Hello, my name is Roy T. Fielding and this is my sandbox. I am using this sandbox to create a new web server based around the waka protocol. If you would like to help in that effort, please feel free to introduce yourself on the developer mailing list (dev@httpd.apache.org). Commit access is earned by contributing to the HTTP Server Project, signing and submitting an Apache contributors license agreement (CLA), and asking me for commit access. ============= SANDBOX RULES ============= Everything committed is redistributable as a whole under the Apache License, version 2.0, even if individual components are under other licenses. Don't knock over my castle. If you want to create your own castle, then ask for your own sandbox (I'll copy your castle later if it looks better than mine). If you want to add to my castle, please tell us what you want to add and how you intend to do it (even if it is only vaguely formed in your mind). It is quite likely that we may have already thought of doing the same thing and already have plans in mind, though I am usually happy to let others do the work with me. In fact, I do my best work when I think of it as helping someone else do their work, so I am far more productive as a collaborator than if I am just sitting in a corner by myself. So, please, go ahead and ask. If you think my castle is ugly, likely to fall down under its own weight, or would be better architected in some other fashion, then please speak up. There is no faster way to earn commit access than to show that you've thought carefully about the problem and discovered something I didn't, tested something that I was too lazy to test, or know something about some critical platform that I don't have access to myself. Most of all, HAVE FUN. This is not supposed to be "work" even if we happen to be paid by someone to work on it. This creative tinkering with software is fun to do when you keep a good sense of humor and a smile on your face. If you want to get angry and take it out on someone, then go somewhere else. I reserve the right to kick anyone out of my sandbox if they start crying, or make me want to cry because of what they've done or said. Please keep that in mind at all times. Cheers, ....Roy