Install Lua 5.1 Lua does not use autoconf for compiling. This means that you do not use ./configure. It has good build instructions, though, so hopefully things will go smoothly. I like to change the directory Lua installs to. In order to do this you need to set LUA_TOP in the configuration makefile for Lua. For these instructions I have set LUA_TOP to /Users/brianm/.opt/lua-5.1.2 -- you will see this directory referred to later. Install Apache HTTPD 2.2 You can build apache pretty much any way you like, as long as you enable dynamic module loading (--enable-so) so that mod_lua can be loaded. You may user (and I encourage you to!) the threaded MPMs -- mod_lua plays nicely with them. I build it with these flags: ./configure --prefix=/Users/brianm/.opt/httpd-2.2.4-worker-wombat \ --with-mpm=worker \ --enable-so Install libapreq2 The download link is in the page body, NOT under the "Download!" link in the left hand column. Right now, mod_lua requires libapreq2 for parsing entity bodies. This dependency will probably be made optional in the near future, but for now you need it. I build it with these flags: ./configure --prefix=/Users/brianm/.opt/libapreq2-2.0.8 \ --with-apache2-apxs=/Users/brianm/.opt/httpd-2.2.4-worker-wombat/bin/apxs Install mod_lua from subversion The first step, when building from subversion, is to bootstrap autoconf. To do this run the bootstrap script: ./bootstrap The bootstrap script may report an error that it cannot find libtoolize or glibtoolize. That is fine as long as it doesn't report that it cannot find both of them. The script just sets up the autoconf magic. After that, it is a normal configure and build: ./configure --with-lua=/Users/brianm/.opt/lua-5.1.2/ \ --with-apxs=/Users/brianm/.opt/httpd-2.2.4-worker-wombat/bin/apxs \ --with-apreq2=/Users/brianm/.opt/libapreq2-2.0.8/ If compiling (make) reports an error that it cannot find the libapreq2 header file, please tell me ( ) as this occurs under some configurations but we haven't hammered down the weird things libapreq2 does with its install. If you build libapreq2 with a --prefix configuration option, it always seems to work. That is it. To configure mod_lua, look at the basic-configuration.txt document.