using System; using System.Collections; using System.Configuration; using System.Globalization; using System.Threading; using NUnit.Framework; using IBatisNet.DataMapper.Test; using IBatisNet.DataMapper.Test.Domain; namespace IBatisNet.DataMapper.Test.NUnit.SqlMapTests { /// /// Summary description for DynamicPrependTest. /// [TestFixture] public class DynamicPrependTest : BaseTest { #region SetUp & TearDown /// /// SetUp /// [SetUp] public void Init() { InitScript( sqlMap.DataSource, ScriptDirectory + "account-init.sql" ); InitScript( sqlMap.DataSource, ScriptDirectory + "account-procedure.sql", false ); InitScript( sqlMap.DataSource, ScriptDirectory + "category-init.sql" ); InitScript( sqlMap.DataSource, ScriptDirectory + "order-init.sql" ); InitScript( sqlMap.DataSource, ScriptDirectory + "line-item-init.sql" ); InitScript( sqlMap.DataSource, ScriptDirectory + "other-init.sql" ); } /// /// TearDown /// [TearDown] public void Dispose() { /* ... */ } #endregion #region Dynamic Prepend tests /// /// Test Iterate With Prepend (1) /// [Test] public void TestIterateWithPrepend1() { IList parameters = new ArrayList(); parameters.Add(1); parameters.Add(2); parameters.Add(3); IList list = sqlMap.QueryForList("DynamicIterateWithPrepend1", parameters); AssertAccount1((Account) list[0]); Assert.AreEqual(3, list.Count); } /// /// Test Iterate With Prepend (2) /// [Test] public void TestIterateWithPrepend2() { IList parameters = new ArrayList(); parameters.Add(1); parameters.Add(2); parameters.Add(3); IList list = sqlMap.QueryForList("DynamicIterateWithPrepend2", parameters); AssertAccount1((Account) list[0]); Assert.AreEqual(3, list.Count); } /// /// Test Iterate With Prepend (3) /// [Test] public void TestIterateWithPrepend3() { IList parameters = new ArrayList(); parameters.Add(1); parameters.Add(2); parameters.Add(3); IList list = sqlMap.QueryForList("DynamicIterateWithPrepend3", parameters); AssertAccount1((Account) list[0]); Assert.AreEqual(3, list.Count); } /// /// Test Dynamic With Prepend (1) /// [Test] public void TestDynamicWithPrepend1() { Account account = new Account(); account.Id = 1; account = (Account) sqlMap.QueryForObject("DynamicWithPrepend", account); AssertAccount1(account); } /// /// Test Dynamic With Prepend (2) /// [Test] public void TestDynamicWithPrepend2() { Account account = new Account(); account.Id = 1; account.FirstName = "Joe"; account = (Account) sqlMap.QueryForObject("DynamicWithPrepend", account); AssertAccount1(account); } /// /// Test Dynamic With Prepend (3) /// [Test] public void TestDynamicWithPrepend3() { Account account = new Account(); account.Id = 1; account.FirstName = "Joe"; account.LastName = "Dalton"; account = (Account) sqlMap.QueryForObject("DynamicWithPrepend", account); AssertAccount1(account); } /// /// Test Dynamic With Prepend (4) /// [Test] public void TestDynamicWithPrepend4() { IList list = sqlMap.QueryForList("DynamicWithPrepend", null); AssertAccount1((Account) list[0]); Assert.AreEqual(5, list.Count); } /// /// Test Iterate With Two Prepends /// [Test] public void TestIterateWithTwoPrepends() { Account account = new Account(); account.Id = 1; account.FirstName = "Joe"; account = sqlMap.QueryForObject("DynamicWithPrepend", account) as Account; Assert.IsNotNull(account); AssertAccount1(account); IList list = sqlMap.QueryForList("DynamicWithTwoDynamicElements", account); AssertAccount1((Account) list[0]); } /// /// Test Complex Dynamic /// [Test] public void TestComplexDynamic() { Account account = new Account(); account.Id = 1; account.FirstName = "Joe"; account.LastName = "Dalton"; IList list = sqlMap.QueryForList("ComplexDynamicStatement", account); AssertAccount1((Account) list[0]); Assert.AreEqual(1, list.Count); } /// /// Test GetAccounts Dynamic /// /// /// Bug Fix /// [Test] public void TestGetAccountsDynamic() { Hashtable map = new Hashtable(); map.Add("MaximumAllowed",100); map.Add("FirstName","Joe"); map.Add("LastName","Dalton"); map.Add("EmailAddress",""); IList list = sqlMap.QueryForList("GetAccountsDynamic", map); AssertAccount1((Account) list[0]); Assert.AreEqual(1, list.Count); } /// /// Test IsEqual with HashTable /// /// /// Bug Fix /// [Test] public void TestDynamicSelectByIntLong() { Hashtable search = new Hashtable(); search.Add("year", 0); search.Add("areaid", 0); IList list = sqlMap.QueryForList("DynamicSelectByIntLong", search); Assert.AreEqual(2, list.Count); Assert.AreEqual(1, (list[0] as Other).Int); Assert.AreEqual(8888888, (list[0] as Other).Long); Assert.AreEqual(false, (list[0] as Other).Bool); Assert.AreEqual(2, (list[1] as Other).Int); Assert.AreEqual(9999999999, (list[1] as Other).Long); Assert.AreEqual(true, (list[1] as Other).Bool); //---------------------- search.Clear(); search.Add("year", 1); search.Add("areaid", 0); list= null; list = sqlMap.QueryForList("DynamicSelectByIntLong", search); Assert.AreEqual(1, list.Count); //---------------------- search.Clear(); search.Add("year", 0); search.Add("areaid", 9999999999); list= null; list = sqlMap.QueryForList("DynamicSelectByIntLong", search); Assert.AreEqual(1, list.Count); Assert.AreEqual(2, (list[0] as Other).Int); //---------------------- search.Clear(); search.Add("year", 2); search.Add("areaid", 9999999999); list= null; list = sqlMap.QueryForList("DynamicSelectByIntLong", search); Assert.AreEqual(1, list.Count); Assert.AreEqual(2, (list[0] as Other).Int); Assert.AreEqual(9999999999, (list[0] as Other).Long); Assert.AreEqual(true, (list[0] as Other).Bool); } /// /// Test Dynamic With GUID /// [Test] public void TestDynamicWithGUID() { Category category = new Category(); category.Name = "toto"; category.Guid = Guid.Empty; int key = (int)sqlMap.Insert("InsertCategory", category); category = new Category(); category.Name = "titi"; category.Guid = Guid.NewGuid(); Category categoryTest = (Category)sqlMap.QueryForObject("DynamicGuid", category); Assert.IsNull(categoryTest); category = new Category(); category.Name = "titi"; category.Guid = Guid.Empty; categoryTest = (Category)sqlMap.QueryForObject("DynamicGuid", category); Assert.IsNotNull(categoryTest); } /// /// Test JIRA 11 /// /// /// To test only for MSSQL with .NET SqlClient provider /// [Test] [Category("MSSQL")] public void TestJIRA11() { Search search = new Search(); search.NumberSearch = 123; search.StartDate = new DateTime(2004,12,25); search.Operande = "like"; search.StartDateAnd = true; CultureInfo currentCulture = Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture; Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = new CultureInfo("fr-FR"); IList list = sqlMap.QueryForList("Jira-IBATISNET-11", search); Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = currentCulture; Assert.AreEqual(0, list.Count); } /// /// We've been using the stable version of Ibatis for a while and recently /// upgraded to the latest alpha version The old version was /// able to handle mapping the .Net bool type to SqlServer's Bit column. /// When we run sql maps that contain a bool property, we now get an /// exception. /// /// /// No problems !! /// [Test] public void TestDynamicSelectByBool() { Other other = new Other(); other.Bool = true; Other anOther = sqlMap.QueryForObject("DynamicSelectByBool", other) as Other; Assert.IsNotNull( anOther ); Assert.AreEqual(2, anOther.Int); Assert.AreEqual(9999999999, anOther.Long); Assert.AreEqual(true, anOther.Bool); other.Bool = false; anOther = sqlMap.QueryForObject("DynamicSelectByBool", other) as Other; Assert.IsNotNull( anOther ); Assert.AreEqual(1, anOther.Int); Assert.AreEqual(8888888, anOther.Long); Assert.AreEqual(false, anOther.Bool); } /// /// Test JIRA 29 /// [Test] [Category("MSSQL")] public void TestJIRA29() { Hashtable param = new Hashtable(); param["Foo"] = new DateTime(2003, 2, 15, 8, 15, 0); Order order = sqlMap.QueryForObject("SelectOrderByDate", param) as Order; Assert.IsNotNull(order); Assert.AreEqual(1, order.Id); CultureInfo currentCulture = Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture; Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = new CultureInfo("en-US"); order = sqlMap.QueryForObject("SelectOrderByDateDynamic", param) as Order; Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = currentCulture; Assert.IsNotNull(order); Assert.AreEqual(1, order.Id); } /// /// Test JIRA 29 /// [Test] public void Test2ForJIRA29() { // init Account account = new Account(); account.Id = 1234; account.FirstName = "#The Pound Signs#"; account.LastName = "Gilles"; account.EmailAddress = ""; sqlMap.Insert("InsertAccountViaInlineParameters", account); // test Hashtable param = new Hashtable(); param["AccountName"] = "The Pound Signs"; Account testAccount = sqlMap.QueryForObject("SelectAccountJIRA29", param) as Account; Assert.IsNotNull(testAccount); Assert.AreEqual(1234, testAccount.Id); Assert.AreEqual("#The Pound Signs#", testAccount.FirstName); } /// /// Test JIRA 29 /// [Test] public void Test3ForJIRA29() { // init Account account = new Account(); account.Id = 1234; account.FirstName = "#The Pound Signs#"; account.LastName = "Gilles"; account.EmailAddress = ""; sqlMap.Insert("InsertAccountViaInlineParameters", account); // test Hashtable param = new Hashtable(); param["Foo"] = "The Pound Signs"; Account testAccount = sqlMap.QueryForObject("SelectAccountJIRA29-2", param) as Account; Assert.IsNotNull(testAccount); Assert.AreEqual(1234, testAccount.Id); Assert.AreEqual("#The Pound Signs#", testAccount.FirstName); } #endregion } }