# The following is a trick to get CPAN clients to follow prerequisites: # # PREREQ_PM # # --- MakeMaker post_initialize section: AUTOMAKE_OPTIONS = foreign SUBDIRS = . include library module glue EXTRA_DIST = LICENSE NOTICE README INSTALL CHANGES STATUS FAQ.pod MANIFEST.SKIP Makefile.PL buildconf build win32 docs libapreq.rc APU_SRCDIR=`@APU_CONFIG@ --srcdir` APR_SRCDIR=`@APR_CONFIG@ --srcdir` APU_DOX = (cd $(APU_SRCDIR); cat docs/doxygen.conf - | doxygen -) APR_DOX = (cd $(APR_SRCDIR); cat docs/doxygen.conf - | doxygen -) SED_BODY_TAG= s(^[\S\s]+[\S\s]+$$)()gi, \ s(href="/Apache2(?:/\w+)*/([^/]+).html")(href="group__apreq__xs__\L$$1.html")g, \ s(href="/APR/Request/Param/(?:Table|Cookie).html")(href="group__apreq__xs__apr__request.html")g, \ s(href="/APR/Request.html")(href="group__apreq__xs__apr__request.html")g, \ s(href="/APR/Request/([^/]+).html")(href="group__apreq__xs__apr__request__\L$$1.html")g, \ s(href="/APR/Brigade.html")(href="http://apr.apache.org/docs/apr-util/$(APU_DOC_VERSION)/apr__buckets_8h.html")g, \ s(href="/APR/([^/]+).html")(href="http://apr.apache.org/docs/apr/$(APR_DOC_VERSION)/apr__\L$$1s_8h.html")g EUM=ExtUtils::Manifest PM_DIR=glue/perl/lib/Apache2 XS_DIR=glue/perl/xsbuilder/APR bin_SCRIPTS = apreq2-config CLEANFILES = $(bin_SCRIPTS) POD2HTML = @PERL@ -MPod::Html -wle 'pod2html @ARGV' if BUILD_PERL_GLUE PERL_TEST = perl_test else PERL_TEST = endif TAR=@TAR@ release: distclean docs_clean reconfig distdir @PERL@ build/version_check.pl > $(distdir)/PREREQUISITES @PERL@ build/version_check.pl -version=@PACKAGE_VERSION@ > $(distdir)/META.yml echo MANIFEST > $(distdir)/MANIFEST @cd $(distdir); @PERL@ -M$(EUM) -e "$(EUM)::mkmanifest" @PERL@ -ple '$$_="$(distdir)/$$_"' $(distdir)/MANIFEST | $(TAR) -czf $(distdir).tar.gz -T - rm -rf $(distdir) @md5sum $(distdir).tar.gz > $(distdir).tar.gz.md5 @sha256sum $(distdir).tar.gz > $(distdir).tar.gz.sha256 @sha512sum $(distdir).tar.gz > $(distdir).tar.gz.sha512 @echo "Made $(distdir).tar.gz and hashes" release_test: -rm -rf $(distdir) if [ ! -x $(TAR) ]; then echo "$(TAR) is not executable."; fi $(TAR) xzvf $(distdir).tar.gz @cd $(distdir); @PERL@ -M$(EUM) -e "die 'Bogus MANIFEST' if $(EUM)::manicheck" @cd $(distdir); @PERL@ Makefile.PL -apxs @APACHE2_APXS@ && $(MAKE) test rm -rf $(distdir) @echo "$(distdir).tar.gz is kosher." reconfig: ./buildconf.nice ./config.nice docs_clean: -rm -rf docs -rm -rf *.html pod2*.tmp docs: pod2html build/doxygen.conf apr_tags docs/html/feather.gif @PERL@ build/version_check.pl doxygen doxygen build/doxygen.conf docs_install: docs @$(NORMAL_INSTALL) $(mkinstalldirs) $(DESTDIR)$(pkgdatadir) cp *.html docs/html cp -R docs $(DESTDIR)$(pkgdatadir) %.html: $(POD_DIR)/%.pm Makefile.am ${POD2HTML} < $< | @PERL@ -0777 -pe '$(SED_BODY_TAG)' > $@ Apache2__Request.html: $(PM_DIR)/Request.pm ${POD2HTML} < $< | @PERL@ -0777 -pe '$(SED_BODY_TAG)' > $@ Apache2__Upload.html: $(PM_DIR)/Upload.pm ${POD2HTML} < $< | @PERL@ -0777 -pe '$(SED_BODY_TAG)' > $@ Apache2__Cookie.html: $(PM_DIR)/Cookie.pm ${POD2HTML} < $< | @PERL@ -0777 -pe '$(SED_BODY_TAG)' > $@ APR__Request.html: $(XS_DIR)/Request/Request.pod ${POD2HTML} < $< | @PERL@ -0777 -pe '$(SED_BODY_TAG)' > $@ APR__Request__Param.html: $(XS_DIR)/Request/Param/Param.pod ${POD2HTML} < $< | @PERL@ -0777 -pe '$(SED_BODY_TAG)' > $@ APR__Request__Cookie.html: $(XS_DIR)/Request/Cookie/Cookie.pod ${POD2HTML} < $< | @PERL@ -0777 -pe '$(SED_BODY_TAG)' > $@ APR__Request__Error.html: $(XS_DIR)/Request/Error/Error.pod ${POD2HTML} < $< | @PERL@ -0777 -pe '$(SED_BODY_TAG)' > $@ APR__Request__Apache2.html: $(XS_DIR)/Request/Apache2/Apache2.pod ${POD2HTML} < $< | @PERL@ -0777 -pe '$(SED_BODY_TAG)' > $@ APR__Request__CGI.html: $(XS_DIR)/Request/CGI/CGI.pod ${POD2HTML} < $< | @PERL@ -0777 -pe '$(SED_BODY_TAG)' > $@ FAQ.html: Makefile.am FAQ.pod ${POD2HTML} < FAQ.pod | @PERL@ -0777 -pe '$(SED_BODY_TAG)' > FAQ.html pod2html :: Apache2__Request.html Apache2__Cookie.html Apache2__Upload.html pod2html :: APR__Request.html APR__Request__Cookie.html pod2html :: APR__Request__Param.html APR__Request__Error.html pod2html :: APR__Request__Apache2.html APR__Request__CGI.html FAQ.html $(POD_DIR)/%.t: $(POD_DIR)/%.pod (cd glue/perl ; pod2test docs/$*.pod docs/$*.t) pod2test :: $(POD_DIR)/Request.t $(POD_DIR)/Cookie.t $(POD_DIR)/Upload.t $(POD_DIR)/Error.t $(POD_DIR)/Table.t apr_tags: docs/apr.tag docs/apu.tag docs/html/feather.gif: ${mkinstalldirs} docs ${mkinstalldirs} docs/html cp feather.gif docs/html docs/apu.tag: ${mkinstalldirs} docs echo GENERATE_TAGFILE=`pwd`/docs/apu.tag | $(APU_DOX) docs/apr.tag: ${mkinstalldirs} docs echo GENERATE_TAGFILE=`pwd`/docs/apr.tag | $(APR_DOX) test: all library_test module_test $(PERL_TEST) module_test: cd module; $(MAKE) test library_test: cd library; $(MAKE) test perl_install: cd glue/perl; $(MAKE) install perl_test: cd glue/perl; ../../libtool --mode=execute -dlopen ../../library/libapreq2.la $(MAKE) test perl_glue: cd glue/perl; @PERL@ ../../build/xsbuilder.pl run cd glue/perl; @PERL@ Makefile.PL -apxs @APACHE2_APXS@ cd glue/perl; $(MAKE) if BUILD_HTTPD install-exec-local: httpd_install httpd_install: cd @APACHE2_SRC@; $(MAKE) install endif