The Apache HTTP Server Project


  • About
  • License
  • FAQ
  • Security
  • Download!

  • from a mirror
  • Documentation

  • Version 2.2
  • Version 2.0
  • Version 1.3
  • Trunk (dev)
  • Wiki
  • Get Involved

  • Mailing Lists
  • Bug Reports
  • Developer Info
  • Subprojects

  • Docs
  • Test
  • Flood
  • libapreq
  • Modules
  • mod_fcgid
  • mod_ftp
  • Miscellaneous

  • Awards
  • Contributors
  • Sponsors
  • Sponsorship
  • Support
  • Developer Resources
    This section includes many of the reference materials used by the Apache HTTP Server Project. Be sure to also check the developer information included with the documentation.
    Developer News

    The Apache HTTP Server Project has switched to Subversion for hosting its source code.

    For more information about the changes, please see the Apache Development Notes.

    Feedback and contributions
    General guidelines for the Apache HTTP Server Project
    Source Repository Information
    • Apache Development Notes about using SVN and maintaining the Apache site.
    • A web-based view of the SVN history of the httpd development effort
    • The latest source tree pulled from the svn repository, packaged with tar, and compressed with gzip. Not guaranteed to do anything, especially not compile or work.
    • Doug MacEachern wrote a Perl script which you can use to automate fetching from the above snapshot location.
    Release Instructions
    Historical Documents

    Copyright © 2009 The Apache Software Foundation