create database vt; create view vt.v as select * from srcpart; describe formatted vt.v; -- modifying definition of unpartitioned view create or replace view vt.v partitioned on (ds, hr) as select * from srcpart; alter view vt.v add partition (ds='2008-04-08',hr='11'); alter view vt.v add partition (ds='2008-04-08',hr='12'); select * from vt.v where value='val_409' and ds='2008-04-08' and hr='11'; describe formatted vt.v; show partitions vt.v; alter view vt.v drop partition (ds='2008-04-08',hr='11'); alter view vt.v drop partition (ds='2008-04-08',hr='12'); show partitions vt.v; -- altering partitioned view 1 create or replace view vt.v partitioned on (ds, hr) as select value, ds, hr from srcpart; select * from vt.v where value='val_409' and ds='2008-04-08' and hr='11'; describe formatted vt.v; show partitions vt.v; -- altering partitioned view 2 create or replace view vt.v partitioned on (ds, hr) as select key, value, ds, hr from srcpart; select * from vt.v where value='val_409' and ds='2008-04-08' and hr='11'; describe formatted vt.v; show partitions vt.v; drop view vt.v; -- updating to fix view with invalid definition create table srcpart_temp like srcpart; create view vt.v partitioned on (ds, hr) as select * from srcpart_temp; drop table srcpart_temp; -- vt.v is now invalid create or replace view vt.v partitioned on (ds, hr) as select * from srcpart; describe formatted vt.v; drop view vt.v; drop database vt;