Instructions for the apreq Release Manager (RM) FreeBSD/Solaris note: use gmake! 1. Create a realease branch: svn cp \ 2. On the BRANCH Edit STATUS, marking the release date /** @page STATUS 2.16 released on . Also add the release date to the top @section in CHANGES: /** @page CHANGES @section v2.16 Changes with libapreq2-2.12 (released ...). And #undef the APREQ_VERSION_IS_DEV macro definition in include/apreq_version.h: * This symbol will be #undef'd for releases. */ #undef APREQ_IS_DEV_VERSION % svn commit -m "2.16 release started" STATUS CHANGES include/apreq_version.h 3. On TRUNK: Update CHANGES and STATUS to reflect the start of a new develoment cycle, and run this to update the package version numbers throughout the tree: % build/ 2.16 % svn commit -m "2.16 cycle" 4. Prep the package for CPAN by running: % make release This will generate a libapreq2-2.16.tar.gz candidate in the current directory. You should keep this source tree intact to tag the final release. 5. Test the generated file with % make release_test Make sure all perl tests pass. 6. Sign it via gpg: % gpg --detach-sign --armor libapreq2-2.16.tar.gz or pgp: % pgp -sba libapreq2-2.16.tar.gz 7. Upload the release candidate to and post a candidate announcement to apreq-dev@. Also, it is strongly recommended that the RM crosspost the candidate announcement to the modperl@ list, to solicit feedback from a much larger audience. Subject: [RELEASE CANDIDATE] libapreq2 2.16 RC\d+ 8. Give the mailing list participants 48-72 hours to comment and vote on the candidate. If there is a "majority consensus" (three +1 and more +1s than -1s) among the httpd pmc members, the RM may proceed with the release. 9. Tag the Release -- from the BRANCH svn mv \ 10. Upload (scp) the package, signature and MD5/SHA* hash files to for distribution: $ svn co apreq-dist-site $ cp libapreq2-2.16.tar.gz* apreq-dist-site $ svn commit -m "libapreq2 2.16 release artifacts" Ask another developer to confirm the uploaded signature is ok. % gpg --verify libapreq2-2.16.tar.gz.asc % pgp libapreq2-2.16.tar.gz.asc Check that your public key is among those listed in the /www/ file. If not, you need to commit the necessary change to KEYS the httpd-dist repos. Then update the website's copy using "cvs co KEYS" in the /www/ directory. 11. Verify or get soeone to Verify that you have CPAN karma. Note, discuss getting a group kind of like AMPL in mod_perl land. (Currently, joes@, issac@ and pgollucci@ are active and have karma) 12. Upload the package to CPAN. Doublecheck that the md5 checksum received from PAUSE is correct. 13. Wait ~12-24 hours for the ASF mirrors to pick up the new package, then update the apreq homepage to list the new release in the News section Be sure to update the libapreq2 documentation. For instructions on updating the httpd website, see build/WEBSITE. IMPORTANT: YOU MUST UPDATE download.html TO POINT AT THE NEW RELEASE PACKAGE! 14. Mail the announcement from your account by piping the "CPAN Upload" email acknowledgement (from PAUSE) through build/ % build/ $ < CPAN_ack | ssh $ "sendmail -oi -t -odq" 15. Drink Beer!