0 Beta in the next week or so (after Valentine's day of course).

Feb 1, 2004: Super Bowl and a couple or releases
What better way to spend a Sunday than watching Super Bowl, eating pizza and coding? Yeah, I know it's pretty sad. :-) What is even more sad is that it seems like Kid Rock was the only half-time performer who wasn't lip synching! [Or is he just good at it?] And did P. Diddy have grey hair? Man, even I'm getting old! Anyway, I've released 1.3.1 and 2.0 build 107. Both are pretty small releases that just fix a couple of minor bugs. Cheers!

Jan 20, 2004: Long Overdue News -- Spring Framework 1.0 M4 includes iBATIS SQL Maps support
Spring is a lightweight container that provides a great deal of pluggable services and architectural components in a single package. It's a good alternative to EJBs bloated app servers that can quickly empty your projects wallet.

Jan 20, 2004: iBATIS DB Layer 1.3.0 Released
This is a small release that fixes a couple rare bugs and adds a few small features...but then again, there's nothing like having the latest version. :-) The major significance of the 1.3.0 release is that it celebrates the maturity of the 1.x line, both in terms of stability and age. The code base is actually 2 years old now! Although it didn't show up on SourceForge until September 2002, the DAO framework and the foundations of SQL Maps were in use at least 9 months earlier. So what better way to celebrate than to rewrite the whole thing from the ground up...2.0 Beta 2 is available (see above), so be sure to try it out. See the SQL Maps Homepage or the SQL Maps 2.0 Status pagefor more.

Jan 18, 2004: Updated: Generate JavaBeans and SqlMaps from DDL
Alex Egorov has written a Perl script that uses the DDL from your database to generate JavaBeans and SQL Maps. It's in the early stages (0.1.8), but will surely end up being a really cool tool!

Jan 10, 2004: Guess What's New?
I hope you enjoy the new website. :-)

Jan 5, 2004: Updated JPetStore/MySQL Tutorial
Adrian Lanning is at it again writing fantastic tutorials for web developers. The new tutorial discusses setup of JPetStore on Windows with MySQL and Tomcat. It also sports a pretty new HTML format for easy reading. Check it out!

Jan 5 , 2004: iBATIS 1.2.9b
The biggest change in this release is the JAR file packaging. The framework is now in 3 JAR files (common, sqlmap, dao). Other than that, it fixes a bug or two and is once again compiled with JDK 1.3 for maximum compatibility. Get it here.

December 24, 2003: Merry Christmas Everyone!

December 24, 2003: Chinese Developer Guide. The iBATIS DB Layer Developer Guide is now available in Chinese. Big thanks to Liu Tao for the translation! You can get it from the download page.

December 14, 2003: SQL Maps 2.0 Update.
Slowly but surely SQL Maps 2.0 is making its way to Beta 1. I'm hoping to have it available before the end of December. With Christmas and wrapping up the end of the year, it might be January before a public Beta becomes available. If you'd like to try it out sooner, toss me an email and I'll send you a JAR to play with.

December 14, 2003: DB Layer 1.2.9 Released. This is a simple bug fix release that focuses on compatibility. The framework is now compiled under JDK 1.4, but should still work with 1.3 without issue. Also, due to version conflicts, CGLIB has been removed completely. iBATIS DBL 2.0 will reimplemt it using the new CGLIB 2.0. For a complete list of changes, see the download page.

November 8, 2003: A MySQL Tutorial for JPetStore has been submitted by Adrian Lanning. If you're a MySQL user or interested in trying it, download it here! I'll add it to the standard distribution in the next release. Thanks Adrian!

October 12, 2003: iBATIS DB Layer 1.2.8! A small release of iBATIS DBL. Some simple bug fixes (caching, stored procs) and an improvement to the Paginated List API (prev/next now returns boolean for a more familiar paradigm). Check it out!

October 12, 2003: JPetStore 3.1.1. Just a simple JP release that includes DDL for some additional databases (HSQL, MySQL...). No functional changes. Download it here.

October 1, 2003: Busy, Busy, Busy! But who isn't these days? I've been super busy with "life stuff" such as changing employers. Very exciting, but it's a lot of work! Work to work I suppose... Things coming down the pipe hopefully in the coming weeks and months: Response to Philip Greenspun's SUV comment (late but better than never), some simple updates to iBATIS DBL, a small JPetStore release and most importantly....iBATIS DBL 2 (alpha)! Tease... So please bear with me while I complete my transition and we'll start seeing some new stuff soon!

September 5 , 2003: iBATIS DB Layer 1.2.7 Now Available! This release introduces a completely new cache model that allows for pluggable caching strategies. There are 2 new built in strategies (LRU, FIFO), in addition to support for OSCache --a distributable caching framework! The new cache model is completely backward compatible. Check it out!

August 17, 2003: iBATIS DB Layer 1.2.6 Now Available! This is a small release that includes some enhancements such as: extendible result maps, improved LOB support (driver dependant), performance improvements (automapper, type registry, caching) and some bug fixes! Check it out!

July 27, 2003: JPetStore 3.1 is here! Taking the best of all previous implementations and continuing in the tradition of JPetStore, version 3 demonstrates an open, free, 5 layer web application architecture using Struts and the iBATIS Database Layer. Now includes a new Apache Axis web service and client too (3.1.0)! Check it out!

July 27, 2003: SQL Map Lesson by Rick Reumann! This excellent Lesson takes you step-by-step through configuration and usage of a number of the SqlMap features. Rick also has some great Struts tutorials that are definitely worth working through. Check it out!

July 27, 2003: iBATIS DB Layer 1.2.5 Released! Loads of new features and performance enhancements. This release includes some exciting improvements lika an SqlMap validator (for Ant), new logging, exception handling (nested) and byte[] support. It also includes other fun new features like automated Paginated List support, Commons Logging (Log4J), global transactions, configurable thread management, and a debug JAR and source zip (for easy IDE integration). There is a Brand New Developer's Guide too! Check it out!

July 22, 2003: JPetStore 3 is here! Taking the best of all previous implementations and continuing in the tradition of JPetStore, version 3 demonstrates an open, free, 5 layer web application architecture using Struts and the iBATIS Database Layer. Check it out.

July 21, 2003: A Mailing List has been set up for the iBATIS DB Layer. Check it out. The link is on the DB Layer homepate and here.

July 20, 2003: DB Layer 1.2.5 Release Candidate 3 is available!
This release includes some exciting improvements a new SqlMap validator (for Ant), new logging, exception handling (nested) and byte[] support. It also includes other fun new features like automated Paginated List support, Commons Logging (Log4J), global transactions, configurable thread management, a debug JAR and source zip (for easy IDE integration), and the new performance enhancements mentioned in the previous betas. There is a Brand New Developer's Guide too! Check it out, proofreaders welcome! Download Page.

July 11, 2003: DB Layer 1.2.5 Release Candidate 2 is available! This release includes some exciting improvements to logging, exception handling (nested) and byte[] support. Of course it also includes other fun new features like automated Paginated List support (fun!), Commons Logging (Log4J), global transactions, configurable thread management, stacked transactions, a debug JAR and source zip (for easy IDE integration), and the new performance enhancements mentioned in the previous betas. There is a Band New Developer's Guide too! Check it out, proofreaders welcome! Download Page.

July 1, 2003: DB Layer 1.2.5 Release Candidate 1 is now available!
This release includes some exciting additions including automated Paginated List support (fun!), Commons Logging (Log4J), global transactions, configurable thread management, stacked transactions, a debug JAR and source zip (for easy IDE integration), and the new performance enhancements mentioned in the previous betas. There is a Band New Developer's Guide too! Check it out, proofreaders welcome! Download Page.

June 8, 2003: DB Layer 1.2.5 Beta 3 is now available! This release includes some exciting additions including integration with Jakarta DBCP (connection pooling), Commons Logging (Log4J), global transactions, configurable thread management, stacked transactions, a debug JAR and source zip (for easy IDE integration), and the new performance enhancements mentioned in the previous betas. BUT! Most importantly, for this release there is a Band New Developer's Guide! Check it out. Proofreaders welcome! Download Page.

June 2, 2003: As requested, a Discussion Forum for DB Layer is now available on Source Forge! It's available for support, feature requests and general discussion. Give it a try.

May 21, 2003: DB Layer 1.2.5 Beta 2 has been released. This new beta includes Lazy Loading of mapped Collections and Lists, which should improve performance for many applications. Otherwise, it is mostly focused on large scale performance and is functionally equivalent to 1.2.0 Final. Try it out and let me know what you think.

May 14, 2003: DB Axle 0.7.0 Beta has been released. It includes new "struts-like" tags (form, html, logic, bean etc.). I think it's cool, but maybe it's just me.... ;-) It's available here.

May 12, 2003: DB Layer 1.2.5 Beta 1 has been released. It is purely focused on large scale performance and is functionally equivalent to 1.2.0 Final. Try it out and let me know what you think.

May 11, 2003: DB Layer 1.2.0 Final has been released. It includes a few new dynamic elements (Iterate!), Collection property support, improved error messages (now indicates property), and some important bug fixes. The developer guide has also been updated with the new features. Download it now!

MAY 7, 2003: STILL MOVING! I'm still moving. Thanks to a record breaking storm in Calgary during my moving weekend, I am a little behind. Having my wisdom teeth out last week isn't helping either (OW!). I hope to have my servers back up by Sunday May 11. Until then, the JPetStore demos will be unavailable. The rest of the iBATIS site will be unaffected.

Apr 7, 2003: DB Layer 1.2.0 Beta 2 has been released. It includes a few new dynamic elements (Iterate!), Collection property support, improved error messages (now indicates property), and some important bug fixes. The developer guide has also been updated with the new features. Download it now!

Mar 16, 2003: DB Layer 1.2.0 Beta 1 has been released! This is the biggest feature release yet! It includes Dynamic SQL support, configurable cache models, implicit result maps (automapping), better SQL Map batch updates, optional prepared statement caching, DAO/SQL Map integration, DAO transaction management, and a new set of examples included with the download! The developer guide has also been updated with the new features. Download it now!

Mar 5, 2003: JPetStore 2.1.0 has been released. This version eliminates the direct XA code and uses JTA instead. It also includes a bunch of stubbed in deployment descriptors for Sun ONE AS, WebLogic, JBoss, Oracle 9iAS, and Orion. Download it here.

Feb 21, 2003: iBATIS Database Layer 1.1.0 Final has been released. There are loads of new features including support for simple object types (String, Integer, Boolean etc.) for both parameters and results (even collections!). Also greatly improved error reporting for easier debugging, support for Map types (HashMap) and null value mapping. The new 1.1.0 developer guide is also available! Try it out!

Feb 17, 2003: Updated JPetStore 1.2.3 - Updated iBATIS JAR.

January 15, 2003: New versions of JPetStore, Breakdown and DB Layer. Happy New Year!

December 14, 2002: Thank you to everyone who participated in Sun Developer Days on Dec 10 - 11 (Edmonton and Calgary). Lots of good questions were asked and a lot of good discussion took place. If you had a question that you were not able to ask, please feel free to email me any time, and I'll do my best to help you out.

November 12, 2002: JPetStore 2.0 is here! Only 2 weeks after Microsoft and TMC released their new study, a new, slimmer, faster JPetStore will once again push Microsoft's .Net marketing agenda aside. Check it out.