/* * ==================================================================== * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. * ==================================================================== * * This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many * individuals on behalf of the Apache Software Foundation. For more * information on the Apache Software Foundation, please see * . * */ package org.apache.http.impl.nio.reactor; import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream; import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream; import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.nio.channels.Channels; import java.nio.channels.ReadableByteChannel; import java.nio.channels.WritableByteChannel; import java.nio.charset.CharacterCodingException; import org.apache.http.nio.reactor.SessionInputBuffer; import org.apache.http.nio.reactor.SessionOutputBuffer; import org.apache.http.params.BasicHttpParams; import org.apache.http.params.HttpParams; import org.apache.http.params.HttpProtocolParams; import org.apache.http.util.CharArrayBuffer; import org.junit.Assert; import org.junit.Test; /** * Simple tests for {@link SessionInputBuffer} and {@link SessionOutputBuffer}. */ public class TestSessionInOutBuffers { private static WritableByteChannel newChannel(final ByteArrayOutputStream outstream) { return Channels.newChannel(outstream); } private static ReadableByteChannel newChannel(final byte[] bytes) { return Channels.newChannel(new ByteArrayInputStream(bytes)); } private static ReadableByteChannel newChannel(final String s, final String charset) throws UnsupportedEncodingException { return Channels.newChannel(new ByteArrayInputStream(s.getBytes(charset))); } private static ReadableByteChannel newChannel(final String s) throws UnsupportedEncodingException { return newChannel(s, "US-ASCII"); } @Test public void testReadLineChunks() throws Exception { HttpParams params = new BasicHttpParams(); SessionInputBuffer inbuf = new SessionInputBufferImpl(16, 16, params); ReadableByteChannel channel = newChannel("One\r\nTwo\r\nThree"); inbuf.fill(channel); CharArrayBuffer line = new CharArrayBuffer(64); line.clear(); Assert.assertTrue(inbuf.readLine(line, false)); Assert.assertEquals("One", line.toString()); line.clear(); Assert.assertTrue(inbuf.readLine(line, false)); Assert.assertEquals("Two", line.toString()); line.clear(); Assert.assertFalse(inbuf.readLine(line, false)); channel = newChannel("\r\nFour"); inbuf.fill(channel); line.clear(); Assert.assertTrue(inbuf.readLine(line, false)); Assert.assertEquals("Three", line.toString()); inbuf.fill(channel); line.clear(); Assert.assertTrue(inbuf.readLine(line, true)); Assert.assertEquals("Four", line.toString()); line.clear(); Assert.assertFalse(inbuf.readLine(line, true)); } @Test public void testWriteLineChunks() throws Exception { HttpParams params = new BasicHttpParams(); SessionOutputBuffer outbuf = new SessionOutputBufferImpl(16, 16, params); SessionInputBuffer inbuf = new SessionInputBufferImpl(16, 16, params); ReadableByteChannel inChannel = newChannel("One\r\nTwo\r\nThree"); inbuf.fill(inChannel); CharArrayBuffer line = new CharArrayBuffer(64); line.clear(); Assert.assertTrue(inbuf.readLine(line, false)); Assert.assertEquals("One", line.toString()); outbuf.writeLine(line); line.clear(); Assert.assertTrue(inbuf.readLine(line, false)); Assert.assertEquals("Two", line.toString()); outbuf.writeLine(line); line.clear(); Assert.assertFalse(inbuf.readLine(line, false)); inChannel = newChannel("\r\nFour"); inbuf.fill(inChannel); line.clear(); Assert.assertTrue(inbuf.readLine(line, false)); Assert.assertEquals("Three", line.toString()); outbuf.writeLine(line); inbuf.fill(inChannel); line.clear(); Assert.assertTrue(inbuf.readLine(line, true)); Assert.assertEquals("Four", line.toString()); outbuf.writeLine(line); line.clear(); Assert.assertFalse(inbuf.readLine(line, true)); ByteArrayOutputStream outstream = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); WritableByteChannel outChannel = newChannel(outstream); outbuf.flush(outChannel); String s = new String(outstream.toByteArray(), "US-ASCII"); Assert.assertEquals("One\r\nTwo\r\nThree\r\nFour\r\n", s); } @Test public void testBasicReadWriteLine() throws Exception { String[] teststrs = new String[5]; teststrs[0] = "Hello"; teststrs[1] = "This string should be much longer than the size of the line buffer " + "which is only 16 bytes for this test"; StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < 15; i++) { buffer.append("123456789 "); } buffer.append("and stuff like that"); teststrs[2] = buffer.toString(); teststrs[3] = ""; teststrs[4] = "And goodbye"; HttpParams params = new BasicHttpParams(); SessionOutputBuffer outbuf = new SessionOutputBufferImpl(1024, 16, params); for (int i = 0; i < teststrs.length; i++) { outbuf.writeLine(teststrs[i]); } //this write operation should have no effect outbuf.writeLine((String)null); outbuf.writeLine((CharArrayBuffer)null); ByteArrayOutputStream outstream = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); WritableByteChannel outChannel = newChannel(outstream); outbuf.flush(outChannel); ReadableByteChannel channel = newChannel(outstream.toByteArray()); SessionInputBuffer inbuf = new SessionInputBufferImpl(1024, 16, params); inbuf.fill(channel); for (int i = 0; i < teststrs.length; i++) { Assert.assertEquals(teststrs[i], inbuf.readLine(true)); } Assert.assertNull(inbuf.readLine(true)); Assert.assertNull(inbuf.readLine(true)); } @Test public void testComplexReadWriteLine() throws Exception { HttpParams params = new BasicHttpParams(); SessionOutputBuffer outbuf = new SessionOutputBufferImpl(1024, 16, params); outbuf.write(ByteBuffer.wrap(new byte[] {'a', '\n'})); outbuf.write(ByteBuffer.wrap(new byte[] {'\r', '\n'})); outbuf.write(ByteBuffer.wrap(new byte[] {'\r', '\r', '\n'})); outbuf.write(ByteBuffer.wrap(new byte[] {'\n'})); StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < 14; i++) { buffer.append("a"); } String s1 = buffer.toString(); buffer.append("\r\n"); outbuf.write(ByteBuffer.wrap(buffer.toString().getBytes("US-ASCII"))); buffer.setLength(0); for (int i = 0; i < 15; i++) { buffer.append("a"); } String s2 = buffer.toString(); buffer.append("\r\n"); outbuf.write(ByteBuffer.wrap(buffer.toString().getBytes("US-ASCII"))); buffer.setLength(0); for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) { buffer.append("a"); } String s3 = buffer.toString(); buffer.append("\r\n"); outbuf.write(ByteBuffer.wrap(buffer.toString().getBytes("US-ASCII"))); outbuf.write(ByteBuffer.wrap(new byte[] {'a'})); ByteArrayOutputStream outstream = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); WritableByteChannel outChannel = newChannel(outstream); outbuf.flush(outChannel); ReadableByteChannel channel = newChannel(outstream.toByteArray()); SessionInputBuffer inbuf = new SessionInputBufferImpl(1024, 16, params); inbuf.fill(channel); Assert.assertEquals("a", inbuf.readLine(true)); Assert.assertEquals("", inbuf.readLine(true)); Assert.assertEquals("\r", inbuf.readLine(true)); Assert.assertEquals("", inbuf.readLine(true)); Assert.assertEquals(s1, inbuf.readLine(true)); Assert.assertEquals(s2, inbuf.readLine(true)); Assert.assertEquals(s3, inbuf.readLine(true)); Assert.assertEquals("a", inbuf.readLine(true)); Assert.assertNull(inbuf.readLine(true)); Assert.assertNull(inbuf.readLine(true)); } @Test public void testReadOneByte() throws Exception { // make the buffer larger than that of transmitter byte[] out = new byte[40]; for (int i = 0; i < out.length; i++) { out[i] = (byte)('0' + i); } ReadableByteChannel channel = newChannel(out); HttpParams params = new BasicHttpParams(); SessionInputBuffer inbuf = new SessionInputBufferImpl(16, 16, params); while (inbuf.fill(channel) > 0) { } byte[] in = new byte[40]; for (int i = 0; i < in.length; i++) { in[i] = (byte)inbuf.read(); } for (int i = 0; i < out.length; i++) { Assert.assertEquals(out[i], in[i]); } } @Test public void testReadByteBuffer() throws Exception { byte[] pattern = "0123456789ABCDEF".getBytes("US-ASCII"); ReadableByteChannel channel = newChannel(pattern); HttpParams params = new BasicHttpParams(); SessionInputBuffer inbuf = new SessionInputBufferImpl(4096, 1024, params); while (inbuf.fill(channel) > 0) { } ByteBuffer dst = ByteBuffer.allocate(10); Assert.assertEquals(10, inbuf.read(dst)); dst.flip(); Assert.assertEquals(dst, ByteBuffer.wrap(pattern, 0, 10)); dst.clear(); Assert.assertEquals(6, inbuf.read(dst)); dst.flip(); Assert.assertEquals(dst, ByteBuffer.wrap(pattern, 10, 6)); } @Test public void testReadByteBufferWithMaxLen() throws Exception { byte[] pattern = "0123456789ABCDEF".getBytes("US-ASCII"); ReadableByteChannel channel = newChannel(pattern); HttpParams params = new BasicHttpParams(); SessionInputBuffer inbuf = new SessionInputBufferImpl(4096, 1024, params); while (inbuf.fill(channel) > 0) { } ByteBuffer dst = ByteBuffer.allocate(16); Assert.assertEquals(10, inbuf.read(dst, 10)); dst.flip(); Assert.assertEquals(dst, ByteBuffer.wrap(pattern, 0, 10)); dst.clear(); Assert.assertEquals(3, inbuf.read(dst, 3)); dst.flip(); Assert.assertEquals(dst, ByteBuffer.wrap(pattern, 10, 3)); Assert.assertEquals(3, inbuf.read(dst, 20)); dst.flip(); Assert.assertEquals(dst, ByteBuffer.wrap(pattern, 13, 3)); } @Test public void testReadToChannel() throws Exception { byte[] pattern = "0123456789ABCDEF".getBytes("US-ASCII"); ReadableByteChannel channel = newChannel(pattern); HttpParams params = new BasicHttpParams(); SessionInputBuffer inbuf = new SessionInputBufferImpl(4096, 1024, params); while (inbuf.fill(channel) > 0) { } ByteArrayOutputStream outstream = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); WritableByteChannel dst = newChannel(outstream); Assert.assertEquals(16, inbuf.read(dst)); Assert.assertEquals(ByteBuffer.wrap(pattern), ByteBuffer.wrap(outstream.toByteArray())); } @Test public void testReadToChannelWithMaxLen() throws Exception { byte[] pattern = "0123456789ABCDEF".getBytes("US-ASCII"); ReadableByteChannel channel = newChannel(pattern); HttpParams params = new BasicHttpParams(); SessionInputBuffer inbuf = new SessionInputBufferImpl(4096, 1024, params); while (inbuf.fill(channel) > 0) { } ByteArrayOutputStream outstream = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); WritableByteChannel dst = newChannel(outstream); Assert.assertEquals(10, inbuf.read(dst, 10)); Assert.assertEquals(3, inbuf.read(dst, 3)); Assert.assertEquals(3, inbuf.read(dst, 10)); Assert.assertEquals(ByteBuffer.wrap(pattern), ByteBuffer.wrap(outstream.toByteArray())); } @Test public void testWriteByteBuffer() throws Exception { byte[] pattern = "0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF".getBytes("US-ASCII"); HttpParams params = new BasicHttpParams(); SessionOutputBuffer outbuf = new SessionOutputBufferImpl(4096, 1024, params); ReadableByteChannel src = newChannel(pattern); outbuf.write(src); ByteArrayOutputStream outstream = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); WritableByteChannel channel = newChannel(outstream); while (outbuf.flush(channel) > 0) { } Assert.assertEquals(ByteBuffer.wrap(pattern), ByteBuffer.wrap(outstream.toByteArray())); } @Test public void testWriteFromChannel() throws Exception { byte[] pattern = "0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF".getBytes("US-ASCII"); HttpParams params = new BasicHttpParams(); SessionOutputBuffer outbuf = new SessionOutputBufferImpl(4096, 1024, params); outbuf.write(ByteBuffer.wrap(pattern, 0, 16)); outbuf.write(ByteBuffer.wrap(pattern, 16, 10)); outbuf.write(ByteBuffer.wrap(pattern, 26, 6)); ByteArrayOutputStream outstream = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); WritableByteChannel channel = newChannel(outstream); while (outbuf.flush(channel) > 0) { } Assert.assertEquals(ByteBuffer.wrap(pattern), ByteBuffer.wrap(outstream.toByteArray())); } static final int SWISS_GERMAN_HELLO [] = { 0x47, 0x72, 0xFC, 0x65, 0x7A, 0x69, 0x5F, 0x7A, 0xE4, 0x6D, 0xE4 }; static final int RUSSIAN_HELLO [] = { 0x412, 0x441, 0x435, 0x43C, 0x5F, 0x43F, 0x440, 0x438, 0x432, 0x435, 0x442 }; private static String constructString(int [] unicodeChars) { StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(); if (unicodeChars != null) { for (int i = 0; i < unicodeChars.length; i++) { buffer.append((char)unicodeChars[i]); } } return buffer.toString(); } @Test public void testMultibyteCodedReadWriteLine() throws Exception { String s1 = constructString(SWISS_GERMAN_HELLO); String s2 = constructString(RUSSIAN_HELLO); String s3 = "Like hello and stuff"; HttpParams params = new BasicHttpParams(); HttpProtocolParams.setHttpElementCharset(params, "UTF-8"); SessionOutputBuffer outbuf = new SessionOutputBufferImpl(1024, 16, params); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { outbuf.writeLine(s1); outbuf.writeLine(s2); outbuf.writeLine(s3); } ByteArrayOutputStream outstream = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); WritableByteChannel outChannel = newChannel(outstream); outbuf.flush(outChannel); byte[] tmp = outstream.toByteArray(); ReadableByteChannel channel = newChannel(tmp); SessionInputBuffer inbuf = new SessionInputBufferImpl(16, 16, params); while (inbuf.fill(channel) > 0) { } for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { Assert.assertEquals(s1, inbuf.readLine(true)); Assert.assertEquals(s2, inbuf.readLine(true)); Assert.assertEquals(s3, inbuf.readLine(true)); } } @Test public void testMalformedCharacters() throws Exception { HttpParams params = new BasicHttpParams(); String s1 = constructString(SWISS_GERMAN_HELLO); SessionOutputBuffer outbuf = new SessionOutputBufferImpl(1024, 16, params); try { outbuf.writeLine(s1); Assert.fail("Expected CharacterCodingException"); } catch (CharacterCodingException expected) { } byte[] tmp = s1.getBytes("ISO-8859-1"); ReadableByteChannel channel = newChannel(tmp); SessionInputBuffer inbuf = new SessionInputBufferImpl(16, 16, params); while (inbuf.fill(channel) > 0) { } try { String s = inbuf.readLine(true); Assert.fail("Expected CharacterCodingException, got '" + s + "'"); } catch (CharacterCodingException expected) { } } @Test public void testInputMatchesBufferLength() throws Exception { HttpParams params = new BasicHttpParams(); String s1 = "abcde"; SessionOutputBuffer outbuf = new SessionOutputBufferImpl(1024, 5, params); outbuf.writeLine(s1); } }