Saving all output to "!!{outputDirectory}!!/udf_instr.q.raw". Enter "record" with no arguments to stop it. >>> !run !!{qFileDirectory}!!/udf_instr.q >>> DESCRIBE FUNCTION instr; 'tab_name' 'instr(str, substr) - Returns the index of the first occurance of substr in str' 1 row selected >>> DESCRIBE FUNCTION EXTENDED instr; 'tab_name' 'instr(str, substr) - Returns the index of the first occurance of substr in str' 'Example:' ' > SELECT instr('Facebook', 'boo') FROM src LIMIT 1;' ' 5' 4 rows selected >>> >>> EXPLAIN SELECT instr('abcd', 'abc'), instr('abcabc', 'ccc'), instr(123, '23'), instr(123, 23), instr(TRUE, 1), instr(FALSE, 1), instr('12345', CAST('2' AS TINYINT)), instr(CAST('12345' AS SMALLINT), '34'), instr(CAST('123456789012' AS BIGINT), '456'), instr(CAST(1.25 AS FLOAT), '.25'), instr(CAST(16.0 AS DOUBLE), '.0'), instr(null, 'abc'), instr('abcd', null) FROM src LIMIT 1; 'Explain' 'ABSTRACT SYNTAX TREE:' ' (TOK_QUERY (TOK_FROM (TOK_TABREF (TOK_TABNAME src))) (TOK_INSERT (TOK_DESTINATION (TOK_DIR TOK_TMP_FILE)) (TOK_SELECT (TOK_SELEXPR (TOK_FUNCTION instr 'abcd' 'abc')) (TOK_SELEXPR (TOK_FUNCTION instr 'abcabc' 'ccc')) (TOK_SELEXPR (TOK_FUNCTION instr 123 '23')) (TOK_SELEXPR (TOK_FUNCTION instr 123 23)) (TOK_SELEXPR (TOK_FUNCTION instr TRUE 1)) (TOK_SELEXPR (TOK_FUNCTION instr FALSE 1)) (TOK_SELEXPR (TOK_FUNCTION instr '12345' (TOK_FUNCTION TOK_TINYINT '2'))) (TOK_SELEXPR (TOK_FUNCTION instr (TOK_FUNCTION TOK_SMALLINT '12345') '34')) (TOK_SELEXPR (TOK_FUNCTION instr (TOK_FUNCTION TOK_BIGINT '123456789012') '456')) (TOK_SELEXPR (TOK_FUNCTION instr (TOK_FUNCTION TOK_FLOAT 1.25) '.25')) (TOK_SELEXPR (TOK_FUNCTION instr (TOK_FUNCTION TOK_DOUBLE 16.0) '.0')) (TOK_SELEXPR (TOK_FUNCTION instr TOK_NULL 'abc')) (TOK_SELEXPR (TOK_FUNCTION instr 'abcd' TOK_NULL))) (TOK_LIMIT 1)))' '' 'STAGE DEPENDENCIES:' ' Stage-1 is a root stage' ' Stage-0 is a root stage' '' 'STAGE PLANS:' ' Stage: Stage-1' ' Map Reduce' ' Alias -> Map Operator Tree:' ' src ' ' TableScan' ' alias: src' ' Select Operator' ' expressions:' ' expr: instr('abcd''abc')' ' type: int' ' expr: instr('abcabc''ccc')' ' type: int' ' expr: instr(123'23')' ' type: int' ' expr: instr(12323)' ' type: int' ' expr: instr(true1)' ' type: int' ' expr: instr(false1)' ' type: int' ' expr: instr('12345'UDFToByte('2'))' ' type: int' ' expr: instr(UDFToShort('12345')'34')' ' type: int' ' expr: instr(UDFToLong('123456789012')'456')' ' type: int' ' expr: instr(UDFToFloat(1.25)'.25')' ' type: int' ' expr: instr(16.0'.0')' ' type: int' ' expr: instr(null'abc')' ' type: int' ' expr: instr('abcd'null)' ' type: int' ' outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1, _col2, _col3, _col4, _col5, _col6, _col7, _col8, _col9, _col10, _col11, _col12' ' Limit' ' File Output Operator' ' compressed: false' ' GlobalTableId: 0' ' table:' ' input format: org.apache.hadoop.mapred.TextInputFormat' ' output format:' '' ' Stage: Stage-0' ' Fetch Operator' ' limit: 1' '' '' 56 rows selected >>> >>> SELECT instr('abcd', 'abc'), instr('abcabc', 'ccc'), instr(123, '23'), instr(123, 23), instr(TRUE, 1), instr(FALSE, 1), instr('12345', CAST('2' AS TINYINT)), instr(CAST('12345' AS SMALLINT), '34'), instr(CAST('123456789012' AS BIGINT), '456'), instr(CAST(1.25 AS FLOAT), '.25'), instr(CAST(16.0 AS DOUBLE), '.0'), instr(null, 'abc'), instr('abcd', null) FROM src LIMIT 1; '_c0','_c1','_c2','_c3','_c4','_c5','_c6','_c7','_c8','_c9','_c10','_c11','_c12' '1','0','2','2','0','0','2','3','4','2','3','','' 1 row selected >>> !record