Saving all output to "!!{outputDirectory}!!/drop_table_removes_partition_dirs.q.raw". Enter "record" with no arguments to stop it. >>> !run !!{qFileDirectory}!!/drop_table_removes_partition_dirs.q >>> -- This test verifies that if a partition exists outside the table's current location when the >>> -- table is dropped the partition's location is dropped as well. >>> >>> CREATE TABLE test_table (key STRING, value STRING) PARTITIONED BY (part STRING) STORED AS RCFILE LOCATION 'file:${system:test.tmp.dir}/drop_table_removes_partition_dirs_table'; No rows affected >>> >>> ALTER TABLE test_table ADD PARTITION (part = '1') LOCATION 'file:${system:test.tmp.dir}/drop_table_removes_partition_dirs_table2/part=1'; No rows affected >>> >>> INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE test_table PARTITION (part = '1') SELECT * FROM src; 'key','value' No rows selected >>> >>> dfs -ls ${system:test.tmp.dir}/drop_table_removes_partition_dirs_table2; No rows affected >>> >>> DROP TABLE test_table; No rows affected >>> >>> dfs -ls ${system:test.tmp.dir}/drop_table_removes_partition_dirs_table2; No rows affected >>> >>> dfs -rmr ${system:test.tmp.dir}/drop_table_removes_partition_dirs_table2; No rows affected >>> !record