Related Projects

The source code maintained by the Apache HTTP Server Project provides the basis for a number of interesting projects. This page summarizes those projects and points you to places where you can find more information. The Apache Group encourages you to use the source code for your own projects and would like to hear about your successes.

News, Documentation, and Tutorials

Add-ons, Enhancements, and Modules

Ports and Commercial Versions


The Apache::ASP project is a Perl-native port of Active Server Pages (ASP) to Apache that runs under mod_perl, and provides an open alternative to Chili!Soft's ASP for Unix.

Apache Documentation Project

If you're interested in helping improve the documentation which accompanies Apache.

Apache for Amiga

Apache has now been ported to Amiga, and is maintained as a separate project.

Apache for OS/2

The primary motivation for this port is to show that OS/2 is a viable and powerful server platform and to promote its use as such. The secondary reason is to provide a free industrial strength HTTP server with a growing feature set available for OS/2.

Note: as of Apache 1.3b3, it should be possible to compile for OS/2 from the standard distribution.

Apache Graphical User Interface Project

A number of folks have gotten together to work on a graphical configuration tool for Apache.
Find out more by subscribing to the "gui-dev" mailing list, by sending mail to with the words "subscribe" in the body of the message. Also, visit the project status page.

Apache Interface to OpenSSL (mod_ssl)

This module provides strong cryptography for the Apache 1.3 webserver via the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL v2/v3) and Transport Layer Security (TLS v1) protocols by the help of the Open Source SSL/TLS toolkit OpenSSL, which is based on SSLeay from Eric A. Young and Tim J. Hudson. The mod_ssl package was created in April 1998 by Ralf S. Engelschall and was originally derived from software developed by Ben Laurie for use in the Apache-SSL HTTP server project. The mod_ssl package is licensed under a BSD-style licence, which basically means that you are free to get and use it for commercial and non-commercial purposes.

The mod_ssl package is distributed as a source extension and set of patches for the Apache 1.3 webserver from outside the United States. Inside the United States you may use it for non-commercial purposes for free if you use RSAREF (due to various patents). Outside the United States you may use it for both commercial and non-commercial purposes for free.

Apache Module Registry

This project was developed to provide a central location to find and submit information about Apache modules projects and developers that are taking advantage of the powerful API interface provided by the Apache HTTP server.

Apache Quick Reference Card

A compact, tri-fold, double-sided page listing all major directives, available at A mod_perl refcard is also available.


Apache-SSL is an encrypting web server, based on Apache and OpenSSL, which implements Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) functionality as a set of patches to existing Apache source code.

The webserver is distributed with the full source code. Inside the United States you may use it for non-commercial purposes for free if you use RSAREF (due to various patents). Outside the United States you may use it for both commercial and non-commercial purposes for free.

If you wish to use Apache with SSL commercially, inside the United States, you may want to look at Stronghold or Raven. Apache-SSL is available here.

Apache/Stronghold for Trusted Solaris

Trusted Computer Solutions, Inc. (TCS) offers a suite of Apache/Stronghold based security solutions hosted on Sun's Trusted Solaris operating system. Product and security information, white papers and the company's latest news releases may be accessed via TCS' World Wide Web site at <URL:> or via email to <>.


ApacheToday is a resource for professionals and community members interested in maintaining the highest level of awareness about Apache web server products and projects. Includes news and tutorials.

Apache Week

A free weekly guide to the latest Apache developments. Apache Week provides an easy way to stay abreast of the latest news about Apache including: new releases, major bug fixes, plans for the next version, new apache ports and other related Apache information.

You can view Apache Week on the Web or receive it each week by email.

Covalent Raven SSL Module for Apache

The Raven SSL module is a commercial product providing a strong cryptography upgrade to the Apache web server using the RSA encryption engine and is available to US and International customers. Including a friendly GUI for installation, key and certificate management, support for hardware encryption and tamper-proof key storage.

Covalent SNMP Conductor for Apache

Covalent SNMP Conductor is a commercial plug-in module for Apache which helps organizations monitor and manage their Apache based Web services. The SNMP module provides real-time management information for server access statistics, activity, load, and utilization, on the fly configuration changes and actively informs management applications of serious anomalies using SNMP traps. It can be integrated with standard Framework Management packages and QoS systems.

Covalent Antivirus for Apache

Covalent Antivirus is a commercial Apache module that automatically scans all outgoing data: HTML, Java, Javascript, binary downloads, audio streams, or any other datatype for viruses. When a virus is found, a "Service Not Available" message is shown. Extensive logging and reporting allows for notification of the webmaster by means of a logfile, snmp-trap, syslog or cgi-script.

Embedding TCL in web pages

The mod_dtcl Apache module enables the use of Tcl as an HTML-embedded scripting language, similar to PHP. It is fast, light, and lets you use the extensive codebase of existing Tcl code on the web.

IBM HTTP Server powered by Apache

IBM HTTP Server powered by Apache features support for secure transactions over SSL, iKeyMan SSL key and certificate management GUI, kernel resident static page cache (a.k.a. Fast Response Cache Accelerator) for AIX and Windows NT/2000, browser based secure remote administration, native platform install and more. IBM HTTP Server powered by Apache runs on AIX, Solaris, HP-UX, Windows NT/2000 and multiple distributions of Linux. Support for AS/400 has been announced (based on Apache 2.0 alpha 5) with availability late 2000 or early 2001.

You can download and use IBM HTTP Server powered by Apache, free of charge (but without support) from IBM's HTTP server download site. Full support is included with the purchase of any edition of the IBM WebSphere Application Server.

kshIndex fancy index utility

kshIndex is a set of utilities and scripts built around the Apache fancyIndex functions. It allows webmasters to provide a variety of functions to users including automated indexing of URL's, files, and directories, user authorization management, cascading user customization, events calendars, contact lists, etc.

Mac OS X Server

Mac OS X Server is a server operating system from Apple Computer which includes the Apache web server, AppleShare file services, and Mac OS NetBoot server software. It is hosted on a full BSD environment (Darwin) and sports an easy to use user interface for server administration.

Matrice W3 System for Linux (x86)

MWS is a complete solution for your web presence that enables you to access control, tracking, accounting, billing, marketing analyse the end user's accesses to your site. Find out more at Matrice's web site.

mod_python - Apache/Python Integration

mod_python is a module that embeds the Python language interpreter within the server allowing for Apache handlers to be written in Python.

mod_python brings together the versatility of Python and the power of Apache for a considerable boost in flexibility and performance over the traditional CGI approach.

Oracle HTTP Server Powered by Apache

Powered by Apache, the Oracle HTTP service provides the stability, performance, and scalability needed to run the most demanding e-business applications. Combines Apache with Oracle iAS.

O'Reilly Network Apache Devcenter

The O'Reilly Network provides news, tutorials, and discussions about Apache in conjunction with ApacheWeek.

Red Hat Secure Server

The Red Hat Secure Server is an integration of the popular Apache web server with the award-winning Red Hat Linux OS that has RSA key technology, and it's the out-of-the-box answer to your secure web serving needs. Shop, sell, and transact via the web without worry. Available only to customers in the United States and Canada.

Slashdot Apache Section

The Apache Section of the popular Slashdot news and discussion site has announcements, news, and information about the Apache Software Foundation and its projects.


Stronghold is a commercial Apache-derivative webserver which bundles strong cryptography (SSL), commercial support, etc., into a full package.

For information on Stronghold see Red Hat

StWeb -- Stratos Web and Application Server

StWeb is an easy-to-use, cross platform, Internet/Intranet development and deployment system for development and maintenance of web-enabled applications.

The main component of the system is the Stratos Web Application Server - an Apache based HTTP server integrated with Stratos application server. StWeb is platform and database independent. It runs on all major hardware and operating systems and can be used with most of popular database servers. Applications, once developed, can be deployed on any of the supported systems ("write once, use anywhere" ). The Personal Edition of StWeb is free and is available for download from the StWeb site.

For more information visit StWeb home at <>.

WebDAV Protocol Extensions for Apache

The mod_dav Apache module adds WebDAV capabilities to your Apache web server.

WebDAV stands for "Web-Based Distributed Authoring and Versioning." The WebDAV protocol is a set of extensions to HTTP to allow remote users to collaboratively edit and manage files on a web server.

Tribal Knowledge Group

The Tribal Knowledge Group offers decades of software engineering, architecture, sales and strategy expertise to savvy technology businesses that wish to leverage an unprecedented think-tank of Internet technology know-how.
For more information visit Tribal Knowledge Council.

WebTen, a MacOS port of Apache

WebTen is a commercial Apache-derivative webserver for Power Macs. WebTen has been extended with a browser-based interface and Squid caching. It supports standard Macintosh-style plug-ins and CGIs and includes SSL, DNS, FTP, and NFS.
For more information visit Tenon's web site.

WebWeaving Internet Engineering

WebWeaving is a commercial consulting company specialized in Apache related technology, integrated entitlement systems, Apache performance tuning and integration with legacy systems.
For more information visit WebWeaving's web site.