---------------------------------------- ************** SCHEDULED ************** ---------------------------------------- DataMapper 1.2.1 -------------------- + Include Sample-SqlMap.config file + providers.config file needs to have enabled="false" for all providers except sqlServer1.1, OleDb, and Odbc + Release DataMapper Guide 1.2.1 DataAccess 1.6.1 -------------------- + Include Sample-dao.config file + providers.config file needs to have enabled="false" for all providers except sqlServer1.1, OleDb, and Odbc + Release DataAccess Guide 1.6.1 Source -------------------- + DataAccess to have updated Castle.DynamicProxy assembly (but NHibernate dependency!) Tutorial 1.? -------------------- + New Release of Doc (using docs/tutorial) and Solution (source) NPetshop 1.? -------------------- + Update? ---------------------------------------- ************* UNSCHEDULED ************* ---------------------------------------- DataMapper -------------------- MySql/MySql 1.0.4 + ICloneable exception with no connectionstring Oracle/ODP.NET 10g + ResultClassTest.TestSingle invalid cast provider/db issue + ResultClassTest.TestDouble invalid cast provider/db issue PostgreSQL/Npgsql 0.7 + StatementGenerate.TestSelectByPK + Add Stored function NUnit tests Firebird/Firebird 1.7 + ICloneable exception with no connectionstring Clover.NET + Add NUnit tests to cover IBatisNet.Common.Exceptions + Add NUnit tests to cover LRU Cache + Add NUnit tests to cover FIFO Cache DataAccess -------------------- + Castle.DynamicProxy update (tested?) + Merge with DataMapper NUnit tests or keep seperate and update (need to add PostgreSQL!)? + Create NHibernate stub classes/methods Docs -------------------- + Add more .NET DataMapper coding examples (at least the code!) Wiki -------------------- + DONE FAQ Explanation for Oracle and multiple SQL statements in one (as in TestDeleteWithComments) + FAQ CTH explanation for Oracle ODP.NET 10g and Boolean parameters + FAQ CTH explanation for Oracle Decimals and Hashtable resultClass