Experimental Patches: apache-1.3+apreq.patch patches apache-1.3 source to build libapreq directly into httpd. To apply (assuming the apache-1.3.XX source is along side of the libapreq-1.X source): % cd ../../apache-1.3.XX/ % patch -p0 < ../libapreq-1.X/patches/apache-1.3+apreq.patch % cp ../libapreq-1.X/c/*.[ch] src/lib/apreq/ Then build and install apache (+modperl) as normal. If you want to use Apache::Request and Apache::Cookie, you'll also need to remove the -lapreq linking flags within Request/Makefile.PL and Cookie/Makefile.PL, before doing the perl build of libapreq. The following commands should do the trick: % cd .. % perl -pi.bak -e 's/-lapreq//' Request/Makefile.PL Cookie/Makefile.PL % perl Makefile.PL ... % make && make test && make install