set; set; set; CREATE TABLE srcbucket_mapjoin(key int, value string) partitioned by (ds string) CLUSTERED BY (key) INTO 2 BUCKETS STORED AS TEXTFILE; CREATE TABLE tab_part (key int, value string) PARTITIONED BY(ds STRING) CLUSTERED BY (key) INTO 4 BUCKETS STORED AS TEXTFILE; CREATE TABLE srcbucket_mapjoin_part (key int, value string) partitioned by (ds string) CLUSTERED BY (key) INTO 4 BUCKETS STORED AS TEXTFILE; load data local inpath '../../data/files/srcbucket20.txt' INTO TABLE srcbucket_mapjoin partition(ds='2008-04-08'); load data local inpath '../../data/files/srcbucket22.txt' INTO TABLE srcbucket_mapjoin partition(ds='2008-04-08'); load data local inpath '../../data/files/srcbucket20.txt' INTO TABLE srcbucket_mapjoin_part partition(ds='2008-04-08'); load data local inpath '../../data/files/srcbucket21.txt' INTO TABLE srcbucket_mapjoin_part partition(ds='2008-04-08'); load data local inpath '../../data/files/srcbucket22.txt' INTO TABLE srcbucket_mapjoin_part partition(ds='2008-04-08'); load data local inpath '../../data/files/srcbucket23.txt' INTO TABLE srcbucket_mapjoin_part partition(ds='2008-04-08'); set hive.enforce.bucketing=true; set hive.enforce.sorting = true; set hive.optimize.bucketingsorting=false; insert overwrite table tab_part partition (ds='2008-04-08') select key,value from srcbucket_mapjoin_part; CREATE TABLE tab(key int, value string) PARTITIONED BY(ds STRING) CLUSTERED BY (key) INTO 2 BUCKETS STORED AS TEXTFILE; insert overwrite table tab partition (ds='2008-04-08') select key,value from srcbucket_mapjoin; set hive.convert.join.bucket.mapjoin.tez = true; explain select a.key, a.value, b.value from tab a join tab_part b on a.key = b.key; -- one side is really bucketed. srcbucket_mapjoin is not really a bucketed table. -- In this case the sub-query is chosen as the big table. explain select a.k1, a.v1, b.value from (select sum(substr(srcbucket_mapjoin.value,5)) as v1, key as k1 from srcbucket_mapjoin GROUP BY srcbucket_mapjoin.key) a join tab b on a.k1 = b.key; explain select a.k1, a.v1, b.value from (select sum(substr(tab.value,5)) as v1, key as k1 from tab_part join tab on tab_part.key = tab.key GROUP BY tab.key) a join tab b on a.k1 = b.key; explain select a.k1, a.v1, b.value from (select sum(substr(x.value,5)) as v1, x.key as k1 from tab x join tab y on x.key = y.key GROUP BY x.key) a join tab_part b on a.k1 = b.key; -- multi-way join explain select a.key, a.value, b.value from tab_part a join tab b on a.key = b.key join tab c on a.key = c.key; explain select a.key, a.value, c.value from (select x.key, x.value from tab_part x join tab y on x.key = y.key) a join tab c on a.key = c.key; -- in this case sub-query is the small table explain select a.key, a.value, b.value from (select key, sum(substr(srcbucket_mapjoin.value,5)) as value from srcbucket_mapjoin GROUP BY srcbucket_mapjoin.key) a join tab_part b on a.key = b.key; set; explain select a.key, a.value, b.value from (select key, sum(substr(srcbucket_mapjoin.value,5)) as value from srcbucket_mapjoin GROUP BY srcbucket_mapjoin.key) a join tab_part b on a.key = b.key; -- join on non-bucketed column results in broadcast join. explain select a.key, a.value, b.value from tab a join tab_part b on a.value = b.value; CREATE TABLE tab1(key int, value string) CLUSTERED BY (key) INTO 2 BUCKETS STORED AS TEXTFILE; insert overwrite table tab1 select key,value from srcbucket_mapjoin; explain select a.key, a.value, b.value from tab1 a join tab_part b on a.key = b.key; explain select a.key, b.key from tab_part a join tab_part c on a.key = c.key join tab_part b on a.value = b.value;