Apache HTTP Server 2.0 Documentation Status File. Last modified: $Date: 2002/09/15 18:59:14 $ If you are interested in helping accomplish some of the tasks on this list or otherwise improving the documentation, please join the apache-docs mailing list by mailing to docs-subscribe@httpd.apache.org For more information on how to contribute to the Apache Documentation Project, please see http://httpd.apache.org/docs-project/, and http://apache-server.com/tutorials/ATdocs-project.html for an excellent tutorial on how to get started with making your contribution. ------------------------------ - XML - Rewriting of the remainder of the manual into xml is in progress. See the bottom of this file for status info. - Get mod/mod_auth_ldap.xml to validate against the current dtd. - modules docs - mod_suexec: very little documentation - mod_proxy: updates for 2.0 - mod_status: updates for 2.0 - mod_example: updates for 2.0 - man pages - Some of the man pages need to be updated for 2.0. Presently, these are generated from nroff man pages using the program in the site-tools repository, but nobody seems willing to update the nroff files at the moment. What should we do? - MPM documentation - Non unix/windows MPMs still need to be completed. - the perchild directives in threaded/worker need docs - Individual docs will need some cleanup. - misc/custom_errordocs.html needs to be updated to essentially describe how the international error docs included in 2.0 work - misc/perf-tuning.html - needs major rewrite for 2.0 - misc/tutorials.html - mostly not relevant to 2.0 - misc/stopping.html - misc/rewriteguide.html - needs cleaning in 1.3 and 2.0 - misc/known_client_problems.html - mostly ancient - New build process. - install.html has had a first-pass rewrite, but many things have changed in the build system since it was written. - API documentation Status: Ben Laurie has written some hooks documentation - Translations There are several efforts underway to translate the documentation into other languages. A detailed list of the currently known translators (and the corresponding websites) can be found at http://httpd.apache.org/docs-project/translations.html New User documentation ====================== * Directory Handling (mod_dir/mod_autoindex/etc) Documentation improvements ========================== * Enhancements to the DTD/XSL: - tag that links to the glossary and uses some special style in the css. - ... tag to give some more structure for the cookie-crumbs, etc. - New index: directives by context, including listing which directives are available for each AllowOverride setting. - Add more information to the directives.html index (description, syntax, context, ...) or perhaps add a quickreference.html that contains this info. - Use a tag like (but not that long) in place of for things like the listing. - Use the sitemap.xml in place of allmodules.xml to generate the directives.html and mod/index.html. - Handle more levels of sub
s. * Improving the "security docs" - More content and better organisation. * General cleaning and improving of module docs * Making the directive definitions "less terse" (i.e., adding more examples and details to the definitions of the directives) - We'll need to audit these and find out which ones need munging, as some of it looks ok. --jsl * Making site-specific enhancements easier, including a documented and robust way for 3P module docco to be added -- and have it survive a server docco upgrade - This could be something a simple and hackish as a manual/extra/ directory (a la the 1.3 src/modules/extra/ directory) and a script in the support directory that scans the files there and updates the manual indices. (We do something like that now for httpd.conf file with apxs [LoadModule, etc.].) XML Conversions =============== The following files need to be converted to XML as described at http://httpd.apache.org/docs-project/docsformat.html ebcdic.html # Perhaps move to platform/ index.html.en # leave in html? cgi_path.html.en howto/cgi.html.en howto/ssi.html.en howto/auth.html.en misc/custom_errordocs.html # obsolete? misc/descriptors.html # obsolete? misc/fin_wait_2.html # obsolete? misc/index.html misc/known_client_problems.html # obsolete? misc/perf-tuning.html misc/rewriteguide.html misc/tutorials.html # obsolete? platform/win_compiling.html platform/win_service.html platform/windows.html ssl/index.html.en ssl/ssl_compat.html ssl/ssl_faq.html ssl/ssl_glossary.html # delete. replaced by ../glossary.html ssl/ssl_howto.html ssl/ssl_intro.html vhosts/details.html vhosts/examples.html vhosts/ip-based.html vhosts/mass.html vhosts/index.html.en vhosts/fd-limits.html.en vhosts/name-based.html.en expand.pl # delete after finishing everything # These will require manual.xsl changes faq/footer.html faq/header.html faq/index.html faq/support.html # Perhaps these should be left in html to allow the developers to # play with them developer/API.html developer/debugging.html developer/documenting.html developer/filters.html developer/footer.html developer/header.html developer/hooks.html developer/index.html developer/layeredio.html developer/request.html developer/thread_safety.html developer/modules.html.en # These are currently generated from nroff, but nobody is editting # the nroff sources. Should we just convert to pure xml and forget # about man pages? programs/ab.html programs/apachectl.html programs/apxs.html programs/dbmmanage.html programs/footer.html programs/header.html programs/htdigest.html programs/htpasswd.html programs/httpd.html programs/index.html programs/logresolve.html programs/other.html programs/rotatelogs.html programs/suexec.html