IBatisNet DataAccess Change Log ------------------------------ 1.7 - XX/XX/XXXX ------------------------------ - Updated to log4net V1.2.9 - Updated to Castle.DynamicProxy V1.1.5.0 - Re-add signing on assembly - Added custom logger support, IBATIS now need a custom section in your application config file Exemple (for log4NET) :
- Removes use of Xml serilization for loading config, boost init - IBATISNET-102 Calling DaoManager in different threads causes an Exception - Allow Intellisense in Visual Studio 2003 for Dao.config file - Updated schemas header dao.config providers.config ------------------------------ 1.6.1 - 10-June-2005 ------------------------------ - Fixed JIRA-38 Removed use of innerXml since properties node could be null/missing - Improvement JIRA-75/63 ( To resolve IBATISNET-63 ) - Added new API to DomDaoManagerBuilder.Configure(...)[old API DaoManager.Configure(...) are marked as obsolete] - Added New syntax to configure daoSessionHandler (old is too supported) - Re-Add providers tag (optional) in Dao.Config - Fixed JIRA-69 Added support for global setting in ressource and url attribute (JIRA-69)