To build and install as a DSO outside of the httpd source build, from the ftp source root directory, simply; ./configure.apxs make make install If apxs is not in your path, or you are building to a different httpd installation, either set the APXS environment variable, or the syntax; APXS=/path/to/bin/apxs ./configure.apxs so the desired configuration is picked up. To build static, or as a DSO but within the same build as httpd, copy the entire ftp source directory tree on top of your existing httpd source tree, and from the httpd source root directory ./buildconf (to pick up ftp) ./configure --enable-ftp {your usual options} and proceed as usual. On windows, to build out of tree as a DSO, simply set APACHE2_HOME=c:\apache22 -and then...- msdev /useenv mod_ftp.dsw -or- devenv /useenv mod_ftp.dsw The later command is needed on Visual Studio 2002 and later, and converts mod_ftp.dsw to mod_ftp.sln, so after converting once, invoke devenv /useenv mod_ftp.sln On windows you can overlay mod_ftp into the httpd tree, however you would have to manually add the project mod_ftp.dsp to the Apache.dsw workspace, ensure the BuildBin project includes the mod_ftp project as a dependency, and for the mod_ftp project add dependencies of libhttpd, libapr and libaprutil. Also note that needs to be added to the module installation lines in To regenerate the html.en documentation, here again it's as simple as copying the content docs/ into an httpd/docs/ tree and regenerating httpd's documentation. However, it's also possible you are generating a local copy for reference in mod_ftp's tree, in that case you must have a copy of the httpd docs/manual/style. For example; cd docs/manual svn co In either case; cd docs/manual svn co build cd build ./ all -or on windows...- build.bat all The same rules about an installed, locatable JAVA_HOME apply to building mod_ftp docs as apply to httpd. The advantage to building in-tree within httpd is that you gain the complete directive cross references applicable to all httpd and mod_ftp directives.