Title: Contributing to the Apache HTTP Server Documentation Notice: Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at . http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 . Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. # Contributing to the Apache HTTP Server Documentation # The Documentation Project is an effort to maintain and improve the quality of the documentation included with the Apache HTTP Server. Participation is open to anyone willing to write documentation, edit for spelling, grammer or readability, or [translate](translations.html) documentation into another language. Some knowledge of the Apache HTTP Server is helpful, but not required. No programming knowledge is required, so this is a great way for non-programmers to contribute to the success of the Apache HTTP Server project, and to have their work read by millions of Apache users. This is **not** a mailing list where users should ask questions on how to configure Apache. The [Users List](../userslist.html) is available for that purpose. # How to get Involved # There are several ways that you can contribute to the documentation effort. You can: - [Subscribe to the docs@httpd.apache.org mailing list](mailto:docs-subscribe@httpd.apache.org) and tell us something that could be improved. - Join #httpd on irc.libera.chat and tell us there. - Submit a ticket to the [bug database](../bug_report.html). - Check out the documentation from svn ( [instructions here](svn.html) ), and send us a patch. There are lots of ways to contribute to the documentation project, including fixing typos and spelling mistakes, translating the documentation into other languages, writing tutorials to help new users, or just expressing your opinion about suggested changes. For information on our use of XML in the documentation, see our [Documentation Format and Transformation](docsformat.html) page. If you need inspiration for something to work on, look at our [STATUS](https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/httpd/httpd/trunk/docs/STATUS) file for a list of things that we think need doing, and pick something that you think you can do. Patches against trunk are greatly appreciated, but contributions in any format are helpful. # Translation Projects # Information about translating the documentation into other languages is available at the [translations page](translations.html). # Participants # Some of the participants are: - [Erik Abele](http://www.codefaktor.de/) - [Ryan Bloom](http://rkbloom.net/rbb/) - [Rich Bowen](http://www.rcbowen.com/) - Vincent Bray - [Ken Coar](http://Golux.Com/coar/) - [Eric Cholet](http://www.logilune.com/eric/) - [Tony Finch](http://dotat.at/) - Yoshiki Hayashi - [Astrid Keßler](http://www.kess-net.de/) - [Jason Lingohr](http://geeklog.lucid.net.au/) - André L. Malo - [Chris Pepper](http://www.reppep.com/~pepper/) - Dan Poirier - [Noirin Plunkett](http://www.nerdchic.net/) - William A. Rowe, Jr. - [Joshua Slive](http://slive.ca/) - [Tony Stevenson](http://blog.pc-tony.com/) - [Mads Toftum](http://www.toftum.org/) The localized custom error messages in the 2.x version of the Apache HTTP Server were contributed by - Ricardo Leite (Brazilian) - Marcel Kolaja (Czech) - Peter Van Biesen (Dutch) - Lars Eilebrecht (English and German) - Cecile de Crecy (French) - Luigi Rosa (Italian) - Noirin Plunkett (Irish) - Jaeho Shin (Korean) - Tomasz Kepczynski (Polish) - Andrei Besleaga (Romanian) - Nikola Smolenski (Serbian) - Karla Quintero (Spanish) - Thomas Sjögren (Swedish) - Emre Sokullu (Turkish)