Apache Unix Binary Distributions

From Apache 1.3.5 onwards binary releases are made with a script which is part of every standard Apache distribution:


To create a binary distribution with this script you have to follow these steps:

If you don't specify your email adddress the script will build one for you based on your account and hostname. After the execution of binbuild.sh you should see the following output:

Building Apache 1.3.x binary distribution...
Platform is "platform"...
Binary image successfully created...
Server version: Apache/1.3.x (Unix)
Server built: date
Creating supplementary files...
Creating distribution archive and readme file...
You can find the binary archive (apache_1.3.x-platform.tar.gz)
and the readme file (apache_1.3.x-platform.README) in the
parent directory.

Before the archive is created the binbuild script checks if the httpd was successfully created. If anything went wrong you will see a corresponding error message. Take a look at the file build.log to find out why the build failed.

Binaries are configured with the following APACI options:


If your platform has no DSO support you have to edit binbuild.sh and remove the --enable-shared option from the CONFIGPARAM variable. If you need to specify compiler options or flags you can simply pass them to the binbuild script, e.g. CFLAGS=-Dfoobar src/helpers/binbuild.sh.

Feel encouraged to create PGP or MD5 signatures:

md5 apache_1.3.x-platform.tar.gz > apache_1.3.x-platform.tar.gz.md5
or if md5 is not present on your system
openssl md5 apache_1.3.x-platform.tar.gz > apache_1.3.x-platform.tar.gz.md5
And create a PGP signature with
pgps -b -a <your-email-address> apache_1.3.x-platform.tar.gz
or (pgp-2.6x):
pgp -sba apache_1.3.x-platform.tar.gz
Make sure your PGP keys are already present in the KEYS file. For completeness sake you should also sign the apache_1.3.x-platform.README file as well.

After you have successfully built the binary distribution, if you are a core developer, you can upload the archive and README to the Apache site. An easy way to do this is with 'ssh'.

scp apache_1.3.x-platform.* www.apache.org:/www/www.apache.org/dist/httpd/binaries/platform
Typically this should only be done after the web site has been update (see step 30 in the release notes) and if possible before the announcement.

You should then verify that the permissions on the file are 0664 (rw-rw-r--).

Binary Contributors

Here is a list of platforms and the people who volunteered to compile binary releases:





Darwin / Mac OS X


Digital Unix (aka OSF)












Binaries should be built for every Apache release, including minor-number revisions, i.e. 1.3.0 -> 1.3.1.