Unix Build Instructions ----------------------- To build and install as a DSO outside of the httpd source build, from the ftp source root directory, simply; ./configure.apxs make make install If apxs is not in your path, or you are building to a different httpd installation, or your distribution has an alternate script name for apxs (e.g. apxs2), then either set the APXS environment variable, or use the syntax; APXS=/path/to/bin/apxs ./configure.apxs so the desired configuration is used. To build static, or as a DSO but within the same build as httpd, copy the entire ftp source directory tree on top of your existing httpd source tree, and from the httpd source root directory ./buildconf (to pick up ftp) ./configure --enable-ftp {your usual options} and proceed as usual. Win32 Build Instructions ------------------------ The windows packages prior to 2.2.7 (or 2.0.62) left out the file include\mod_log_config.h, just copy these from the source tree or you can export them from subversion, just change to your installed Apache 2.2 (or 2.0) include subdirectory and... svn export http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/httpd/httpd/branches/2.2.x/modules/loggers/mod_log_config.h (for your 2.0 installation, replace 2.2.x with 2.0.x in the command above). You should be ready to compile the project. On windows, before building for httpd-2.0, you must adjust the two apr 1.x specific lines in modules\ftp\mod_ftp.dsp which begin # ADD LINK32 libapr-1.lib libaprutil-1.lib ... to start with the apr 0.9 equivilants for httpd-2.0, # ADD LINK32 libapr.lib libaprutil.lib ... To build on windows out-of-tree as a DSO, simply set APACHE2_HOME=c:\path\to\Apache2.2 and then, for Visual Studio 6.0 (98)... msdev /useenv mod_ftp.dsw or for Visual Studio .NET (2002) and later ... devenv /useenv mod_ftp.dsw The later command is needed on Visual Studio .NET/2002 and later, and converts mod_ftp.dsw to mod_ftp.sln. So after converting once, use the newly converted solution instead... devenv /useenv mod_ftp.sln On windows you can overlay mod_ftp source files into the httpd source file tree, and make the following changes for an in-tree build; * Manually add the project mod_ftp.dsp to the Apache.dsw workspace. * Ensure the BuildBin project includes the mod_ftp project dependency. * Add mod_ftp project dependencies of libhttpd, libapr and libaprutil. * Remove /D "FTP_APXS_BUILD" from the # ADD CPP lines of modules\ftp\mod_ftp.dsp. * Replace /I "$(APACHE2_HOME)/include" with /I "../../modules/loggers" for both # ADD CPP lines of modules\ftp\mod_ftp.dsp. * Remove the libraries libapr[-1].lib libaprutil[-1].lib libhttpd.lib and the /libpath:"$(APACHE2_HOME)\lib" flag from the # ADD LINK32 lines of modules\ftp\mod_ftp.dsp. Note that mod_ftp.so needs to be added to the module installation lines in Makefile.win, or you must manually copy the .so module from modules\ftp\Release after compiling. NetWare Build Instructions -------------------------- First, build httpd to get the processed headers and import files. To build for NetWare out-of-tree as a DSO, rename NWGNUftp-makefile to NWGNUmakefile, and set the same environment variables as used for building httpd. See the applicable platform notes; http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.2/platform/netware.html#comp http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.0/platform/netware.html#comp Then from the mod_ftp root directory to build the module, invoke: gmake -f NWGNUftp-makefile and finally: gmake -f NWGNUftp-makefile install to copy all files to the httpd distribution directory. This step also creates a sample config file in ./conf/extra. There is no advantage to building in-tree, therefore this is currently not supported. Documentation Build ------------------- To regenerate the html.en documentation, here again it's as simple as copying the content docs/ into an httpd/docs/ tree and regenerating httpd's documentation. However, it's also possible you are generating a local copy for reference in mod_ftp's tree, in that case you must have a copy of the httpd docs/manual/style. For example; cd docs/manual svn co http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/httpd/httpd/branches/2.2.x/docs/manual/style In either case; cd docs/manual svn co http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/httpd/docs-build/trunk build cd build and finally; ./build.sh all or on windows... build.bat all To make this simpler on unix, after invoking ./configure.apxs in the top level directory, you can simply; make generate-docs which will fetch up those style and build directories (for httpd-2.2) and generate the docs for you. After using make and make install, you can even merge the directives for the installed manual using this target; make manualdir=/path/to/httpd/manual generate-docs The same rules about an installed, locatable JAVA_HOME apply to building mod_ftp docs as apply to building the httpd manual. The advantage to building in-tree within httpd is that you gain the complete directive cross references applicable to all httpd and mod_ftp directives, before installing the httpd\manual files.