# verbosity: # The level of messages for status/debug (messages go to standard output). # The setting here is for your own local catalogs. # The verbosity of Forrest's core catalogs is controlled via # main/webapp/WEB-INF/cocoon.xconf # # The following messages are provided ... # 0 = none # 1 = ? (... not sure yet) # 2 = 1+, Loading catalog, Resolved public, Resolved system # 3 = 2+, Catalog does not exist, resolvePublic, resolveSystem # 10 = 3+, List all catalog entries when loading a catalog # (Cocoon also logs the "Resolved public" messages.) verbosity=1 # catalogs ... list of additional catalogs to load # (Note that Apache Forrest will automatically load its own default catalog # from main/webapp/resources/schema/catalog.xcat) # Use either full pathnames or relative pathnames. # pathname separator is always semi-colon (;) regardless of operating system # directory separator is always slash (/) regardless of operating system catalogs=../resources/schema/catalog.xcat # relative-catalogs # If false, relative catalog URIs are made absolute with respect to the # base URI of the CatalogManager.properties file. This setting only # applies to catalog URIs obtained from the catalogs property in the # CatalogManager.properties file # Example: relative-catalogs=[yes|no] relative-catalogs=no