PREHOOK: query: create table acid_uwp(a int, b varchar(128)) partitioned by (ds string) clustered by (a) into 2 buckets stored as orc TBLPROPERTIES ('transactional'='true') PREHOOK: type: CREATETABLE PREHOOK: Output: database:default PREHOOK: Output: default@acid_uwp POSTHOOK: query: create table acid_uwp(a int, b varchar(128)) partitioned by (ds string) clustered by (a) into 2 buckets stored as orc TBLPROPERTIES ('transactional'='true') POSTHOOK: type: CREATETABLE POSTHOOK: Output: database:default POSTHOOK: Output: default@acid_uwp PREHOOK: query: insert into table acid_uwp partition (ds='today') select cint, cast(cstring1 as varchar(128)) from alltypesorc where cint is not null and cint < 0 order by cint limit 10 PREHOOK: type: QUERY PREHOOK: Input: default@alltypesorc PREHOOK: Output: default@acid_uwp@ds=today POSTHOOK: query: insert into table acid_uwp partition (ds='today') select cint, cast(cstring1 as varchar(128)) from alltypesorc where cint is not null and cint < 0 order by cint limit 10 POSTHOOK: type: QUERY POSTHOOK: Input: default@alltypesorc POSTHOOK: Output: default@acid_uwp@ds=today POSTHOOK: Lineage: acid_uwp PARTITION(ds=today).a SIMPLE [(alltypesorc)alltypesorc.FieldSchema(name:cint, type:int, comment:null), ] POSTHOOK: Lineage: acid_uwp PARTITION(ds=today).b EXPRESSION [(alltypesorc)alltypesorc.FieldSchema(name:cstring1, type:string, comment:null), ] PREHOOK: query: insert into table acid_uwp partition (ds='tomorrow') select cint, cast(cstring1 as varchar(128)) from alltypesorc where cint is not null and cint > 100 order by cint limit 10 PREHOOK: type: QUERY PREHOOK: Input: default@alltypesorc PREHOOK: Output: default@acid_uwp@ds=tomorrow POSTHOOK: query: insert into table acid_uwp partition (ds='tomorrow') select cint, cast(cstring1 as varchar(128)) from alltypesorc where cint is not null and cint > 100 order by cint limit 10 POSTHOOK: type: QUERY POSTHOOK: Input: default@alltypesorc POSTHOOK: Output: default@acid_uwp@ds=tomorrow POSTHOOK: Lineage: acid_uwp PARTITION(ds=tomorrow).a SIMPLE [(alltypesorc)alltypesorc.FieldSchema(name:cint, type:int, comment:null), ] POSTHOOK: Lineage: acid_uwp PARTITION(ds=tomorrow).b EXPRESSION [(alltypesorc)alltypesorc.FieldSchema(name:cstring1, type:string, comment:null), ] PREHOOK: query: select a,b,ds from acid_uwp order by a, ds, b PREHOOK: type: QUERY PREHOOK: Input: default@acid_uwp PREHOOK: Input: default@acid_uwp@ds=today PREHOOK: Input: default@acid_uwp@ds=tomorrow #### A masked pattern was here #### POSTHOOK: query: select a,b,ds from acid_uwp order by a, ds, b POSTHOOK: type: QUERY POSTHOOK: Input: default@acid_uwp POSTHOOK: Input: default@acid_uwp@ds=today POSTHOOK: Input: default@acid_uwp@ds=tomorrow #### A masked pattern was here #### -1073279343 oj1YrV5Wa today -1073051226 A34p7oRr2WvUJNf today -1072910839 0iqrc5 today -1072081801 dPkN74F7 today -1072076362 2uLyD28144vklju213J1mr today -1071480828 aw724t8c5558x2xneC624 today -1071363017 Anj0oF today -1070883071 0ruyd6Y50JpdGRf6HqD today -1070551679 iUR3Q today -1069736047 k17Am8uPHWk02cEf1jet today 762 3WsVeqb28VWEEOLI8ail tomorrow 762 40ks5556SV tomorrow 762 BLoMwUJ51ns6pd tomorrow 762 a10E76jX35YwquKCTA tomorrow 762 q5y2Vy1 tomorrow 6981 1FNNhmiFLGw425NA13g tomorrow 6981 K630vaVf tomorrow 6981 YdG61y00526u5 tomorrow 6981 a3EhVU6Wuy7ycJ7wY7h2gv tomorrow 6981 o4lvY20511w0EOX3P3I82p63 tomorrow PREHOOK: query: update acid_uwp set b = 'fred' where b = 'k17Am8uPHWk02cEf1jet' PREHOOK: type: QUERY PREHOOK: Input: default@acid_uwp PREHOOK: Input: default@acid_uwp@ds=today PREHOOK: Input: default@acid_uwp@ds=tomorrow PREHOOK: Output: default@acid_uwp@ds=today PREHOOK: Output: default@acid_uwp@ds=tomorrow POSTHOOK: query: update acid_uwp set b = 'fred' where b = 'k17Am8uPHWk02cEf1jet' POSTHOOK: type: QUERY POSTHOOK: Input: default@acid_uwp POSTHOOK: Input: default@acid_uwp@ds=today POSTHOOK: Input: default@acid_uwp@ds=tomorrow POSTHOOK: Output: default@acid_uwp@ds=today POSTHOOK: Output: default@acid_uwp@ds=tomorrow PREHOOK: query: select * from acid_uwp order by a, ds, b PREHOOK: type: QUERY PREHOOK: Input: default@acid_uwp PREHOOK: Input: default@acid_uwp@ds=today PREHOOK: Input: default@acid_uwp@ds=tomorrow #### A masked pattern was here #### POSTHOOK: query: select * from acid_uwp order by a, ds, b POSTHOOK: type: QUERY POSTHOOK: Input: default@acid_uwp POSTHOOK: Input: default@acid_uwp@ds=today POSTHOOK: Input: default@acid_uwp@ds=tomorrow #### A masked pattern was here #### -1073279343 oj1YrV5Wa today -1073051226 A34p7oRr2WvUJNf today -1072910839 0iqrc5 today -1072081801 dPkN74F7 today -1072076362 2uLyD28144vklju213J1mr today -1071480828 aw724t8c5558x2xneC624 today -1071363017 Anj0oF today -1070883071 0ruyd6Y50JpdGRf6HqD today -1070551679 iUR3Q today -1069736047 fred today 762 3WsVeqb28VWEEOLI8ail tomorrow 762 40ks5556SV tomorrow 762 BLoMwUJ51ns6pd tomorrow 762 a10E76jX35YwquKCTA tomorrow 762 q5y2Vy1 tomorrow 6981 1FNNhmiFLGw425NA13g tomorrow 6981 K630vaVf tomorrow 6981 YdG61y00526u5 tomorrow 6981 a3EhVU6Wuy7ycJ7wY7h2gv tomorrow 6981 o4lvY20511w0EOX3P3I82p63 tomorrow