Saving all output to "!!{outputDirectory}!!/udf_xpath_short.q.raw". Enter "record" with no arguments to stop it. >>> !run !!{qFileDirectory}!!/udf_xpath_short.q >>> DESCRIBE FUNCTION xpath_short ; 'tab_name' 'xpath_short(xml, xpath) - Returns a short value that matches the xpath expression' 1 row selected >>> DESCRIBE FUNCTION EXTENDED xpath_short ; 'tab_name' 'xpath_short(xml, xpath) - Returns a short value that matches the xpath expression' 'Example:' ' > SELECT xpath_short('12','sum(a/b)') FROM src LIMIT 1;' ' 3' 4 rows selected >>> >>> SELECT xpath_short ('this is not a number', 'a') FROM src LIMIT 1 ; '_c0' '0' 1 row selected >>> SELECT xpath_short ('this 2 is not a number', 'a') FROM src LIMIT 1 ; '_c0' '0' 1 row selected >>> SELECT xpath_short ('200000000040000000000', 'a/b * a/c') FROM src LIMIT 1 ; '_c0' '-1' 1 row selected >>> SELECT xpath_short ('try a boolean', 'a = 10') FROM src LIMIT 1 ; '_c0' '0' 1 row selected >>> SELECT xpath_short ('1248', 'a/b') FROM src LIMIT 1 ; '_c0' '1' 1 row selected >>> SELECT xpath_short ('1248', 'sum(a/*)') FROM src LIMIT 1 ; '_c0' '15' 1 row selected >>> SELECT xpath_short ('1248', 'sum(a/b)') FROM src LIMIT 1 ; '_c0' '7' 1 row selected >>> SELECT xpath_short ('1248', 'sum(a/b[@class="odd"])') FROM src LIMIT 1 ; '_c0' '5' 1 row selected >>> !record