$Id: RELEASE_PLAN_2_0.txt,v 1.8 2003/07/18 13:43:29 oglueck Exp $ Release Plan for HttpClient 2.0 (revised) ----------------------------------------- Administrivia: This document describes a plan for a 2.0 release of the Jakarta-Commons HttpClient component (for the remainder of this document, simply "HttpClient"). Per the Jakarta/ASF guidelines (http://jakarta.apache.org/site/decisions.html), this document doesn't mean anything until accepted by the relevant committer community via a lazy majority vote (hereafter, simply "lazy majority"). Once accepted, it may be replaced by an alternative plan, again subject to lazy majority approval. Non-binding votes (votes cast by those outside the relevant committer community) are welcome, but only binding votes are significant for decision making purposes. Objective: The objective of the 2.0 release of HttpClient is to provide a stable and robust release focused on standards compliance, design clarity, forward compatibility, and ease of use (i.e., with the intention of providing a stable foundation for the further evolution of the HttpClient component). Specifically, the 2.0 release seeks to introduce and evaluate changes based upon the following (ordered) criteria: 1. Freedom from defects (deviation from the documented or reasonably expected behavior). 2. Compliance to RFC 2616 (HTTP/1.1) and related specifications. 3. Interface and design consistency and clarity, ease-of- use, and ease-of-extension. 4. Forward compatibility. I.e., the ability to add support for currently unsupported aspects of the relevant specifications or to add support for features that can be reasonably predicted without "breaking" the external (and to a lesser degree, internal) interface of the component. The 2.0 release should also include: * Adequate documentation (including both API-level/JavaDoc documentation as well documentation suitable for use on the Jakarta-Commons site) * A substantial unit and functional test suite suitable for ensuring the quality and compatibility of release 2.0 and subsequent releases. * A clear demarcation of the "internal" and "external" interfaces within HttpClient, as defined in the VERSIONING_GUIDELINES.txt document at: http://cvs.apache.org/viewcvs/~checkout~/jakarta-commons/VERSIONING-GUIDELINES.txt * Releases will be done according to: http://jakarta.apache.org/commons/releases.html Release Manager: Jeff Dever (Starting July 31, 2002) Voting: <---- Please return this portion with your vote ----> [X] +1 I am in favor of this plan and I will help [ ] +0 I am in favor of this plan, but I am unable to help [ ] -0 I am not in favor of this plan [ ] -1 I am opposed to this plan being executed, and my reason is: <---- /Please return this portion with your vote ----> Feature/Fault Tracking: BugZilla will be the mechanism for tracking features and faults (ie: bugs). When the new Scarab system becomes available, Scarab will replace BugZilla in this role. The previous 2.0 release plan called for a time ordered development strategy. There were set dates for given phases of the implementation. This approach will be abandoned in favour of a feature completion based development plan. Milestone development will begin immeadiately on approval of this release plan. All repository changes that are non-trivial will require a bugzilla bug or feature enhancement request. It will be the responsibility of the release manager to categorize bugs/features into release versions, but will always remain subject to the will of the majority. In order to declare that a release has been reached, all bugs/features categorized into that target release must be completed and a vote must pass subject to lazy approval. The following procedure will be followed: 1) All changes must be motivated by a bugzilla change request. 2) Patches constructed according to standard practice should be attached to the relevent BugZilla bug. 3) A committer can then commit the patch to the repository. Milestone Development Phases: 2.0 Alpha development Designations: 2.0A1, 2.0A2 During the previous period of development, many new features were added, depenancies were changes, interfaces were impacted. During Milestone development, the nature of the changes will focus on: a) interface changes b) functionality additions c) fault fixing 2.0 Beta development Designations: 2.0B1, 2.0B2 Development will be focused on quality and stability. No new major features will be added, with the following change types being the most prelevent: a) fix faults with accompayning test cases b) additional test cases to improve functionality c) improve documentation 2.0 Release development Designations: 2.0RC1, 2.0RC2, 2.0 When all features are complete and all reported bugs have been fixed, a release candidate (RC) build will be released. Any reported bugs that are targeted for the 2.0 release will be fixed and a new RC build will be released. After a week of no changes, the last RC build will become the 2.0 release with the following changes only: release version, aside from: a) change the release tag in the build.xml/project.xml b) update the site documentation to indicate that there is a release Post 2.0 Release development Designations: 2.0.x Following the release, only Bugzilla tracked bugs with attached patches will be commited to the repository. These patches must only: a) fix faults with accompanying test case(s) b) improve documentation