Introduction to Abator

Abator: One who abates a nuisance. (

Abator is a code generator for iBATIS. Abator will introspect a database table (or many tables) and will generate iBATIS artifacts that can be used to access the table(s). This lessens the initial nuisance of setting up objects and configuration files to interact with database tables. Abator seeks to make a major impact on the large percentage of database operations that are simple CRUD (Create, Retrieve, Update, Delete). You will still need to hand code SQL and objects for join queries, or stored procedures.

Abator will generate:

Abator is designed to run well in an iterative development environment, and Abator can even be included as an Ant task in a continuous build environment. Important things to note when running Abator iteratively include:

  1. Abator will automatically merge XML files if there is an existing file with the same name as the newly generated XML file. Abator will not overwrite any custom changes you make to the XML files it generates. You can run it over and over again without fear of losing custom changes to you XML. Abator will replace any XML elements that were generated in a previous run.
  2. Abator will not merge Java files, it can either overwrite existing files or save newly generated files with a different unique name. If you make changes to the generated Java files and run Abator iteratively you will have to merge the changes by hand. When run as an Eclipse plugin, then Abator can automatically merge Java files.


Abator has no dependencies beyond the JRE. Abator does require JRE 1.4 or above. Abator also requires that the JDBC driver implements the DatabaseMetaData interface, especially the getColumns and getPrimaryKeys methods.


Support for Abator is provided through the iBATIS user mailing list. You can subscribe to the mailing list by sending a note to:

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If you think you have found a bug, please ask a question about it on the user list first, before creating a JIRA issue. If you find a bug, or have a new feature request, you can open a JIRA issue for Abator at

Please select the "Tools" component when creating any issues for Abator.