Mac OS X 10.2 and Later ======================= On Mac OS X 10.2.x Jaguar and later, the normal Perl build of libapreq should work. Note that you'll need Apache::TestMM, libwwwperl, and URI installed in order to run "make test". It's also a good idea to use the "-apxs" argument to Makefile.PL so that "make test" knows where to find and start your Apache server. This is especially true if you've compiled and installed your own Apache. % perl Makefile.PL -apxs /usr/sbin/apxs % make % make test % sudo make install Mac OS X 10.1 ============= On Mac OS X 10.1, the libapreq API must be statically compiled into the Apache binary using the experimental patch in the patches directory. This means that libapreq cannot be used with Apple's Apache install; a new Apache server must be built from source, instead. To apply the patch to the Apache sources (assuming the apache-1.3.x source is along side of the libapreq-1.x source): % cd apache-1.3.x % patch -p0 < ../libapreq-1.x/patches/apache-1.3+apreq.patch % cp ../libapreq-1.x/c/*.[ch] src/lib/apreq If you've installed Perl and mod_perl in the default Darwin locations, you'll next need to set the PER5LIB environment variable to "/Library/Perl" so that the new mod_perl modules you install are preferred to the ones in /System/Library/Perl when Apache compiles. Use "setenv" under tsch: % setenv PERL5LIB /Library/Perl Or "export" under bash or zsh: % export PER5LIB=/Library/Perl Now build and install Apache (+modperl) as normal. Make sure that you use APACI, as the libapreq patch requires it. For example, if you're letting mod_perl's Makefile build Apache, configure it like this: % cd mod_perl-1.xx % perl Makefile.PL USE_APACI=1 EVERYTHING=1 APACI_ARGS="--without-execstrip" Be sure to pass the "--without-execstrip" argument to to the APACI_ARGS; this seems to be required to compile Apache with mod_perl on Mac OS X. If you compile Apache by hand, you'll need to pass the "--without-execstrip" option to its ./configure script. And finally, the normal Perl build of libapreq should work. Note that you'll need libwwwperl and URI installed in order to run make test. % perl Makefile.PL % make % make test % sudo make install