Subject: The form for change-passwd Newsgroups: comp.infosystems.www Organization: NCSA Summary: Keywords: I've gotten a number of requests for the form that corresponds to the change-passwd program that accidentally found itself in the NCSA httpd 1.0 distribution. A brief introduction: change-passwd is a way for remote users to change their password for user authentication on your system without going through you. To use this form, you must set up user authentication on your system (there's a short tutorial at You will want to leave the form unprotected, and the script protected with ``require valid-user'' so that any valid user may log in. Compile change-passwd with USER_FILE set to the location of the AuthUserFile, and WIZARD set to the user id you would like to use to perform administration (as the wizard, you can change other people's passwords, and add new users). To install the script, place the executable somewhere on your system, preferably not in DocumentRoot and not in cgi-bin. Let's say you put it in /foo/bar/change-passwd. Add a line to srm.conf which says: ScriptAlias /change-passwd /foo/bar/change-passwd A common setup would be to have the following as /foo/bar/.htaccess: AuthType Basic AuthName PasswordAdmin AuthUserFile /usr/local/httpd/conf/.htpasswd require valid-user At this point, you should try the form. If the change-passwd script core dumps, or Mosaic does not prompt you for a user name or password after you click on the submit button, you have not set up user authenitcation properly. -- Rob McCool, Software Development Group, National Center for Supercomputing Applications It was working ten minutes ago, I swear... A must see. Here's the form: Change your password

Change your password

This is an HTML form used to change your password for HTTP user authentication on this system.

To use this form, you must know your user name on this system, and you must know your current password.

First, enter your user name below. If you are defined to be the wizard on this server, and wish to change or add a user, enter their name below.

User name:

Now, enter what you want to change your password to.

New password:

Re-type new password:

When you click on the Change password button below, you will be asked to authenticate yourself. If you are changing your own password, use your user id and your old password to log on. If you are the wizard on this server, use your own user id and password to log in.