Mailing Lists

We have different mailing lists for iBATIS for Java and iBATIS for .NET users. If you have questions, there are many users on the lists who are more than willing to help every day of the week! Our user lists are archived and searchable.

The iBATIS Developer mailing list is where we discuss the future of the Data Mapper and Data Access frameworks. Every once in a while, we talk about bug fixes too. ;-)

iBATIS for Java

Java User Mailing List   Subscribe New Message Archives/Search Old Incubator Archives
Java DIGEST User Mailing List   Subscribe      


.NET User Mailing List Subscribe New Message Archives/Search Old Incubator Archives
.NET DIGEST User Mailing List   Subscribe      

iBATIS Development

Developer Mailing List Subscribe New Message Archives/Search Old Incubator Archives
Subversion Commits List Subscribe   Archives/Search Old Incubator Archives