$Id: BUILDING.txt,v 2001/08/20 17:26:45 rwaldhoff Exp $ ================================================================ Building HTTP Client ================================================================ To compile httpclient, you'll want the excellent Ant utility (version 1.2 or later). It can obtained from: http://jakarta.apache.org/ant/ You'll also need: * an implementation of the Java Secure Socket Extension, a standard Java extension available from: http://java.sun.com/products/jsse * the log4j logging component, available from: http://jakarta.apache.org/log4j To help the build and test targets find these classes, you must make a copy of the build.properties.sample file, rename to build.properties, and modify it to reflect the location of jsse.jar, jnet.jar, jcert.jar and log4j.jar on your computer. Once you have Ant, JSSE and log4j properly installed, and your build.properties file properly configured, you are ready to build the component: To build a jar: $ ant dist To build the API documentation: $ ant javadoc To build the jar and API doc at once: $ ant dist Run ant -projecthelp to see a list of all available targets.