Saving all output to "!!{outputDirectory}!!/alter_merge.q.raw". Enter "record" with no arguments to stop it. >>> !run !!{qFileDirectory}!!/alter_merge.q >>> create table src_rc_merge_test(key int, value string) stored as rcfile; No rows affected >>> >>> load data local inpath '../data/files/smbbucket_1.rc' into table src_rc_merge_test; No rows affected >>> load data local inpath '../data/files/smbbucket_2.rc' into table src_rc_merge_test; No rows affected >>> load data local inpath '../data/files/smbbucket_3.rc' into table src_rc_merge_test; No rows affected >>> >>> show table extended like `src_rc_merge_test`; 'tab_name' 'tableName:src_rc_merge_test' 'owner:!!{}!!' 'location:!!{hive.metastore.warehouse.dir}!!/alter_merge.db/src_rc_merge_test' '' '' 'columns:struct columns { i32 key, string value}' 'partitioned:false' 'partitionColumns:' 'totalNumberFiles:3' 'totalFileSize:636' 'maxFileSize:222' 'minFileSize:206' 'lastAccessTime:0' 'lastUpdateTime:!!UNIXTIMEMILLIS!!' '' 15 rows selected >>> >>> select count(1) from src_rc_merge_test; '_c0' '15' 1 row selected >>> select sum(hash(key)), sum(hash(value)) from src_rc_merge_test; '_c0','_c1' '214','-7678496319' 1 row selected >>> >>> alter table src_rc_merge_test concatenate; No rows affected >>> >>> show table extended like `src_rc_merge_test`; 'tab_name' 'tableName:src_rc_merge_test' 'owner:!!{}!!' 'location:!!{hive.metastore.warehouse.dir}!!/alter_merge.db/src_rc_merge_test' '' '' 'columns:struct columns { i32 key, string value}' 'partitioned:false' 'partitionColumns:' 'totalNumberFiles:1' 'totalFileSize:239' 'maxFileSize:239' 'minFileSize:239' 'lastAccessTime:0' 'lastUpdateTime:!!UNIXTIMEMILLIS!!' '' 15 rows selected >>> >>> select count(1) from src_rc_merge_test; '_c0' '15' 1 row selected >>> select sum(hash(key)), sum(hash(value)) from src_rc_merge_test; '_c0','_c1' '214','-7678496319' 1 row selected >>> >>> >>> create table src_rc_merge_test_part(key int, value string) partitioned by (ds string) stored as rcfile; No rows affected >>> >>> alter table src_rc_merge_test_part add partition (ds='2011'); No rows affected >>> >>> load data local inpath '../data/files/smbbucket_1.rc' into table src_rc_merge_test_part partition (ds='2011'); No rows affected >>> load data local inpath '../data/files/smbbucket_2.rc' into table src_rc_merge_test_part partition (ds='2011'); No rows affected >>> load data local inpath '../data/files/smbbucket_3.rc' into table src_rc_merge_test_part partition (ds='2011'); No rows affected >>> >>> show table extended like `src_rc_merge_test_part` partition (ds='2011'); 'tab_name' 'tableName:src_rc_merge_test_part' 'owner:!!{}!!' 'location:!!{hive.metastore.warehouse.dir}!!/alter_merge.db/src_rc_merge_test_part/ds=2011' '' '' 'columns:struct columns { i32 key, string value}' 'partitioned:true' 'partitionColumns:struct partition_columns { string ds}' 'totalNumberFiles:3' 'totalFileSize:636' 'maxFileSize:222' 'minFileSize:206' 'lastAccessTime:0' 'lastUpdateTime:!!UNIXTIMEMILLIS!!' '' 15 rows selected >>> >>> select count(1) from src_rc_merge_test_part; '_c0' '15' 1 row selected >>> select sum(hash(key)), sum(hash(value)) from src_rc_merge_test_part; '_c0','_c1' '214','-7678496319' 1 row selected >>> >>> alter table src_rc_merge_test_part partition (ds='2011') concatenate; No rows affected >>> >>> show table extended like `src_rc_merge_test_part` partition (ds='2011'); 'tab_name' 'tableName:src_rc_merge_test_part' 'owner:!!{}!!' 'location:!!{hive.metastore.warehouse.dir}!!/alter_merge.db/src_rc_merge_test_part/ds=2011' '' '' 'columns:struct columns { i32 key, string value}' 'partitioned:true' 'partitionColumns:struct partition_columns { string ds}' 'totalNumberFiles:1' 'totalFileSize:239' 'maxFileSize:239' 'minFileSize:239' 'lastAccessTime:0' 'lastUpdateTime:!!UNIXTIMEMILLIS!!' '' 15 rows selected >>> >>> select count(1) from src_rc_merge_test_part; '_c0' '15' 1 row selected >>> select sum(hash(key)), sum(hash(value)) from src_rc_merge_test_part; '_c0','_c1' '214','-7678496319' 1 row selected >>> >>> drop table src_rc_merge_test; No rows affected >>> drop table src_rc_merge_test_part; No rows affected >>> !record