set hive.mapred.supports.subdirectories=true; set hive.exec.dynamic.partition=true; set hive.exec.dynamic.partition.mode=nonstrict; set; set hive.merge.smallfiles.avgsize=200; set mapred.input.dir.recursive=true; set hive.merge.mapfiles=false; set hive.merge.mapredfiles=false; set hive.merge.rcfile.block.level=true; -- INCLUDE_HADOOP_MAJOR_VERSIONS(0.23) -- SORT_QUERY_RESULTS -- list bucketing DML : dynamic partition (one level) , merge , one skewed column -- DML without merge files mixed with small and big files: -- ds=2008-04-08/hr=a1/HIVE_DEFAULT_LIST_BUCKETING_DIR_NAME/ -- 155 000000_0 -- ds=2008-04-08/hr=b1/key=484 -- 87 000000_0 -- 87 000001_0 -- ds=2008-04-08/hr=b1/HIVE_DEFAULT_LIST_BUCKETING_DIR_NAME/ -- 5201 000000_0 -- 5201 000001_0 -- DML with merge will merge small files -- skewed table CREATE TABLE list_bucketing_dynamic_part (key String, value STRING) PARTITIONED BY (ds string, hr string) skewed by (key) on ('484') stored as DIRECTORIES STORED AS RCFILE; -- list bucketing DML without merge. use bucketize to generate a few small files. explain extended insert overwrite table list_bucketing_dynamic_part partition (ds = '2008-04-08', hr) select key, value, if(key % 100 == 0, 'a1', 'b1') from srcpart where ds = '2008-04-08'; insert overwrite table list_bucketing_dynamic_part partition (ds = '2008-04-08', hr) select key, value, if(key % 100 == 0, 'a1', 'b1') from srcpart where ds = '2008-04-08'; -- check DML result show partitions list_bucketing_dynamic_part; desc formatted list_bucketing_dynamic_part partition (ds='2008-04-08', hr='a1'); desc formatted list_bucketing_dynamic_part partition (ds='2008-04-08', hr='b1'); set hive.merge.mapfiles=true; set hive.merge.mapredfiles=true; -- list bucketing DML with merge. use bucketize to generate a few small files. explain extended insert overwrite table list_bucketing_dynamic_part partition (ds = '2008-04-08', hr) select key, value, if(key % 100 == 0, 'a1', 'b1') from srcpart where ds = '2008-04-08'; insert overwrite table list_bucketing_dynamic_part partition (ds = '2008-04-08', hr) select key, value, if(key % 100 == 0, 'a1', 'b1') from srcpart where ds = '2008-04-08'; -- check DML result show partitions list_bucketing_dynamic_part; desc formatted list_bucketing_dynamic_part partition (ds='2008-04-08', hr='a1'); desc formatted list_bucketing_dynamic_part partition (ds='2008-04-08', hr='b1'); select count(1) from srcpart where ds = '2008-04-08'; select count(*) from list_bucketing_dynamic_part; set; explain extended select * from list_bucketing_dynamic_part where key = '484' and value = 'val_484'; select * from list_bucketing_dynamic_part where key = '484' and value = 'val_484'; select * from srcpart where ds = '2008-04-08' and key = '484' and value = 'val_484'; -- clean up drop table list_bucketing_dynamic_part;