IBatisNet Change Log ------------------------------ 1.3 - XX/XX/XXXX ------------------------------ - - Added support for Implicit Result Maps as
... - Removes use of Xml serilization for loading config, boost init - Improved caching process & performance - Corrected issue with flushOnExecute statements being from other namespaces - Allow CacheModels, ResultMaps, and ParameterMaps to be in their own seperate files - Fixed IBATISNET-58 Allow all attributes in SqlMap.config file to be aware of ${xyz} properties - Fixed IBATISNET-97 Improved support for caching null results - Fixed IBATISNET-96 Added Informix .NET Provider 2.81 support (Anderson Gomes) - Fixed IBATISNET-94 Issue with DaoManager init - Fixed IBATISNET-92 Check selectKey's property attribute for writeability during mapper initialization - Fixed IBATISNET-91 Added Cache flush on ExecuteQueryForObject - Fixed IBATISNET-82 Added DomDaoManagerBuilder.Configure(XmlDocument document) - Fixed IBATISNET-77 Allow Intellisense in Visual Studio 2003 for SqlMap/SqlMap.config files - Updated schemas header SqlMap.config Mapping files Providers.config ------------------------------ 1.2.1 - 10/07/2005 ------------------------------ - Added new DomSqlMapBuilder constructor DomSqlMapBuilder(bool validateSqlMapConfig) - Exchange order of settings and properties tag in config file - Add new API to DomSqlMapBuilder.Configure(...)[old API SqlMapper.Configure(...) are marked as obsolete] - Re-Add providers tag (optional) in SqlMap.Config - Updated to Castle.DynamicProxy V1.1.0.0 - Impoved logging JIRA-35 - Added support to validate SqlMap.config (automatic) and mapping file (manual) via setting tag () - Fixed grammar typo (JIRA-36, JIRA-40, JIRA-41, JIRA-44, JIRA-61, JIRA-64) - Added support for custom type handler - Added typeHandler attribute to result-property and parameter-property tags - Added and tags for class inheritance support - Added nunit category 'NHibernate' - Fixed Oracle issues (JIRA-27, JIRA-54, JIRA-56, JIRA-57) - Improvement JIRA-75/63 ( To resolve IBATISNET-63 ) - Fixed JIRA-70 Passed inner exception when re-throwing when init provider - Fixed JIRA-69 Added support for global setting in ressource and url attribute - Fixed JIRA-68 Improved logging message fpr TypeHandler Configuration - Fixed JIRA-66 #value# moniker not recognized when called something else like #ProductId# - Fixed JIRA-60 QueryForMap not calling session.CloseConnection() correctly - Fixed JIRA-51 If a has a "cacheModel" attribute set and cacheModelsEnabled="false" in SqlMap.config, an DataMapperException is thrown - Fixed JIRA-49 Exceptions such as NotSupportedException not handled gracefully in CreateParametersForStatementText() - Fixed JIRA-47/48/49 providers.config Assumes Types Are In The Same Assembly - Fixed JIRA-45 Unable to reference result maps defined in other xml files when useStatementNamespaces is set to true - Fixed JIRA-43 IBatisNet.sln contains a reference to a non-existant project: "IBatisNet.Test" - Fixed JIRA-42 Build 1.1.458.0 doesn't automatically map .Net's bool to Sql Server 2000's Bit column type like previous builds did. - Fixed JIRA-38 ParseGlobalProperties raises NullReferenceException if optional "properties" element is missing from sqlmap config file - Fixed JIRA-37 An exception is thrown when a file watch is applied to an embedded resource - Fixed JIRA-34 SqlMapSession's OpenConnection writes log message in "if" statement but not in "else if" statement - Fixed JIRA-33 SqlMapSession's OpenConnection writes log message in "if" statement but not in "else if" statement - Fixed JIRA-32 Improve how CloseConnection() tests for closeable connection - Fixed JIRA-30 bug in when referencing a parameter more than once - Fixed JIRA-29 Pound signs not handled correctly - Fixed JIRA-26 Unhandled NullReference parsing non-existent properties. - Fixed JIAR-25 Error applying ResultMap when using 'Guid' in resultClass - Fixed JIRA-24 GUID TypeResolving misconfigured - Fixed JIRA-23 Add ability to preserve newlines within statement bodies. - Fixed JIRA-22 statements containing undefined global properties silently fail - Fixed JIRA-21 Property substitutions do not occur inside statement - Fixed JIRA-20 Type problems when applying parameters. ------------------------------ 1.1.458 Alpha- 12-jan-2005 ------------------------------ - Added type (a CLR type) attribut in result and parameterMap element. - Patch from Luke Yang - Updated schema. - Added explicit open/close connection for DataAccess framework. - Added support for NHibernate in DataAccess framework - Added optional tag 'daoSessionHandlers' in dao.config to support new session handler (NHibernate) - Changed 'name' attribut on 'context' tag to 'id' (dao.config) - Changed 'name' attribut on 'daoSessionHandler' tag to 'id' (dao.config) - Fixed JIRA IBATISNET-13 - Used Castle.DynamicProxy 1.0.3 for proxy. - Fixed JIRA IBATISNET-12 - Added Unit Test for multiple/nested DAO Manager - Added Xml Comment - Fixed possible issue in ApplyParameterMap (https://sourceforge.net/forum/message.php?msg_id=2841897) - Added support for C# using syntax in DataAccess/DataMapper * using ( IDalSession session = daoManager.OpenConnection() ) { ...db operations... } * using ( IDalSession session = daoManager.BeginTransaction() ) { ...db operations... session.Complete(); // Commit } * using ( IDalSession session = sqlMap.OpenConnection() ) { ...db operations... } * using ( IDalSession session = sqlMap.BeginTransaction() ) { ...db operations... session.Complete(); // Commit } - Added support for Distributed Transaction à la Indigo with TransactionScope object in iBATIS.Common.Transaction (see Unit test in CommonTests.Transaction for usage) using (TransactionScope tx = new TransactionScope()) { // Open connection to database 1 // Transaction will be automatically enlist into it // Execute update in database 1 // Open connection to database 2 // Transaction will be automatically enlist into it // Execute update in database 2 // Open a MessageQueue // Transaction will be automatically enlist into it // Post message // the following code will be executed only if no exception // occured in the above code; since we got here ok, let's vote for commit; // in most if not all of the cases, this last line will be the same as below tx.Complete(); } // when “using” call Dispose on the transaction scope at the end // of the “using” code block, the "ambient" transaction will be commited only and only if // the Complete method have been called. Only supported in - XP SP2 (or higher) - Windows Server 2003 - XP SP1 + Hotfix 828741 and only in .Net 1.1. It CAN'T be used on Windows 2000. Don't support nested TransactionScope. - Fixed bug for dynamic element isNotEqual (detected by Anders) - Fixed possible issue in SessionContainer - Refactoring of DaoSession - Removed 'static' usage in DomDaoManagerBuilder - Added support for embedded resource : only tag and tag will support it. Syntax for embedded attribut 'file name, the name of the assembly which contains the embedded resource' - Removed 'assembly' attribut on element of Dao.Config the implementation structure attribut of element become the namespace-qualified name of the class is specified, followed by a comma, followed by (at a bare minimum) the name of the assembly that contains the class. - Removed 'static' usage in DomSqlMapBuilder - Moved Alias management to IBatisNet.Common.Utilities - Fixed request support 1032436, ByteArrayTypeHandler misses the last byte - Fixed support request 1050704, Unable to use with useStatementNamespaces=true - Added 'extends' attribute on statement, see Unit tests TestExtends* - Improved configuration building - Fixed issue on cache initialization ------------------------------ 1.0.1 Alpha- 18/10/2004 ------------------------------ - Used Apache.Avalon.DynamicProxy.dll for proxy. - Fixed support request 1045775, Connection management : ThreadStatic under asp.net - Marked property 'assembly' on typeAlias XML element as obsolete, the type attribut structure become the namespace-qualified name of the class is specified, followed by a comma, followed by (at a bare minimum) the name of the assembly that contains the class. Exemple : type="IBatisNet.Test.Domain.Order, IBatisNet.Test" - Cleaning code, added comments - Fixed support request 1043181, NUNit test TestInsertOrderViaExtendParameterMap - TypeAlias refactoring, added a cache (improved perf from near 15%) - Used NUnit 2.2 to test - Removed signing on assembly ------------------------------ 1.0.0 Alpha- 07/10/2004 ------------------------------ - dao.config, sqlMap.config, providers.config must be place in the base directory of the application domain (same dir as app.config or web.config) - removed tag 'providers' from config file. - Rethink 'url', 'resource' notion (resource are loaded from the root directory of the application (relative path), url are valid path file:///c:/config/my.properties) - Fixed Support Request 1032436 (ByteArrayTypeHandler misses the last byte) - Fixed Support Requests 1007388 (SelectKey ignores namespace) - Added 'url', 'resource' notion as in iBatis Java - Changed 'file' attribute from tag to 'resource' name. - Added tag in statement tag , , ,