SET hive.vectorized.execution.enabled=true; set hive.fetch.task.conversion=none; SET; SET; SET; drop table if exists char_join1_vc1; drop table if exists char_join1_vc2; drop table if exists char_join1_str; drop table if exists char_join1_vc1_orc; drop table if exists char_join1_vc2_orc; drop table if exists char_join1_str_orc; create table char_join1_vc1 ( c1 int, c2 char(10) ); create table char_join1_vc2 ( c1 int, c2 char(20) ); create table char_join1_str ( c1 int, c2 string ); load data local inpath '../../data/files/vc1.txt' into table char_join1_vc1; load data local inpath '../../data/files/vc1.txt' into table char_join1_vc2; load data local inpath '../../data/files/vc1.txt' into table char_join1_str; create table char_join1_vc1_orc stored as orc as select * from char_join1_vc1; create table char_join1_vc2_orc stored as orc as select * from char_join1_vc2; create table char_join1_str_orc stored as orc as select * from char_join1_str; -- Join char with same length char explain select * from char_join1_vc1_orc a join char_join1_vc1_orc b on (a.c2 = b.c2) order by a.c1; select * from char_join1_vc1_orc a join char_join1_vc1_orc b on (a.c2 = b.c2) order by a.c1; -- Join char with different length char explain select * from char_join1_vc1_orc a join char_join1_vc2_orc b on (a.c2 = b.c2) order by a.c1; select * from char_join1_vc1_orc a join char_join1_vc2_orc b on (a.c2 = b.c2) order by a.c1; -- Join char with string explain select * from char_join1_vc1_orc a join char_join1_str_orc b on (a.c2 = b.c2) order by a.c1; select * from char_join1_vc1_orc a join char_join1_str_orc b on (a.c2 = b.c2) order by a.c1; drop table char_join1_vc1; drop table char_join1_vc2; drop table char_join1_str; drop table char_join1_vc1_orc; drop table char_join1_vc2_orc; drop table char_join1_str_orc;