-- Test partition column type is considered as the type given in table def -- and not as 'string' CREATE TABLE datePartTbl(col1 string) PARTITIONED BY (date_prt date); -- Add test partitions and some sample data INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE datePartTbl PARTITION(date_prt='2014-08-09') SELECT 'col1-2014-08-09' FROM src LIMIT 1; INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE datePartTbl PARTITION(date_prt='2014-08-10') SELECT 'col1-2014-08-10' FROM src LIMIT 1; -- Query where 'date_prt' value is restricted to given values in IN operator. SELECT * FROM datePartTbl WHERE date_prt IN (CAST('2014-08-09' AS DATE), CAST('2014-08-08' AS DATE)); DROP TABLE datePartTbl;