#region Apache Notice /***************************************************************************** * $Header: $ * $Revision: $ * $Date: $ * * iBATIS.NET Data Mapper * Copyright (C) 2004 - Gilles Bayon * * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * ********************************************************************************/ #endregion #region Using using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Specialized; using System.Data; using System.Reflection; using System.Text; using IBatisNet.Common; using IBatisNet.Common.Logging; using IBatisNet.Common.Utilities; using IBatisNet.Common.Utilities.Objects; using IBatisNet.DataMapper.Configuration.ParameterMapping; using IBatisNet.DataMapper.Exceptions; using IBatisNet.DataMapper.Scope; #endregion namespace IBatisNet.DataMapper.Configuration.Statements { /// /// Summary description for PreparedStatementFactory. /// public class PreparedStatementFactory { #region Fields private PreparedStatement _preparedStatement = null; private string _parameterPrefix = string.Empty; private IStatement _statement = null; private IDalSession _session = null; private string _commandText = string.Empty; private RequestScope _request = null; // (property, DbParameter) private HybridDictionary _propertyDbParameterMap = new HybridDictionary(); private static readonly ILog _logger = LogManager.GetLogger( MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType ); #endregion /// /// Constructor /// /// /// /// /// public PreparedStatementFactory(IDalSession session, RequestScope request, IStatement statement, string commandText) { _session = session; _request = request; _statement = statement; _commandText = commandText; } /// /// Create a list of IDataParameter for the statement and build the sql string. /// public PreparedStatement Prepare() { _preparedStatement = new PreparedStatement(); _parameterPrefix = _session.DataSource.Provider.ParameterPrefix; _preparedStatement.PreparedSql = _commandText; if (_statement.CommandType == CommandType.Text) { if (_request.ParameterMap != null) { CreateParametersForTextCommand(); EvaluateParameterMap(); } } else if (_statement.CommandType == CommandType.StoredProcedure) // StoredProcedure { if (_request.ParameterMap == null) // No parameterMap --> error { throw new DataMapperException("A procedure statement tag must have a parameterMap attribute, which is not the case for the procedure '"+_statement.Id+"."); } else // use the parameterMap { if (_session.DataSource.Provider.UseDeriveParameters) { DiscoverParameter(_session); } else { CreateParametersForProcedureCommand(); // EvaluateParameterMap(); // Did we need that ? I don't think for the procedure } } #region Fix for Odbc // Although executing a parameterized stored procedure using the ODBC .NET Provider // is slightly different from executing the same procedure using the SQL or // the OLE DB Provider, there is one important difference // -- the stored procedure must be called using the ODBC CALL syntax rather than // the name of the stored procedure. // For additional information on this CALL syntax, // see the page entitled "Procedure Calls" in the ODBC Programmer's Reference // in the MSDN Library. //http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;EN-US;Q309486 if ( _session.DataSource.Provider.IsObdc == true ) { StringBuilder commandTextBuilder = new StringBuilder("{ call "); commandTextBuilder.Append( _commandText ); if (_preparedStatement.DbParameters.Count >0) { commandTextBuilder.Append(" ("); int supIndex = _preparedStatement.DbParameters.Count-1; for(int i=0;i /// For store procedure, auto discover IDataParameters for stored procedures at run-time. /// /// The current session. private void DiscoverParameter(IDalSession session) { // pull the parameters for this stored procedure from the parameter cache // (or discover them & populate the cache) IDataParameter[] commandParameters = DBHelperParameterCache.GetSpParameterSet(session.DataSource, _commandText); int start = session.DataSource.Provider.ParameterPrefix.Length; foreach(IDataParameter dataParameter in commandParameters) { if (session.DataSource.Provider.UseParameterPrefixInParameter == false) { if (dataParameter.ParameterName.StartsWith(session.DataSource.Provider.ParameterPrefix)) { dataParameter.ParameterName = dataParameter.ParameterName.Substring(start); } } _preparedStatement.DbParametersName.Add( dataParameter.ParameterName ); _preparedStatement.DbParameters.Add( dataParameter ); } } /// /// Create IDataParameters for command text statement. /// private void CreateParametersForTextCommand() { string sqlParamName = string.Empty; string dbTypePropertyName = _session.DataSource.Provider.ParameterDbTypeProperty; Type enumDbType = _session.DataSource.Provider.ParameterDbType; IList list = null; int i = 0; if (_session.DataSource.Provider.UsePositionalParameters) //obdc/oledb { list = _request.ParameterMap.Properties; } else { list = _request.ParameterMap.PropertiesList; } foreach(ParameterProperty property in list) { if (_session.DataSource.Provider.UseParameterPrefixInParameter) { // From Ryan Yao: JIRA-27, used "param" + i++ for sqlParamName sqlParamName = _parameterPrefix + "param" + i++; } else { sqlParamName = "param" + i++; } IDataParameter dataParameter = _session.CreateCommand(_statement.CommandType).CreateParameter(); // Manage dbType attribute if any if (property.DbType != null && property.DbType.Length >0) { // Exemple : Enum.parse(System.Data.SqlDbType, 'VarChar') object dbType = Enum.Parse( enumDbType, property.DbType, true ); // Exemple : ObjectHelper.SetProperty(sqlparameter, 'SqlDbType', SqlDbType.Int); ObjectProbe.SetPropertyValue(dataParameter, dbTypePropertyName, dbType); } // Set IDbDataParameter // JIRA-49 Fixes (size, precision, and scale) if (_session.DataSource.Provider.SetDbParameterSize) { if (property.Size != -1) { ((IDbDataParameter)dataParameter).Size = property.Size; } } if (_session.DataSource.Provider.SetDbParameterPrecision) { ((IDbDataParameter)dataParameter).Precision = property.Precision; } if (_session.DataSource.Provider.SetDbParameterScale) { ((IDbDataParameter)dataParameter).Scale = property.Scale; } // Set as direction parameter dataParameter.Direction = property.Direction; dataParameter.ParameterName = sqlParamName; _preparedStatement.DbParametersName.Add( property.PropertyName ); _preparedStatement.DbParameters.Add( dataParameter ); if ( _session.DataSource.Provider.UsePositionalParameters == false) { _propertyDbParameterMap.Add(property, dataParameter); } } } /// /// Create IDataParameters for procedure statement. /// private void CreateParametersForProcedureCommand() { string sqlParamName = string.Empty; string dbTypePropertyName = _session.DataSource.Provider.ParameterDbTypeProperty; Type enumDbType = _session.DataSource.Provider.ParameterDbType; IList list = null; if (_session.DataSource.Provider.UsePositionalParameters) //obdc/oledb { list = _request.ParameterMap.Properties; } else { list = _request.ParameterMap.PropertiesList; } // ParemeterMap are required for procedure and we tested existance in Prepare() method // so we don't have to test existence here. // A ParameterMap used in CreateParametersForProcedureText must // have property and column attributes set. // The column attribute is the name of a procedure parameter. foreach(ParameterProperty property in list) { if (_session.DataSource.Provider.UseParameterPrefixInParameter) { sqlParamName = _parameterPrefix + property.ColumnName; } else //obdc/oledb { sqlParamName = property.ColumnName; } IDataParameter dataParameter = _session.CreateCommand(_statement.CommandType).CreateParameter(); // Manage dbType attribute if any if (property.DbType!=null && property.DbType.Length >0) { // Exemple : Enum.parse(System.Data.SqlDbType, 'VarChar') object dbType = Enum.Parse( enumDbType, property.DbType, true ); // Exemple : ObjectHelper.SetProperty(sqlparameter, 'SqlDbType', SqlDbType.Int); ObjectProbe.SetPropertyValue(dataParameter, dbTypePropertyName, dbType); } // Set IDbDataParameter // JIRA-49 Fixes (size, precision, and scale) if (_session.DataSource.Provider.SetDbParameterSize) { if (property.Size != -1) { ((IDbDataParameter)dataParameter).Size = property.Size; } } if (_session.DataSource.Provider.SetDbParameterPrecision) { ((IDbDataParameter)dataParameter).Precision = property.Precision; } if (_session.DataSource.Provider.SetDbParameterScale) { ((IDbDataParameter)dataParameter).Scale = property.Scale; } // Set as direction parameter dataParameter.Direction = property.Direction; dataParameter.ParameterName = sqlParamName; _preparedStatement.DbParametersName.Add( property.PropertyName ); _preparedStatement.DbParameters.Add( dataParameter ); if ( _session.DataSource.Provider.UsePositionalParameters == false) { _propertyDbParameterMap.Add(property, dataParameter); } } } /// /// Parse sql command text. /// private void EvaluateParameterMap() { string delimiter = "?"; string token = null; int index = 0; string sqlParamName = string.Empty; StringTokenizer parser = new StringTokenizer(_commandText, delimiter, true); StringBuilder newCommandTextBuffer = new StringBuilder(); IEnumerator enumerator = parser.GetEnumerator(); while (enumerator.MoveNext()) { token = (string)enumerator.Current; if (delimiter.Equals(token)) // ? { ParameterProperty property = (ParameterProperty)_request.ParameterMap.Properties[index]; IDataParameter dataParameter = null; if (_session.DataSource.Provider.UsePositionalParameters) { // TODO Refactor? if (_parameterPrefix.Equals(":")) { // ODP.NET uses positional parameters by default // but uses ":0" or ":1" instead of "?" sqlParamName = ":" + index; } else { // OLEDB/OBDC doesn't support named parameters !!! sqlParamName = "?"; } } else { dataParameter = (IDataParameter) _propertyDbParameterMap[property]; // 5 May 2004 // Need to check UseParameterPrefixInParameter here // since CreateParametersForStatementText now does // a check for UseParameterPrefixInParameter before // creating the parameter name! if (_session.DataSource.Provider.UseParameterPrefixInParameter) { // Fix ByteFX.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlParameter // who strip prefix in Parameter Name ?! if (_session.DataSource.Provider.Name.IndexOf("ByteFx")>=0) { sqlParamName = _parameterPrefix+dataParameter.ParameterName; } else { sqlParamName = dataParameter.ParameterName; } } else { sqlParamName = _parameterPrefix+dataParameter.ParameterName; } } newCommandTextBuffer.Append(" "); newCommandTextBuffer.Append(sqlParamName); sqlParamName = string.Empty; index ++; } else { newCommandTextBuffer.Append(token); } } _preparedStatement.PreparedSql = newCommandTextBuffer.ToString(); } #endregion } }