Apache Bug Reporting Page

Reports of security issues should not be reported here. Please see the security report page if you have concerns or think you have discovered a security hole in the Apache Web server software.

If you are having trouble with Apache, please fill out a problem report form and submit it. Before you do that, though, make sure you have done all of the following:

  1. Verified that the bug exists in the most recent version of Apache. There are many bugs in the 1.2 version and earlier that have been fixed in the 1.3 version.
  2. Checked the known bugs page.
  3. Checked the known client problems page.
  4. Checked the compatibility notes page.
  5. Followed the instructions in the INSTALL file correctly - you edited the Configuration file to set the right platform and ran the Configure script to create the new Makefile.
  6. Tried compiling with only the distributed set of modules and with no other patches (so that we can make sure it's an Apache bug and not a bug in a module or patch provided by someone else). It is frustrating to take time and effort to track down a problem only to figure out it caused by a broken third party module.
  7. Checked the FAQ.
  8. If upgrading to 1.3, checked the Upgrading to 1.3 notes.
  9. Searched the bug report database. When you are doing this, you should be sure to search closed problem reports in addition to open ones. Also note that the search is not keyword based, so it requires an exact match of what you enter to find anything.
  10. Looked at the error log. Please include any related messages in your report, or state that there are none.
If you're not sure that your problem is specifically related to a bug in Apache (i.e., not something like a client problem or configuration problem), we strongly recommend that you check in the comp.infosystems.www.servers.unix or comp.infosystems.www.servers.ms-windows (depending on the platform being used) Usenet newsgroup first. If you don't receive a response within a few days, then please submit it to the Apache bug database. If it's a known issue, you'll probably get a faster response from the newsgroup and you will help keep developer time free for improving Apache. Most bug reports submitted are actually user configuration problems that could be easily fixed by asking in the newsgroup.

If you do not have access to a Usenet server, there are several web sites on the Internet that allow you to read and post to Usenet, such as Deja News.

Do not post to Usenet and submit a bug report at the same time. This wastes everyone's time. Post to Usenet and wait a few days.

If you have done all of the preceding, then please select the button below and fill out the form, and we will respond to it as soon as we can.

Use the links below to submit bug reports: