-- SORT_QUERY_RESULTS -- verify that new joins bring in correct schemas (including evolved schemas) CREATE TABLE doctors4 ( number int COMMENT "Order of playing the role", first_name string COMMENT "first name of actor playing role", last_name string COMMENT "last name of actor playing role") STORED AS AVRO; DESCRIBE doctors4; LOAD DATA LOCAL INPATH '../../data/files/doctors.avro' INTO TABLE doctors4; CREATE TABLE episodes ( title string COMMENT "episode title", air_date string COMMENT "initial date", doctor int COMMENT "main actor playing the Doctor in episode") STORED AS AVRO; DESCRIBE episodes; LOAD DATA LOCAL INPATH '../../data/files/episodes.avro' INTO TABLE episodes; SELECT e.title, e.air_date, d.first_name, d.last_name, e.air_date FROM doctors4 d JOIN episodes e ON (d.number=e.doctor);