Changes to 2.0.28 ----------------- * Fixed StopPriorService/RemovePriorService to yank the existing service even if it is broken or misconfigured. [William Rowe] * Incorporated new features (/error/ collection and abs) rearranged relocated files and removed mod_tls. Set SSL aside into it's own entity so users prohibited from using such encryption can pointedly omit installing it, and it is simpler to package Apache without it. [William Rowe] Changes to 2.0.24 ----------------- * Revamped the 1.3 structure to 'fit' for 2.0. [William Rowe] Changes to 1.3.22 ----------------- Restructured releases, both .msi and .exe results now created. Place the prior package in the httpd-win32-msi directory before building the package, and always set up the 'previous package' variable in ISWI, so that random-assigned file identities are retained from release to release. Eliminated the src/ installation entirely. Folks who can use the compiler should be adept at downloading the distribution anyways. Fixed ApacheAdmin/ApacheNonAdmin selection, and added the SOFTWARE/Apache Group/Apache/1.3.xx key into HKCU when the ApacheNonAdmin installation is requested. Began using httpd.conf-dist-win as it now reflects all our substitutions. Consistified the "Apache HTTP Server" title per pmc discussion. Changed real_feature symbol names to the 'default' _function@4 semantic for msvc exports, to match apache_2.0-win32.isv. [William Rowe] Changes to 1.3.20 (and prior) ----------------------------- Consult CVS logs for the httpd-win32-msi repository.